Thursday, August 8, 2024

Cooler on Wednesday

Okra Flower

It was cooler on Wednesday, with a high of only 91F.  Quite comfortable, except for a brief period during the late afternoon, 

M was here in the early afternoon to tend to the garden.  He brought me some Indian jasmine flowers from his garden and an eggplant from his vegetable patch.  He watered both front and back and he tidied up the front garden, removing the dead osteospermum plants.  



There's more bare ground to be seen, but, it looks tidier, doesn't it?

M will be taking a much deserved week-long break, so he will not be here on Friday or next Wednesday.  I'll be on watering duty!

On Wednesday, I started cleaning and tidying the family room.  I dusted, cleared some of the horizontal surfaces, flattened several boxes to be recycled (what is it with me and boxes?  Why do I want to keep all the boxes in which things are delivered?), put away a load of laundry, and did some paperwork.

The paperwork gave me a headache as there was yet another notification of a data breach and then, there was a letter about a car that I am supposed to have which I don't have and have never had (which prompted a check with one of the credit bureaus that I'm registered with, although I have a freeze on my credit, just to make sure that no one tried to buy a car using my information), a mix-up with a wrong item being delivered instead of what had been ordered, and, finally, a letter urging me to make my funeral arrangements!  Um...

At one point, I had to text my daughter to ask her for help and the poor thing took care of it for me, but, I've been told that I'm not allowed to do paperwork after midnight because her brain is too tired after a full day of work to deal with it!  Oops!  I honestly don't know what I'd do without her to help me!  

I am grateful for:

- A slightly cooler day
- M's help with the garden
- M's gift of flowers and an eggplant
- My daughter and all the help she gives me
- Fans and electricity

Wednesday's joyful activities included gardening with M, watching Olympics coverage, and a bit of sewing.

Plans for Thursday include finishing up the family room and more paperwork (filing).

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?



  1. Your garden does look much better! I wish I had an M to help tidy mine!

    1. Thank you, Anne. I, too, wish you had an M to help with your garden! He is such a great gardener and a good friend.

  2. I don't like paperwork when it's all in order. What a mess you had to deal with. Is your daughter a night owl like you? Does she have to start work early?

    1. I don't like paperwork, myself, June. Yes, my daughter is a night owl and she starts work fairly early. She'll need a nap after work, today!

  3. What is it with boxes? It's the idea that they will come in useful one day :) I think most of us will be guilty of this one.
    Paperwork always gives me a headache. Xx

    1. Yes, I keep thinking that I'll reuse them as storage containers. I dislike paperwork and procrastinate doing it more than anything else! But, it feels so good when it is all done!

  4. M has done a good job tidying your front garden and he deserves his week long break. I'm glad your daughter is able to help you even though she is tired after work . Those sorts of problems are very worrying aren't they. I have spent a couple of days trying to sort something important and my brain has been well and truly frazzled!

    1. M did a very good job tidying the front garden and I took some pictures that I'll post later. He does need a little time to tend to his own garden and rest a bit. He usually puts in 14 hour days, most of the time.
      I'm truly blessed to have a daughter who will help me even when she's tired. I need to be more considerate when I ask for her help, though, and not wait until after midnight during the work week! I hope you are able to sort out your particular issue without further difficulties.

  5. I never knew okra had such pretty blossoms. Your front garden looks well-tended. You’ll be busy with your gardening work while M. has a vacation. Hoping the weather cooperates. 😊
    Younger daughter missed the earthquake tremors, as you surmised. She was very happy with her trip, although there were some complaints about traffic on the 99.😉
    My older daughter and her husband both work in IT, so I take turns asking them for help when I’m in over my head. Don’t know what I would do without my support team!
    We had more rain today and it’s cool again. I did a little organizing and decluttered a couple items. Now I need to dig into that paperwork (the bane of my existence). 🙇🏻‍♀️

    1. Okra is in the same family as hibiscus and the flowers are quite pretty. Yes, M did a good job tidying the front and I'll be busy watering while he's gone.
      I'm glad your younger daughter had a good trip, even with traffic. :) And I'm glad you have tech support when needed! Rain and cooler weather sounds good. Well done with the decluttering and organizing. Sounds like everyone dislikes paperwork!

    2. Ha! When I saw the photo I wondered if it was some variety of hibiscus. Then I felt silly when I read the post, but now I no longer feel so daft. Learn something new every day.
      If you ever run short of boxes, I have lots to spare :) (Can't offer IT support, though!)

    3. You were right to wonder if it was a variety of hibiscus, Ella. :)
      Thank you for the offer of boxes! I put some in the recycling bin and used some to cover some of the flowerbeds to keep the weeds down. :)

  6. I love the flower on the okra plant. I've never seen one before.
    I have a thing about boxes, too, especially nice big boot boxes with firm lids, and little fancy boxes. Delivery boxes are appealing, I might just want to fill them with things to donate! I can store things in boxes, too, like the winter bird feeders in summer and the hummingbird feeders in winter! But now I find that if I donate certain items, they will free up plastic boxes and then I will have to deal with them, too!

    1. The okra plant is in the hibiscus family and the flower reminds me a bit of the rose of Sharon flower.
      I'm glad that I'm not the only one who keeps boxes thinking they'll be useful! But, I can't keep each and every one of them!

  7. Your garden looks very nice all cleared up. Pretty okra flowers. I also keep boxes! Every now and then I force myself to recycle most of the shipping boxes, and so far I've not missed any of those! This week I've finally started decluttering, mostly sorting through old papers I let pile up. I'd love to borrow your daughter!!

    1. Thank you, Celie. I'm pleased with how the front garden looks, now.
      Looks like many people collect those boxes! I recycled some, today, and used a few to keep the weeds down in one of the flower beds. I guess I could always order a few things if I needed more boxes! :D
      Well done with getting started on the decluttering. I have lots of papers to get rid of, myself. I'm so blessed to have my daughter!
      I hope you have recovered and are feeling well, now.

  8. Sounds like a bit of frustrating paperwork! I hope the car is just a mistake. The garden certainly does look tidier. What a nice job m did.

    1. Yes, the paperwork was a bit stressful, but, I think it has been resolved. Thank you; M did go a good job, didn't he?

  9. Oh yes, much tidier and pleasing to the eye.
    You will miss M but you will (or already have;) persevered!
    His job must be hard to do in the heat of a California summer.
    I'm glad your daughter was able to help you with the paperwork.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I have missed M, but, he needs a little downtime, himself. I don't know how he manages to garden in the heat, but, he seems to be able to tolerate the heat. Yes, I'm very lucky to have a daughter who can help me. I told her to treat herself to dinner on my account in return and she did. :)


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