Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A New Week

A Trio of Red Roses

Here we are, starting a new week in June, with spring coming to an end and summer just about to start.  I am trying to maintain my momentum from last week, when it comes to housework.

This week's focus is the bathroom.  So, on Monday, I decided to clean and tidy the cabinet over the bathroom sink and the cabinet under the sink.  I wiped down the lights that are over the medicine cabinet and dusted the top of the cabinet, then, cleaned the mirrors.  The medicine cabinet shelves were fine as I had sorted through them, earlier.  

The cabinet under the sink has two drawers which are fine, too - the top one holds my hair dryer, a hair curling wand, and a bag of cotton balls (one of my last purchases from the dollar store before it closed), the lower drawer holds several containers of wet wipes, which are part of my earthquake supplies (to be used if access to clean fresh water is limited).  The main part of the cabinet is one open space, which hides the sink drain pipe, etc.  I use this to store some cleaning supplies and my stash of spare light bulbs.


I had kept the light bulbs in a small plastic shoebox type container, but, as you can see, the supply of bulbs didn't fit inside the container!  I know that there are some lovely bathroom cabinet storage units, but, I didn't want to buy anything.  

Instead, I took a clean cardboard box and covered it with some gift wrap that I had on hand, and put all the light bulbs in it:


It will be easy enough to pull the box out when I want to choose a new bulb.  I left the cleaning supplies in the plastic basket, as everything is nicely contained in there.  

On Monday, in addition to cleaning and sorting through the bathroom cabinet, I cleaned the refrigerator, took the trash cans to the curb, did a load of dishes, and watered the garden.  I also picked more blueberries.

On Tuesday, I brought in the emptied trash cans, looked through the weekly grocery ads, picked more blueberries, did a load of laundry, finished joining all the crocheted granny squares and started on the border, and sorted through one kitchen cabinet where I keep some pantry items such as pasta, boxes of cereal, containers of sugar, etc.  As I told my daughter, I am not allowed to buy any more pasta for at least the rest of the year!  

That cabinet is a floor-to-ceiling cabinet and I sorted through the two shelves of the upper part of that cabinet.  My plan is to sort through the lower part of the cabinet, over the next couple of days.

Tuesday's brunch was French toast; dinner was spaghetti; snacks included peaches and dried palmyra palm sprouts, known as kotta kilengu.  

As we start a new week in June, I am grateful foo:

- Sunny, warm weather
- Water for the garden
- Garden fruits
- A well stocked pantry
- What I was able to accomplish

My joyful activities have included picking garden fruit and crocheting.

Plans for Wednesday include tending to the garden with M, picking more blueberries, sorting through another kitchen cabinet, and crocheting.

How is your week coming along?  What are your plans for Wednesday?


  1. Your trio of red roses are lovely and my climbing red roses are blooming too. Covering a cardboard box for storage is such a good idea and I have a few of those plastic storage boxes myself but they're not very deep. Just a word of caution though, I don't think under the sink is the best place to store light bulbs, I'm just saying as I had a leak under the sink one time and it would be such a shame for the box or bulbs to be water damaged. I just keep cleaning stuff under my sink now.

    1. Thank you, Eileen, and I'm glad that your roses are blooming, too. :)
      Oh, thank you for the caution about storing the bulbs under the sink and the potential for leaks! I didn't think about that! I shall find another place for the bulbs!

  2. You kept you momentum going with your very productive day. I see more in your future. :)

    1. Thank you, June. It's a bit of a struggle to keep the momentum going, but, Dancer made sure I did another load of laundry today by throwing up all over the newly washed rug in my daughter's bedroom!

  3. Excellent organizing! It’s nice to open a cabinet and see something pretty as well as useful.
    You’re getting a lot done these days. Time for me to make a better effort around the house. It’s rather warm here, so I’ll get some things ticked off the list early. 😊

    1. Thank you, Taconix. I like to see a nicely organized cabinet, even if I am the only one seeing it! It's finally warming up over here and I tend to get more done when I am not huddled in front of the heater! :D Don't try to do too much when it is too hot, though!

  4. Nice and tidy! (But now I am worrying about your U-bend springing a leak!) Gosh I have a whole drawer full of spare bulbs ... some I bought and then a load that I got from Freecycle. More than I will ever use but most are old style ones and I couldn't rehome them as people favour the energy saving ones now. I suppose bills are much too high as it is so no-one wants to do anything to push them up further. Yet it cost energy and resources to manufacture these bulbs, so throwing them away unused also seems a travesty! Sigh!

    1. PS. Meant to say I live your rose-on-trellis photo!

    2. Love it, not live it!

    3. Thank you, Lady Ella. Yes, Eileen (comment above) said the same thing about a possible leak. I will rehome the light bulbs - I have a plastic shelving unit to the side of the bathroom cabinet, where I keep various items and that's next on the list of things to clean and sort out; I'll move something from there to under the sink and put the light bulbs on the shelf. I, too, have one or two old, 100watt bulbs, in my stock; it seems a shame to just toss them.

    4. Oops, sorry I didn't see/read her comment when I posted mine. I hope we haven't jinxed your sink...

    5. Thank you, Lady Ella; the roses were backlit by the setting sun and I don't think you are supposed to take pictures with backlighting, but, I wanted to take a picture of the roses.
      I have since reorganized the under sink cabinet. :)

  5. It was a good idea to use the box. The gift wrap looks really pretty and everything looks so much tidier now. My decluttering has slowed down a bit recently, but I do what I can when I have time. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. You are recovering from a major illness; you should be resting and not trying to declutter!

  6. Beautiful roses, such a vibrant true red. I like your storage box creation. Our Wednesday plans mostly involve being indoors with this extreme heat - our region is experiencing, with humidity, temperatures in the mid 40's (c). I may be decorating one of my perfect Amazon boxes with some pretty but not useable scrapping paper ... :)

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. I like to use fabric or paper covered boxes for storage. Take it easy when it is so hot and humid. The humidity always gets to me, these days.

  7. Well doesn't that look so much better! I always love a fix that makes such a big difference, that costs nothing but your own imagination to use what you already have.
    And now you've moved on to your pantry cabinet AND your finishing up your crochet blanket.
    Your still in your busy mode.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I've been cautioned that the bulbs should be stored somewhere else, just in case the plumbing leaks, so, I need to find another home for them! But, the cabinet does look tidier, doesn't it?
      Yes, I'm trying to get my cupboards organized - part of the reason why I have stuff out on horizontal surfaces is because my cupboards are a mess and there's no room to store stuff!

  8. My goodness you are really on a cleaning/organizing whirl now! Your storage looks pretty and tidy.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. Got to get things done when I am in the mood to do so!

  9. The roses are lovely. You sure are going strong organizing and cleaning! I've been working in the garden, though it's been very rainy here and the mosquitoes are ferocious! Maybe it's time I follow your example and start some organizing inside! I like the covered box. Great idea.

    1. Thank you, Celie; those red roses are a joy!
      I'm feeling motivated to get a few things organized because I want to do some sewing without feeling that I am neglecting the housework!
      Getting bitten by mosquitoes isn't fun! But, this is the season for gardening, isn't it? By the way, have you decided if you will teach that one course in the Fall?


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