Thursday, June 27, 2024

Midweek on Wednesday


The First Strawberry!

The first strawberry is getting ripe and a pair of mourning doves have been spotted walking on the ground, circling around the pot of strawberry plants!  I have a feeling they are eyeing it and I'm wondering if I should pick it now or keep it until my daughter gets home so she can have the pleasure of picking it!  

M was here this morning and he set up the window air conditioner up in the bedroom window for the summer.  I had to move the bed aside for him to access the window and I took the opportunity to sweep under the bed and afterwards, I vacuumed my bedroom and daughter's bedroom. 

M transplanted some of the okra seedlings and watered the garden (and weeded it, too).

I ordered my groceries in the afternoon and picked them up at 4:30 p.m.  I had submitted my order already, when I realized that I had forgotten to order some green beans and broccoli.  I tried to modify my order, but, it was too late to do so.  Oh, well, I had ordered an iceberg lettuce and two cucumbers and there are carrots in the fridge; I can manage with those for now and buy green beans from the ethnic store (or, put in another order next week). Besides, daughter brought home a cabbage that she had, which wouldn't keep until she went back to her apartment, so, that works out well (I have canned and frozen vegetables, but, not green beans).  

After I came home from picking up the groceries, I put stuff away, had a cup of tea, watched the news, and relaxed a bit.  I'll do a separate grocery post.

Then, I cooked dinner - salmon, sauteed with onions, tomatoes, and bell peppers (all from the freezer), rice, and made a cucumber salad.  There was tomato chutney to go with the dinner and ice cream for dessert.  After I cooked the dinner, I cleared the kitchen counters and tidied up the kitchen, a bit.

Daughter's flight arrived a little after 9:00 p.m. and I picked her up from the airport.  Then, we came home, had dinner, chatted a bit, and she went to bed a little after midnight.  She is working from home for the rest of this week and she has an early morning meeting, tomorrow (it'll be a day of meetings, according to what she said, with a short break for lunch).  

Today, I am grateful for:

- Daughter had a safe flight home
- M put up the window AC unit for me
- M's help with the garden
- Being able to order groceries online and pick up, curbside
- Safe drives to the grocery store and airport and back

Wednesday's joyful activity was hugging my daughter!   

Plans for Thursday include tidying the linen closet and doing another load of laundry.  Most probably I'll also watch the presidential debate in the evening and crochet.

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?  


  1. So glad daughter can visit again. One of the (few) benefits of COVID means employers allow WFH, and as long as you are "at work" it doesn't matter which "home" you are in! I hope the birds didn't eat your strawberries🍓. My two new little plants yielded 8 berries for us and 3 for the birds. One tiny berry 🍓 left, which I am watching assiduously! I harvested my first ever mini cucumber🥒 yesterday , which will go into our lunchtime salad🥒

    1. Thank you, Angela. Yes, being able to work remotely is one of the few benefits of COVID. You are very kind to share the strawberries with the birds! And how wonderful to have mini cucumbers from your garden! I haven't had much success growing cucumber in my garden, so far.

  2. How lovely that your daughter is home to stay with you for awhile. If I were you I'd pick that strawberry before the birds feast on it and I'm sure your daughter will enjoy your very first strawberry.
    Too hot to do anything here, I even cut Tilly's walk short yesterday because the pavements were too hot for her little paws.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; yes, it's lovely to have my daughter visit. I plan on picking that strawberry, today! My daughter and I will share it. :)
      I'm sorry it is so hot where you are and the pavements were too hot for Tilly! I'm sure she appreciated not having to walk on the hot pavements. Stay cool and relax in the garden, Tilly.

  3. It's always a joyous day when you daughter comes home. Enjoy her visit.

    1. It really is, June. Thank you, I will! :)

  4. Oh, the perfect strawberry! And hope your daughter beat the mourning doves to it.
    My younger daughter is coming tomorrow after work to visit. She’ll go back to Philadelphia for Independence Day with her friends, then wrap up everything to leave the following week. Thank you for your prayers for her safe travels.
    I plan to watch the debate tonight. The protocols and format sound well thought out.
    I know you will enjoy the time with your daughter. ☺️

    1. I am looking forward to sharing that first strawberry with my daughter. It's still on the plant, ripening just that little bit more in the sun!
      I hope you have a wonderful visit with your younger daughter when she comes home, tomorrow. I will definitely keep her in my prayers; I hope her cat is more amenable to riding in a car than Dancer!
      Enjoy watching the debate tonight! :)

  5. It must feel good to have your daughter home for a while. How long will she be staying for?
    I always think the first strawberry is rather special. Xx

    1. It does feel good to have my daughter home for a visit. She'll be here for about 10 days. :) The first strawberry is always very special! :)

  6. What a beautiful strawberry! I would have to have an armed guard here to protect such a prize from the birds and chipmunks. It's whoever gets there first around here. Glad to hear that your daughter arrived safely and that you enjoyed that hug!

    1. It is a lovely strawberry, isn't it? It's still ripening, but, I plan to pick it, later this evening. Thank you, Bushlady; it feels good to have my daughter home, again. :)

  7. I too have okra seedlings. I am going to transplanted them after I get the shade cloth this weekend.

    And I also sautéed salmon with onions, tomato and bell pepper. It was canned pink salmon though. :)

    Can you cover the strawberry pot with a net to protect it from birds?

    1. That's a good idea to wait till you get the shade cloth to transplant the okra seedlings. I watered the transplanted seedlings, today, to keep them going until they get used to being transplanted.

      Canned pink salmon is good, too, with onions, tomato, and bell pepper.

      I'm thinking of covering the strawberry plants with netting! I wanted to do that with the blueberries, earlier, but, one of my readers mentioned that sometimes, the birds get caught in the net. I wouldn't want to hurt the birds.

  8. You salmon dinner sounds so wonderful! It's a favorite of mine. And yay for the strawberry! I hope it lasts until your daughter can pick it. I've been watching some doves in my backyard here lately, too. I love them! I just love watching the birds in general.

    1. Thank you, Mandy. Salmon cooked this way is one of my daughter's favorite meals and it's the one she requested for dinner on the day she came home. She picked the strawberry, today, and we shared it. It was delicious! I, too, love to watch the birds in the garden. There are mourning doves, mockingbirds, sparrows, hummingbirds, and a couple of other species of birds that I don't know the names of. :)

  9. Wonderful that your daughter is home with you to celebrate July 4th. Let's hope you get the strawberries & not the birds :)

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. :)
      Yes, my daughter and I got to share the strawberry! The birds lost, this time, but, there's another strawberry starting to ripen! LOL.


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