Friday, June 14, 2024

Productive Thursday

Pink Flowered Strawberry Plants

Introducing the newest additions to my garden - Gasana Strawberries. 

This variety of strawberries is supposed to be ever-bearing with pink flowers and red fruit.  M bought a plant for himself, last week, on Friday, and showed it to me; I asked him to get me two plants.  He bought them on Tuesday and planted them for me on Wednesday (I reimbursed him, of course).  We planted them both in one fairly large pot.  Hopefully, we will have some strawberries, later this summer!  I generally don't have much luck growing strawberries, but, M thinks these will do well.  We shall see!  But the flowers are very pretty, aren't they?

I slept in on Thursday morning, and woke up late, but, feeling energetic.  So, after my morning cup of tea and morning prayers, I put away the few pieces of laundry that I left hanging to dry overnight, and tidied the shelving unit in the dining area.  Then, I moved on to the kitchen.  I ran the dishwasher and washed a few other dishes by hand, wiped down the countertops, the fronts of the lower cabinets and drawers, and the fridge.  Later, I swept and mopped the floor.  I also did a load of laundry and washed the kitchen rug and the bathroom mats.

In addition, I finished cleaning my bedroom - the dressing table was dusted and tidied, the mirrors polished, and the floor vacuumed.  I also vacuumed my daughter's bedroom and the hallway.  

There were many breaks in between tasks, during which I had my brunch (the last of the egg salad sandwich), dinner (freshly cooked rice with leftover curries), snacks (peaches, yogurt), checked on the garden, watched some online videos, crocheted, called friend R to check on her, and chatted with my daughter.  But, I am now caught up on my weekly cleaning and all that's left for Friday is cleaning my bathroom.  I am quite pleased with Thursday's productivity.  I wish I felt as energetic every day, but, I don't.  

On Thursday, I was grateful for:

- Waking up feeling energetic and motivated
- What I was able to accomplish
- New plants for the garden
- Working appliances
- Phone calls and exchanging emails with friends

Thursday's joyful activity was crocheting.

Plans for Friday include cleaning the bathroom and tending to the garden with M.  

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?


  1. Here's hoping you have some delicious strawberries to look forward to and the flowers are very pretty. It's good you had a day when you accomplished lots of household tasks and then once your bathroom is done you can sit back and relax.
    The weather forecast threatened torrential rain for yesterday but it turned out to be plenty of showers but I didn't get too wet and my hospital appointment went well.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I hope there will be some strawberries and the birds will leave them alone! LOL. I found Chicken Little INSIDE the corn enclosure, this morning, happily pecking away at the ground (hopefully not eating the newly planted kernels!)
      I cleaned the bathroom this morning and I am happy to say that I am done with my weekly cleaning for this week! I can play all weekend without feeling guilty! :D
      I am glad your appointment went well. I was hoping and praying that it would. Hope you didn't get too wet going and coming.

  2. I don't think any of us feel energetic every day, but it's great when we do. Once again, another plant that I'm not familiar with. I've never seen strawberries with pink blooms, but they're quite pretty. I wonder how they would do in my climate?

    1. It would be wonderful if I felt more energetic more often than I do. I'm pretty sure that the pink flowered strawberries will grow well in your climate. Might be something to try?

  3. The strawberry flowers are beautiful. I hope you get some luscious fruit!
    What a busy and productive day you had. I need one of those to get caught up.
    Thursday was a nice social kind of day and I enjoyed every minute. Today is our annual boiler cleaning and service so I swept the basement and folded up the clothing racks.
    I may grocery shop today. We have frozen and pantry items, but need some fresh fruit and vegetables. 🥗

    1. The strawberry flowers are a lovely color, aren't they?
      I am so happy that I had a productive day, yesterday! It has been a productive week and I feel very happy about it.
      I'm glad you had a lovely, social day, yesterday. Hope the boiler cleaning and service goes well and enjoy your grocery shopping. :)

  4. I also had an egg salad sandwich today for lunch. I was inspired by your menu plan! I hadn't made one in years, and I enjoyed it. The strawberry flowers are very sweet. I hope you get lots of berries.

    1. Glad you enjoyed your egg salad sandwich, Celie. I add a finely minced Serrano chili to my egg salad and it really adds a little extra flavor to it. :) The strawberry flowers are pretty, aren't they? Hope there will be lots of berries, too!

  5. The strawberry flowers are just so interesting, even before any fruit appears. I wonder if the fruits will live up to expectation, coming from such exotic blooms?

    1. They are pretty, aren't they? I, too, hope that there will be berries and they will be tasty!

  6. Those are beautiful strawberry plants! I hope the fruit is as delicious as the flowers are beautiful.
    What a busy and productive week you have had. And reading through your responses to comments, I see you've now finished your tasks and your feet are up!
    A rest well deserved. :)

    1. These strawberry plants are worth planting for just the flowers, aren't they? I do hope they'll produce some fruit to enjoy, though!
      Yes, it was a very productive week and I am happy about that. I wish I could keep it up every week, but, I can't! Or, don't want to! LOL. I'm sort of coasting, this week. :)

  7. Interesting pink-flowered strawberry. I hope you get to eat more of the fruits than I get of mine!

    1. Thank you! There is one strawberry, forming, and I am keeping a watchful eye on it! :D


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