Friday, May 31, 2024



Another photo of the pink rose

I didn't take any photographs on Thursday, so, I'm posting a second photo I took of the rose, earlier.

On Thursday, I had a doctor's appointment at noon.  Although I left the house in plenty of time, there was a lot of traffic with some road closures and at least one protest adding to the already heavy traffic.  There were traffic officers directing the traffic at practically every intersection and that helped, but, I was a few minutes late to my appointment!  But, they were very understanding at the doctor's office.  I was taken in right away, weighed, etc., and the doctor checked me and went over the blood test results with me.  They were mostly good, but, I needed medication for the one not-so-good one.  I had been hoping to avoid additional medications, but, I am thankful that a medication is available for it.

Afterwards, I went to the little ethnic store near the doctor's office and bought two raisin buns from them.  And, on the way home, I picked up a pizza for my lunch (with leftovers for another couple of meals).

While having my lunch, I watched the news.  Afterwards, I did two loads of laundry, changed the sofa dust covers, spent an hour or so weeding in the back garden, and picked some blueberries.  I am freezing these blueberries to share with my daughter when she next visits.

In the evening, I watched a couple of TV programs, downloaded another book to read on the library's app, and chatted with my daughter.  

On Thursday, I am grateful for:

- A safe drive to the doctor's appointment and back
- A mostly good blood test report
- The availability of medications for the one thing that needs treatment
- Blueberries from the garden
- Working appliances

Thursday's joyful activity was spending time in the garden.

Plans for Friday include picking up my medications from the pharmacy and tending to the garden with M.

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?


  1. That's a beautiful rose, I do like both pink and red roses. My pink roses have bloomed and died maybe because of all the heavy rain we've had.
    Good to know your blood test revealed something that can be easily treated. I hope the medication does it's job.
    We are visiting husband's brother and wife today as they celebrate their golden wedding anniversary tomorrow, they married the week after us.
    Brother-in-law is not in good health now and needs to use a wheelchair and we are long overdue a visit so we will be glad to see them as they are to see us.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I hope your roses will bloom again, later in the summer.
      Yes, the medications will help. I used to be on medication for it, before, then, things improved and I was able to come off the meds, but, now, I need to go back on the meds.
      Happy anniversary to your brother in law and his wife. How wonderful to be able to be with them as they celebrate their golden wedding anniversary! Hope you have a wonderful visit.

  2. I'm glad you could be prescribed the relevant medication. Our health can be such a concern, and I'm always grateful we can receive good care whenever we need it.
    I have another appointment booked for my foot problem. It isn't until the end of July, but thankfully it isn't serious, just incredibly painful. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. I'm sorry your foot it so painful. Maybe you need to rest it until you are seen by the doctor?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Such a pretty pink rose. And what a fabulous gift from your daughter; the new laptop will keep you connected to her & your many blog followers. It does seem to now be the season of roads works - everywhere. (col).

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou.
      Yes, a wonderful gift from my daughter and I am appreciating it very much! Not only can I stay connected with her and my blog friends, I can also read the ebooks I downloaded from the library without the connection needing to be refreshed every few minutes!

  5. My Thursday was good. I enjoyed it immensely.
    Beautiful rose!
    I’m glad you can treat your medical imperfection with a prescription. It’s always a relief to get things under control, even when it means taking a pill.
    Sounds like a great year for blueberries. 🫐

    1. Thank you, Taconix. Yes, I'm thankful that there are medications available to treat my medical condition.
      The blueberries are ripening faster than I can pick them! :D
      Glad you had a good day on Thursday. Hope your Friday was good, too. :)
      I'm glad

  6. What a good thing you left plenty of time to get to your appointment. Protests take up a lot of space and time on the roads! I'm glad that you can have medication to keep your one concern under control.

    1. Yes, I try to leave in what I consider to be plenty of time, but, maybe I need leave even earlier, the next time!
      Thank you, Bushlady; modern medications are marvels!

  7. The rose is gorgeous. I'm glad that there is medicine available for you. Stay well.

    1. Thank you, Celie. I, too, am very glad that there are medications available for me. :)

  8. I am glad your doctor's appointment was mostly good, as you called it.
    That's better than mostly bad so there is that, right?
    And you got the pizza which is always a good way to celebrate a doctor's visit lol

    1. Thank you, Debra. Yes, it was mostly good. Most of the blood work results were good, pressure, etc., were good, too, and I was 3 lbs. less than I had been in March on my previous visit. It could have been worse.
      And the pizza was definitely a treat! :D


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