Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day Weekend

Garden Flowers

The second Sunday in May is Mother's Day, here in the US and in Canada, too.  Happy Mother's Day to all the women who are mothers, step-mothers, foster mothers, or fulfill the role of a mother in someone else's life.  I hope you have had a lovely weekend.

It has been a sunny and warm weekend at this end.

On Saturday, I changed the bedsheets on my daughter's bed (she's not here, of course, but, Dancer has been sleeping in her bed) and the sofa dust sheets and did a load of laundry.  In the afternoon, neighbor S called me to offer me some watermelon and I went over to visit her very briefly, as it was the one year anniversary of her mother-in-law's passing.  S gave me a quarter of a watermelon, saying she and her family couldn't finish the whole watermelon they had bought, a slice of zucchini bread, and a gata (Armenian cookie)!

Treats Compliments of Neighbor S

In the evening, I cooked another chicken curry with the second tray of chicken thighs I had bought, earlier:

Chicken Curry

Once again, there were eight thighs in the package; I ate one of the thighs for dinner, with the yogurt flatbread/roti I made to go with the chicken curry, and froze the rest of the chicken curry in smaller packages for future meals.

Yogurt Flatbread/Roti

Today, Sunday, I had another piece of chicken curry and roti for my brunch.  I had considered making waffles or French toast, but, curry and roti was what I wanted and that's what I had!  I ate some watermelon, afterwards.  All I wanted for dinner was scrambled eggs and toast.

I had a very relaxed day.  I spoke on the phone with friend R, former neighbor T, aunt C, and, of course, with my daughter; texted with cousin N and with my late friend A's daughter.  I walked in the garden and picked some flowers.  I watched some videos online and crocheted.  Later in the evening, I video chatted with my daughter.  

This weekend, I was grateful for:

- My daughter
- My mother
- Being able to keep in touch with family and friends
- Having wonderful neighbors like S
- Garden flowers

My joyful activities included chatting with my daughter, phoning and texting with family and friends, and spending time in the garden.

Plans for Monday include some much needed housework and tidying the linen closet!

How was your weekend?  What are your plans for Monday? 


  1. The garden flowers are beautiful. Happy Mother's Day, Bless! Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. There was a single red rose, too, which I displayed separately. :)

  2. Very pretty flowers from your garden. I hope your Mother's Day was good & it was good that you could video chat. Getting to eat what you fancy is such a treat. We often have "breakfast" for dinner :)

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou.
      Yes, I had a good Mother's Day, thank you. :)
      I do have some dietary guidelines/restrictions, but, for the most part, I eat what I please within those guidelines. :) Breakfast for dinner happens quite often in my household, too! :) Hope all is well with you and Mr. Man (I haven't checked your Monday post, yet).

  3. Those garden flowers look like a professional bouquet. They look exquisite.

    I'm glad that you're in a good place with your daughter. She's lucky to have you.

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. Very kind of you to say so.
      I am truly blessed to have my daughter. She shows her love and caring every day, not just on Mother's Day. :)

  4. I particularly like the flowers you chose for you vase. Such striking colors.

    1. Thank you, June. I like the combination of purple and orange. :)

  5. It was my mum's birthday yesterday - so, even though she was in the UK & we're in France, we sang Happy Birthday to her in church. Very appropriate that it was Mother's Day (though not in France or the UK!). Love FD xx

    1. Happy birthday to your mum! That's so nice that everyone at church sang Happy Birthday to her! :)

  6. Blessings.

    1. Thank you, Regine; the same to you, too. :)

  7. Now I know for sure that you have your days turned around. You have dinner for brunch and breakfast for dinner! 😀👍

    1. I do, Bushlady! Growing up, having curry and roti or bread was quite common; lunch was almost always rice and curries. Dinner could be stew and bread, or Chinese food, or stringhoppers and curries, etc.

  8. It sounds like you had a good mother's day. The garden bouquet is lovely and all the food looks yummy! Yes I am excited to be retiring soon, tho right now that is tempered by a cold! It was bad all weekend but getting better now. I still need to finish clearing out my office this week.

    1. Yes, I did have a good Mother's Day, Celie, even though my daughter was unable to visit. :)
      Thank you; I like having a few stems of garden flowers in a vase in the house, especially during this time of the year, when there are flowers to be picked. :)
      I'm so sorry to hear about the cold; hope you recover soon and get your office cleared out. I wish you all the best in retirement; I have enjoyed being retired.

  9. Sounds like a lovely relaxing Mother's Day. So glad you had a good one.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Hope you had a good Mother's Day, too, and your daughter's first!

  10. Your garden flowers are very pretty. I hope you had a nice Mother's Day. It sounds like you did :)

    1. Thank you, Debra; yes, I have a very nice day. :)


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