Monday, May 20, 2024


Sunday Afternoon Naps

Thank you, everyone, for your comments and for your patience while I try to deal with the internet interruptions.  I will try to reply to comments as and when I can. But, currently, what I am doing is posting all the comments in one go while I have a connection and depending on how long the connection lasts, I will respond then or later. So, if I don't respond to your comments as soon as I post them, please don't think I'm ignoring your comment.

Sunday has been a fairly quiet day.  My daughter flew to Omaha, Nebraska for a conference, today.  She flew out from the San Francisco Airport, with a layover in Denver.  She said the flight was smooth until it was time to touch down at Denver and then, there was a lot of turbulence, with the plane descending at such a fast rate that all the passengers looked at one another wondering what might happen. But, they touched down safely!  The flight from Denver to Omaha was quite turbulent, too, she said, with the flight attendants remaining seated for the most part. But, she arrived safe and sound and made her way to the hotel room.  As usual, I had the altar light on the entire time until she called to tell me she was safely in the hotel. Later, we Facetimed, since I now have a phone that allows us to do that (usually, we video chat on our computers).  The conference starts on Monday and ends on Thursday; she will fly back on Thursday night.

I spent a relaxed day, checking on things in the garden, going online as and when I could, and doing some crocheting.  I accepted another package for friend R and called her to let her know that it had arrived.  I also called cousin V to confirm the plans for tomorrow.  I offered to bring something for lunch and, at first, she said not to worry, she has prepared a curry and we'll just share whatever else is there.  But, when I offered to bring a chicken curry and a stir fry, she said to bring the stir fry.  So, that's what I will do. 

Today, I am grateful for:

- Daughter had a safe flight to the conference
- All my blog readers
- At least some internet service
- Having a phone with Facetime capability
- A sunny day

Today's joyful activity was video chatting with my daughter.

My plans for Monday include visiting my cousins and having lunch with them.  

I hope you have a wonderful Monday and a good start to your week.

What's better than an afternoon nap in the sun?


  1. I'm glad your daughter arrived safely, and I hope her flight home will be a lot less turbulent.
    I hope you have an enjoyable lunch date with your cousins. Its back to work for me today, but it's been a lovely weekend. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. I did have a lovely lunch with my cousins, today. I'm glad you had a lovely weekend and I hope you had a good day at work, too.

  2. I'm glad your daughter had a safe flight and you were able to FaceTime her. Have a lovely time time with your cousins again.

    1. Thank you, Eileen.
      I did enjoy my lunch with my cousins (only two cousins, this time, as the other cousin was busy running errands).

  3. Dancer found the perfect napping spot for a sunny Sunday!
    Good that your daughter arrived safely! It’s hard to relax when our dears are traveling. I hope she enjoys her trip and has a worthwhile conference. Isn’t FaceTime handy to have on your cellphone?
    In the meantime, I hope you have a fun visit with your cousin. Sounds like stir-fry will be just right with the menu.
    You’re managing the wifi problem well. It can feel overwhelming trying to figure out routers and equipment. 🙄

    1. Dancer did find a good spot for a nap, didn't he?
      Thank you; my daughter hates to fly (she has a fear of flying) so I am doubly anxious on her behalf. But, I do hope she enjoys the conference. She is there as an attendee and doesn't have to present anything, so she's more relaxed about the conference, itself. Yes, being able to FaceTime is nice. :)
      I did have a nice visit with the cousins, thank you.
      Yes, I'm managing with the iffy internet.

  4. Dancer does look like he is enjoying his naps. I am sure confirming your daughter's save arrival at her conference is a wonderful feeling of relief.

    1. He does enjoy his naps. :D I do worry when my daughter has to travel, especially since she doesn't like to fly and gets anxious about it.

  5. Glad you daughter's trip was safe and sound. It sounds like she hit some rough weather, but I always find flying into Denver to be bumpy. That's why I avoid that airport if I can.

    1. Thank you, June. Yes, she did have some rough weather and she said there was a thunder storm in Omaha in the evening, right after she arrived. I believe there was an alternate flight route, but, that would have added another 4 hours of flying time and she hates to fly. Coming back, she comes through St. Louis; maybe it'll be better.

  6. Dancer is an expert at napping! I can see why there might be turbulence flying to Denver, over all the mountains!

    1. Dancer is a Master Napper! :D Yes, I guess Denver is prone to experience turbulence in the air. This was her first time flying into Denver and I've never flown there, myself, so neither of us knew. There was an alternate route she could have taken, but, that would have added 4 hours to her journey and she didn't want that.

  7. Dancer is living the life, isn't he? From these angles his body looks very large.
    I hope your daughter's conference goes well and her home flight is a smoother one. Especially since you have mentioned that she doesn't enjoy flying. I am the same as she is in that respect.

    1. He really is, Debra. :)
      Thank you, Debra; my daughter said she experienced her first tornado warning, today.

  8. Glad that your daughter's flight landed safely despite the turbulence. Hopefully the conference will be without any bumps!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. She is now experiencing tornado warnings and flood watches!


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