Wednesday, May 15, 2024


The Stumpery 

My gardener friend M brought me another stump or two and we placed them this morning.  We had to remove a couple of small succulents to make room for the newer stumps, but, we planted them elsewhere.   

There is an older stump to the right of the new stumpery (the viewer's right) that is half covered by the succulents:

One of the other stumps 

That is what I'm hoping the new stumpery will look like, once a few plants grow around it.  It's a work in progress.

M planted corn in a newly prepared bed in the back yard, today, and we cleaned out the poppies growing in the other half of the planting bed where the tomato was planted, to get it ready for planting some pole beans.  We will have to figure out some sort of support for the pole beans to climb on!  

He also brought me a new plant - he thinks it's a gentian.  Whatever it is, we will plant it in the front garden on Friday and hope it will grow!

I was without an internet connection this morning, but, I have one now, in the afternoon, so I thought I'll do a quick blog post. 

It's been a cloudy day with a high of only in the mid 60s (65F, right now at 4:05 p.m.)

Today, I'm grateful for:
- Being able to access the internet, even briefly
- M's help with the garden
- Water for the garden
- The small electric heater (guess who is feeling cold?!)
- Blueberries fresh from the garden.

My joyful activity today was finishing up the stumpery!

Plans for tomorrow (Thursday) include visiting my cousins.

I hope everyone is well and having a good week.  I will catch up with your blogs as and when I'm able to.  



  1. Glad your pc seems to be working again. The Stumpery is making good progress

    1. Thank you, Angela; it's been working well this evening. :)

  2. I like how the succulents are growing over the log. It will be interesting to see now the stumpery progresses. I hope you internet is stable now.

    1. Thank you, June. Still having internet issues, but, I'm learning to "speed blog" when I have a connection! :D

  3. Your stumpery is coming along isn't it? I like it.
    I also really like gentians. Wonder what color it will be?
    Since you're a fan of such things, I see a wild boar head faced left with a body of different shading in your stumpery :)

    1. Thank you, Debra. According to M, the flowers are blue (at least, the flowers on the original plant were blue - this is a seedling from that plant).
      I, too, can see an animal where the two stumps meet each other! I thought it looked like a big hedgehog! :D

  4. Replies
    1. :D The head is a pyracanthus stump; the body is more of the flowering mulberry. :)

  5. That looks great! How nice to have fresh, homegrown blueberries. TheAwakenedSoul.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. Looking forward to picking more blueberries over the next few weeks. :)

  6. That's a splendid stumpery! It will be great to see all the succulents competing with the logs as they continue to grow.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I am looking forward to seeing it evolve over the years. :)

  7. I too see the hedgehog (col). The Stumpery is coming along nicely. Locally, similar succulents are grown in rockery gardens.

    1. I think the hedgehog is looking more like an aardvark, now! LOL.
      Thank you, Mary-Lou; M brought me another stump, today, but, it is a bit too big for the space in the front, so, I asked him to place it in the back garden, in front of the star jasmine vine growing up the trellis we made. I think there might be a second stumpery taking place there! The succulents will be good in a rockery, too. Maybe that'll be another addition to the garden, later. :)`

  8. That stumpery looks amazing and full of joy. I hope that you'll keep posting pics of it.

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. I keep tweaking at it, but, I love playing with the different pieces of wood. :) I will definitely keep posting pictures of it. :)

  9. The stumpery is looking great already. Will the stumps also help the ground to retain moisture?

    1. That's a good question. I'm not sure, but, I guess the ground under the stump will remain damper?


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