Sunday, May 5, 2024

A Quick Post on Sunday

Sunday's Pickings

Just a quick post on Sunday because I've been having internet connection issues.  I keep getting disconnected and then, even restarting the computer doesn't seem to help.

Saturday was cool and cloudy - a typical "May Gray" weather day.  Today, Sunday, it is sunny and quite windy.  I've taken a walk on both days, checked on the garden, chatted with family and, when the internet connection worked, emailed friends.  

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.  

I'll post another garden post if the internet connection works!


  1. I hope your internet connection problem resolves itself soon for you. It's the Early May Bank Holiday here today and the roads will be busy with traffic so I won't be venturing out in it.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; it seems to be better, now. I think it might have been the strong winds we had, earlier, that caused the connection to fail. Hope you have a lovely bank holiday weekend.

  2. I hope your connection issues will be quickly resolved.
    I thought of you yesterday, as I bought myself a tiny blueberry tree. I've placed it in the back porch right next to the lemons. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules; it seems to be better, now. Yay! You bought yourself a blueberry bush! I hope it thrives and provides you with plenty of blueberries in years to come. You can make lemon-blueberry muffins one day! :)

  3. 1. Beautiful table cloth. 2. Beautiful dish (you have great taste!). 3. Awesome blueberries. 4. Good luck with the internet connection. Sometimes technology can seem more like the dark arts than science.

    1. Thank you, Lyssa! The table cloth was my mother's and there are a set of matching napkins, all cross stitched with baskets of roses. The dish is a set of four bowls I picked from my neighbor's give away after her MIL died (she called family and friends to take what they wanted and put the rest out by the curbside for anyone to take). The blueberries are, of course, from my garden. :)
      The internet issues seem to have resolved themselves; I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it continues to be so!

  4. Wind will make our electric and internet flicker at times even though our local lines are buried. Hope things are working better for you today.

    1. Thank you, June; yes, the connection seems to be working well, today. I hope I didn't jinx myself, saying that! :D

  5. Glad you are back in cyberspace. I can sympathise as I spent time yesterday trying to get my wifi working, then three phone calls today regarding my contract renewal. Thankfully I think everything is sorted now. Annoying little jobs!

    1. Thank you, Ella. It's funny how dependent we become on these new technologies. I had TV service, which is also dependent on the internet, but, for some reason, my laptop kept getting disconnected. Glad you got your wifi issues forted out.

  6. Lovely pic of the blueberries. Fingers crossed your internet issues are solved quickly

    1. Thank you, Anne; nothing better than fresh blueberries for breakfast! The internet issues seem to have sorted themselves out; hope that happy state of affairs continue! :D

  7. Ack sorry about the connection issues. Hope it's just a one-off!

    1. It seems to have corrected itself, now, Sharon. :)

  8. That's a nice amount of blueberries for this early in the year. Or is it?
    I don't remember last year and the bushes aren't that old are they? So maybe they are just starting to produce like they will from now on.

    1. I think the bushes are producing earlier, this year. I'm keeping the replies really short because the laptop keeps kicking me off the internet!


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