Thursday, May 23, 2024



Beef Curry

Thursday was another cloudy day with the day time high of 67F.  That is cooler than normal for us at this time of the year.  

I went for my blood test and lab work in the morning; there was a 20 minutes wait, but, I had my book of crossword puzzles with me and the time passed pleasantly enough.  The lab tests went smoothly and I hope the results will be good.  

I relaxed after I came home and watched some online videos.  My internet connection has been good, today (hope I didn't jinx it by saying so!)  After a brunch of peanut butter toast, I picked some blueberries and checked on the garden.  Later in the evening, I watched news and some TV programs.

Later, I cooked the beef I bought on Wednesday.  I made what I call "devilled beef", which is a spicy beef curry with onions, tomatoes, and green chilies added to it and not a lot of gravy.  I had some of it with leftover rice from yesterday and there are leftovers for later.  

My daughter returned from Omaha, today - she is still on her way from the airport to her apartment as I type this (at 11:25 p.m.)

Today, I am grateful for:

- Access to medical services
- Daughter had a safe flight back
- Blueberries from the garden
- Uninterrupted internet services!
- A safe drive to the lab and back

Today's joyful activity was picking blueberries!

Plans for tomorrow will have to include some housework and paperwork.

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?


  1. Your beef curry looks like a restaurant dish. What a beautiful presentation and, I’m guessing it’s delicious!
    Glad your daughter traveled safely. We want our children to experience all that is wonderful in this world, but feel a little more relaxed when the birdies are back in their nests.
    I cooked a pork tenderloin for dinner yesterday, so we’ll have leftovers in various disguises.
    I am only working in the morning today and my husband is off, so that will be nice. 😊

    1. Thank you, Taconix. I just put the beef curry into the dish; no presentation! But, yes, it is tasty! I am not often tempted to snack from the dish after I've eaten my meal, but, I kept going back for another piece of the meat! LOL.
      Thank you; yes, I do want my daughter to go places and experience new things, and I travelled practically halfway across the world on my own when I was much younger than she is now, but, I do worry about her when she is out and about on her own.
      Pork tenderloin sounds delicious and the leftovers will lend themselves to being made over, later. I have some roast pork in the freezer, waiting to make a reappearance, later on!
      I hope you and your husband have a lovely rest of the day and an early start to your Memorial Day weekend. :)

  2. I think another joy for your day should be uninterrupted internet. :) Hope the trend continues.

    1. Thank you, June; I'm having a few issues with the internet, today, but, restarting the computer a couple of times has worked, so far, anyway! :D

  3. Having a beautiful time in Paris 🇫🇷 feeling very spoiled

  4. Glad your daughter's return flight was uneventful.
    The beef curry looks so good!

    1. Thank you, Anne; I'm always relieved when she gets home, safely!
      The beef curry turned out really well with just the right amount of spices for me. :)

  5. You sound like your life is very balanced. I plan to water my garden and do yoga tonight.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. I'm trying to maintain balance in my life, but, it's a work in progress! It's getting to that time of the year when regular watering of the garden is needed, isn't it? :)

  6. Your beef curry looks and sounds delicious. I'm glad your daughter had a good trip. Does the Internet go out when it's windy? I had that happen often, and it turned out the connection to the house was going bad. Once that was replaced, it's been fine in winds.

    1. Thank you, Celie; the beef curry turned out well and my daughter is safely at home (although she's flying off somewhere else, next weekend!)
      It's not that windy for the internet to go out, but, maybe the connection to the house is not good? It'll go out, tell me that there is no wi fi available, I restart the computer and I have a connection until it goes off, again! It's very odd. There was a news item that police had caught some people in a nearby city who have been accused of blocking wi fi connections and installing surveillance cameras in order to disable home security systems to facilitate breaking in to steal things! I'm wondering if there are similar potential burglars driving up and down my neighborhood, blocking my wifi connections! :D

  7. Love your daily Gratefuls, Bless. Such a lovely thing to do. Best wishes for your test results xxxxxx

    1. Thank you, Ratnamurti. Hope you are keeping well. :)

  8. Yay! for good internet connection, Although I imagine you are always wondering when it will drop out.
    I'm glad your daughter enjoyed a smooth flight. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. The internet connection is still not reliable, but, I'm managing!

  9. Your deviled beef sounds very good. I used to make a pepper steak that looks similar although it wasn't spicy. I like spicy food so I would probably like your deviled beef.
    I hope your good internet connection stuck around!

    1. Thank you; I make a pepper steak, too, with plenty of black pepper, garlic, ginger, etc. Haven't made that in a while.


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