Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Cousin V's Maine Coon Mix Cat

Isn't he gorgeous?  Such a friendly kitty and very affectionate.  Very vocal, too! 

My daughter experienced her first tornado warning this morning!  We are used to earthquakes and know what to do when it starts shaking, but, we don't usually experience tornados (although there have been a few small ones in and around the greater Los Angeles area over the years) and she didn't quite know what the siren meant or what to do (although she quickly shut herself up in the bathroom to wait it out).  Later, the warning changed to a tornado watch and there was a flood watch, too!  

I had a much less exciting day than my daughter.  I brought the trash cans in, took in my own packages that were delivered today (two bags of cat food kibbles, a box of canned cat food pate, and a box of laundry detergent), checked the grocery flyers (cherries for $0.99/lb. at one of the ethnic grocery stores!) and spent some time in the garden.

The osteospermum is more or less done with flowering for the spring; there will be the occasional flowers over the summer, but, it won't be anything like that first spring bloom.  M cleared out the osteospermum growing under the orange tree a week or so ago and, today, I pulled up all the plants that were crowding out the rose bushes in one of the beds.  That bed only has three rose bushes growing in it, anyway, and one of them is the root stock rose that the tea rose had been grafted onto!  I shall ask M to add more top soil to that planting bed and maybe we will buy a few more rose bushes to plant in it.  No doubt the osteospermum will return, next year, unless I put down some cardboard to prevent it.  

Lunch was the meal I brought home from cousin V's on Monday.  For dinner, I made over the stuffed chicken breast that neighbor S had given me.  She had given me one and a half stuffed chicken breasts and when I warmed up and ate the half, I found it to be a little dry.  So, today, I sliced up the remaining stuffed chicken breast, added a can of cream of chicken soup mixed up with a can of water, some frozen green peas and some cut up fresh carrots, sprinkled it with onion powder, garlic salt, and some black pepper, and baked it in my toaster oven for 30 minutes to make it over into a casserole:

Chicken Casserole

The end result was more like chicken pot pie filling than a chicken casserole (maybe I should have added more rice than what was in the stuffing), but, I ate a portion of it for my dinner and it tasted good (and the chicken was no longer dry!  LOL)  Of course I've ended up with more leftovers as a result of my make-over, so I will freeze it in portions to make chicken pot pies, later.  

I had planned to take friend R's packages to her, today, and I called her in the evening, but, for various reasons, we decided that tomorrow would be a better day to take them over to her.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Daughter didn't have to experience a tornado, just a warning!
- She is safe and well
- Being able to order items online and have the packages delivered to my door
- Time spent in the garden
- Leftover and made-overs

Today's joyful activity was doing a bit of gardening.

Plans for Wednesday include tending to the garden with M in the morning and dropping off R's packages.  

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for Wednesday?


  1. Indeed Cousin V's orange tabby is VERY beautiful. I love orange/ginger cats. Such a definite distinct Tabby M on his forehead. Some believe the Tabby M is from ancient Egypt, mau means cat or for some the M is because at Christ's birth a Tabby Cat showed up to comfort baby Jesus & Mary stroked the cat & left the M mark.
    Tornados would certainly be terrifying - glad all was OK.

    1. I didn't know about the Tabby M mark! I must let my cousin know! Tornados are scary! I, too, am glad that it was all OK.

  2. We have had a few tornado warnings here and retreated to the basement. Luckily, they have never materialized at our house. They cause terrible devastation, and I feel so bad for the people who experience them. I glad you daughter only had a warning and not the real thing.

    1. Tornados create so much destruction, don't they? I've only seen the aftermath on TV and I hope to never experience such an event! Yes, I'm glad my daughter didn't have to go through an actual tornado - apparently, the warning was scary enough!

  3. Pretty kitty!
    I forgot that your daughter went to Omaha and just changed planes in Denver. I have Denver on my mind as my husband and I are going there in a couple of weeks for a wedding in Colorado Springs.
    Well, the midwest tornadoes must have been a shock for your daughter. Glad she got through it okay.
    My daughter will leave for the drive to California mid-July. Husband and I will be on a cruise at the time. We booked a year and a half ago, and really dropped the ball on the timing. I worry better from home 😬 but I fortunately, I can pray anywhere. We are flying to Fresno the first week of August to visit. Daughter is renting a 2-bedroom apartment in Fresno with the hopes of family and friends coming to see her.
    It’s fun to see what repurposed dinners end up as. My strategy is to serve anything/everything over potatoes. 😊

    1. Thank you, Taconix.
      No problem; I hope you have a wonderful time in Colorado Springs when you visit.
      Yes, my daughter didn't know quite what she should do during a tornado warning; the hotel hadn't said anything about where guests should go if there was an emergency, etc.
      I hope your daughter will have a safe journey and the move-in will go smoothly. I know your older daughter is planning to accompany her and, I suppose she will fly back? August will be a good time to visit your daughter. :)

  4. What an adorable kitty! Between photos of cats and flowers, you keep us smiling!

  5. That is a cute kitty.
    I'm so relieved that your daughter is okay. Weather warnings are always such a concern. My friend's house was flooded overnight. She only just got things sorted after the previous flood. I feel so bad for her.
    Your casserole looks delicious. Xx

    1. He is a very cute kitty and such a talker!
      Thank you, Jules. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's house getting flooded and it sounds like for the second time, too?
      Thank you; the casserole could have done with a little more rice in it, but, it thickened up a bit as it cooled.

  6. Oh my - that's pretty scary getting a tornado warning. I have never experienced that myself . I guess we would just go into the basement and wait it out if it turned into an actual tornado. Something to think about. I'm glad your daughter is safe.
    You did a good job making over the chicken breasts. It will be a good think to have in the freezer.
    What a cute cat.

    1. Yes, we've never experienced a tornado warning, here, so it was a new experience for her. Basements are the safest places, I guess, or, at least, an interior room such as a bathroom.
      Thank you; I think I'll make some chicken pot pies, this week. :)


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