Thursday, May 2, 2024

Starting May


On the first of May, I made my usual breakfast of milkrice and picked fresh flowers for the altar and mantlepiece.

M was here to tend to the garden when I went outside to pick some curry leaves for the spicy onion mixture (seeni sambol) that I wanted to make to have with the milkrice.  The curry leaf tree growing closer to the house has grown so tall that I have been having a hard time reaching the leaves to pick them.  So, I went to the back, where another curry leaf tree is growing behind the garage.  That one is quite tall, too, but, there are suckers growing around it, that are within my reach.  As I picked the leaves, I told M that we need to prune the curry leaf tree that is closer to the house because I can't reach the sprigs of leaves and I didn't like having to come to the back to pick curry leaves.  M said he could trim it right then because he had the trimmer with him.  He went to his truck to get the trimmer out and I turned around with my curry leaves to go back to the house, tripped on the uneven pavers lining the path, and fell!  

The Paved Path by the Curry Leaf Tree

It knocked the wind out of me for a minute and I was still trying to get myself up when M came back from the truck.  He offered to help me up, but, I was able to get up by myself.  Considering the fact that I have osteopenia and fell on the paved path, I was fortunate to get away with only a scraped left knee!  

Needless to say, I took it fairly easy the rest of the day.  It was not the best start to the month, but, it could have been so much worse.

M fertilized and watered the garden and trimmed the curry leaf tree.  It's still too high for me, so, I'll ask him to cut down one or two branches down even further.  It'll have to be done in a manner that will not cause the tree to die.

Brunch was milkrice, chicken curry, and seeni sambol; dinner was a microwaved "baked" potato and a scrambled egg, with sliced fresh apples and yogurt.

Today (Thursday), I did a load of laundry (which was hung up to dry, rather than dried in the dryer), made an appointment for Dancer's injections and blood tests and made an appointment for my own blood tests.  I walked up and down the driveway for 15 minutes, or so, and walked around the backyard, checking on things, being very careful not to stumble!  Some of the blueberries were turning color and I picked a handful:

The First Blueberries of the Season

Some of them are still tinged green, but, I find the slightly underripe berries to be tastier than the fully ripe ones, which tend to have a soapy taste to me!  I enjoyed the berries after I had some leftover milkrice (with chicken curry and seeni sambol) as part of my brunch.  

Dinner will be baked breaded shrimp with tomato chutney and a cucumber salad.  

As I start this new month, I am grateful for:
- I didn't break or sprain anything when I fell 
- M was there in case I needed his help to get up 
- Roses and blueberries from the garden
- Being able to set up appointments for Dancer and myself
- Working appliances

My joyful activities have included spending time in the garden and chatting with family and friends.

Plans for Friday include some crocheting, housework, and gardening with M in the evening. 

How is your week going?  What are your plans for Friday? 


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your fall, that must have shocked you, and I expect you'll be feeling a bit more sore and achy as time goes on. Make sure you take things easy and rest up for a while.
    I'm slightly envious of your blueberries. I think I might treat myself to a blueberry plant this weekend. I can put it alongside the lemon trees. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. Yes, it did give me a shock, and there are a few aches and pains, but, I'm glad that I didn't hurt myself. I hope you treat yourself to a blueberry bush or two. :)

  2. Oh I'm so glad you were not hurt when you fell! Falls can be terrible. Maybe the path can be repaired or the loose stones removed? It sounds like you had a good day otherwise. I also prefer blueberries a little underripe. Your roses are lovely. (And thank you for letting me know Eileen is ok.)

    1. Thank you, Celie. I must ask M if he can make the path a little smoother. Or, I must start using a walking stick when I go to the backyard!
      You are welcome; I'm sure Eileen would be pleased to know you asked about her.

  3. I'm glad you weren't badly hurt from your fall. I hope you can get the uneven slabs sorted so they don't catch you out again. Your red roses are beautiful. I have one red rose on my climbing rose bush ready to burst open and love the new signs of life reappearing in my garden.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I've a bruised knee, but, that is about all; I was very lucky! I'm sure your red rose will be lovely when it blooms and it's fun to see the garden waking up after winter, isn't it? :)

  4. Falls are never fun, but I'm glad you survived this one. My brother-in-law grows several different kinds of blueberries and they have different tastes. I've never noticed on that tastes like soap. I like them a little riper and sweeter.

    1. Thank you, June. I'm very thankful that I didn't break anything! I have four different varieties of blueberries, but, I really can't tell the difference in taste! Not a very discerning palate, I guess! I am also one of those people who can eat a fruit called durian - it is supposed to be a very stinky fruit, but, I can't smell it and have enjoyed eating the fresh fruit. :)

  5. I'm glad you took it easy after your fall and didn't break any bones on that concrete. It's amazing how those of us with osteopenia can get away with things! Lovely to have blueberries already. We will catch up in a few weeks!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. Yes, I am very thankful that I got away with that fall! I'm sure you are looking forward to the fresh blueberries. :)

  6. Oh gosh, Bless. Thank goodness you didn't break anything when you fell. I bet it shook you up though.
    I'm glad M was there and you weren't alone.
    Blueberries already - summer is coming for sure.

    1. Thank you, Debra; yes, I'm so glad I didn't break anything! Former neighbor T was telling me that her daughter fell and had to go to urgent care because she hit her nose and she was bleeding. I have a lovely bruise on my knee, but, that is all! I'm also very glad that M was there to help me up if I needed help.
      Yes, the blueberries are ripening, a few at a time. Last year, I froze them for my daughter as they ripened; I still have some of the frozen berries, so, this year, I'm eating them as I pick them! :D


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