Friday, May 17, 2024


Bauhinia Flowers

Not a very good picture, but, the bauhinia plant is flowering (there's a yucca plant behind it).  

My computer is still acting up.  I think I really need to take it to the store next week and have it checked.  I couldn't connect to the internet all day, until about 10:30 p.m.  I'm hoping the connection will last long enough for me to type up this blog post.

It was another "May Gray" sort of overcast, cooler than normal, day, today.  I don't like the gloomy days.  But, I got a load of laundry done before I had to leave to go for my appointment with the nurse practitioner and I saw the City's watering truck come by and refill the water bags for the street trees - I think they refill the bags once every other week on a Friday. 

The appointment was at 1:00 p.m. and I left a little before 12:00 noon and I was still about 5 minutes late!  The traffic was as  bad as ever!  The waiting room was crowded, too, but, I was called in after only a few minutes of waiting and the visit with the nurse practitioner went well.  My blood test results were mostly good; the one not-so-good item will get rechecked.

I took the blanket I had crocheted and gave it to the nurse practitioner to be given to one of the patients; she was very appreciative of it.  

It was 3:00 p.m. when I got home.  I warmed up the food my cousin had sent home with me and had that for a late lunch.  

Later in the evening, M and I planted the okra seeds I had kept to soak overnight.  He brought me another piece of a stump, but, it was too big to place in the stumpery in the front (would have required uprooting too many of the succulents already growing there).  So, I asked him to place it in the back garden, in front of the star jasmine vine that is growing up the homemade trellis.  We might make another stumpery there!  

Today, I am grateful for:

- Mostly good blood test results
- A good appointment with the NP
- A safe drive to the clinic and back
- M's help with the garden
- Internet connections (for as long as it lasts!)

Today's joyful activity was picking blueberries!

Plans for the weekend include doing some housework and crocheting.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.



  1. The bauhinia flowers are pretty; that’s a new plant to me. I love, love, love the stumpery (stumperies)! It will be fun to see the progress as the plants grow around them.
    Your traffic sounds as daunting as ours. Sometimes it feels as though I can’t leave early enough to get anywhere, and I hate to be late. Tardiness is a definite stressor for me.
    I’m glad that your medical tests were mostly good. Fingers crossed that the retest will give you better results. It was nice that you still had cousinly leftovers and didn’t have to fuss for your meal.
    Sounds like your computer has been misbehaving. Hope it straightens out without too much trouble.

    1. Thank you, Taconix. I am having internet connection issues. Need to take the laptop in for a service, I think!

  2. Does your daughter have any ideas on what might be causing your internet problems?

    1. Unfortunately, no; she doesn't know why it's acting up. I need to take it to the store to have it checked.

  3. I'm glad your appointment went well. How nice that you could quickly heat your lunch when you got back, instead of having to prepare something form scratch. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. Yes, it was nice to have leftovers to warm up. I did consider picking up a pizza on my way home, but, decided not to, because I had leftovers. :)

  4. Reading about the waterbags for the trees, it reminds me how much I love reading blogs from all over the place as that is something that just doesn't happen here - it's rainy enough! I love seeing glimpses of different ways of living.

    Your gifted blanket will be very gratefully recieved. Sometimes a blanket on the lap or round the shoulders is a welcome hug.

  5. I have never heard of Bauhinia. I really think that you have a miniature Botanical Garden at your house! It is good that the City is keeping up with watering the trees on the parkway.

    1. I think they are also called tree orchids. Ha, ha, yes, a very miniature botanical garden! :D Yes, I'm glad that the City is watering the trees.

  6. I'm glad your appointment at the doctor's went well.
    Reading through some comments, I see you resisted stopping for pizza- that sure showed some strength.
    I enjoy a nice gloomy day lol

    1. Thank you, Debra. Yes, I resisted pizza! LOL. And stopping at the small Armenian grocery store to see if they had their tasty (but overpriced) bread!
      I prefer a sunny day to a gloomy day!

  7. The insects, then birds, lizards etc. will be very pleased with your log collection, doing its bit for the ecosystem! And they can look lovely too - I hope yours comes together as you envisage. Actually I have lots of boxes of logs, if you want them? And I pulled up lots of brambles at the weekend, but can probably find you more ... and there is a very elegant foxglove in bloom at the moment! I nearly pulled it up a few weeks ago, but it is in a good place and I thought you'd appreciate a pic of it at some stage. However I forgot to photograph it yesterday and now it is hammering down so depending how it looks tomorrow... No point sending photos unless they make you jealous!! hehehe.

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella; I've seen the lizards enjoying the logs to sun themselves and there were some insects under one of the logs when I nudged it, a bit, to move it. M has been bringing me some of the logs from a tree he cut down, but, I wish I could have some of your brambles and the foxglove sounds lovely! M was mentioning that one of his other clients had a foxglove plant - maybe I'll mention something about seeds! Looking forward to seeing a picture of your foxglove. :)


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