Sunday, May 19, 2024


Orange Rose

Just a quick post on Saturday, before the internet connection goes off again!

I've had a good day.  Cousin V called in the morning to say that cousin M realized that we hadn't taken any pictures of us together on Thursday, when I was there, so please come to lunch again on Monday and we'll take some pictures!  LOL.  I told her that it is not necessary to prepare lunch, but, cousin M leaves on Monday night, so, it will be nice to see her once more before she leaves.

Then, friend R called to let me know that she's having a package delivered to my house and it should arrive sometime during the day (a replacement for a package that was delivered to her apartment and was stolen).  It arrived in the afternoon and I called to let her know.  I said I could bring it to her later in the day, but, she asked me to hold off on bringing it because she's expecting two more packages which will be delivered to my address, next week.  So, I'll wait and take all the packages to her at one time.

I'm expecting some packages to be delivered next week, myself, because I ordered some cat food and a box of laundry detergent powder.

Brunch was a scrambled egg on toast, followed by fresh watermelon.  Dinner was baked breaded shrimp with salad; blueberries for dessert.

Today, I am grateful for:

- Another invitation to lunch with cousins
- Roses
- Being able to help friend R by accepting her packages for her
- Emails and phone calls
- Being able to order packages online to be delivered

Today's joyful activity was video chatting with my daughter.

I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. 

Pink Roses Are Blooming Again


  1. I think you have finally emerged from your COVID cocoon with all of your invitations. :) Enjoy your visits.

    1. LOL, the cocoon has been slightly cracked open! I will attend family get togethers, but, I declined the invitation to attend the Vesak observations, to commemorate the birth, Enlightenment, and death of the Buddha, at the Temple, this weekend as I am not yet ready to be among crowds of people.

  2. Your orange rose and pink rose are both lovely!
    How nice to have another visit. I hope you all get some nice family photos.
    You’re providing a good service by accepting package deliveries. Porch piracy is rampant here.
    It will be a quiet Sunday here. 😊

    1. Thank you, Taconix.
      Yes, I'm looking forward to another visit with the cousins. :)
      Porch piracy is a sad thing, isn't it? Another package arrived for my friend, today, and I let her know. But, there is another one to come.
      It's a quiet Sunday, here, too. :) But, the sun is shining and I've internet connection for who knows how long, and I'm happy! :D

  3. I hope you’re doing well. I’m working on a project. I’m wondering if you could help. Email me at. if you would like to know more.
    Thank you.

    1. I'm doing well, thank you, Regine. Hope you are, too. Yes, I'll email you. :)

  4. Your roses are doing really well, such lovely photos! I'm glad you will be with your cousins again and able to take pictures.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. It'll be nice to visit the cousins, again. I'm planning to take something for the lunch; need to call my cousin and double check with her.

  5. Your roses, as always, are gorgeous! It really is terrible that people steal packages. Thankfully you are able to accept them for your friend. I hope you can get your computer Internet sorted soon!

    1. Thank you, Celie. I love to see the roses blooming. :)
      Yes, it is sad that people will steal other people's packages, but, that is how it is. I'm happy to accept my friend's packages for her. :)
      The internet connection seems to come and go - so I try to take advantage of when it is on, like right now! :D

  6. The rose is beautiful.
    It is nice of you to let your friend have her packages delivered there. I don't know why people think it is just fine for them to take someone else's packaged.

    1. Thank you, Anne.
      I don't know why people steal other people's things, but, that is the reality, these days. I'm glad I can help my friend by accepting her packages for her.

  7. I hope you can get your Internet issues sorted, as it must be so frustrating for you not knowing if it is actually going to connect.
    The roses are beautiful. Are they scented ? X

    1. Thank you, Jules. It is rather frustrating, but, oh! The joy when I do get a connection! LOL. I'm managing with much restarting of the computer!
      The roses are scented, but, my sense of smell is such that I can't really smell the fragrance.

  8. I imagine you are enjoying another visit with your cousins as I type this.
    You are nice to help friend R out with her packages since she had one stolen.
    That's a pretty pink rose.

    1. I had another lovely visit with the cousins, today. And we remembered to take some pictures! LOL.
      Another package came for R, today, so, I will take them over to her, tomorrow. I'm glad I can help her a bit. :)
      Thank you; I'm enjoying the roses. :)

  9. Lovely flower photos. Hope the internet gets fixed soon!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. The internet is still acting up!


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