Tuesday, November 5, 2019

New Window Screens on Tuesday!

Living Room Picture Window with New Screens in Place and Windows Open

A called again, this morning, and asked if I want to have the window screens replaced, today.  I said, yes, and he came over within 10 minutes of calling me!  Again, I gave him an advance to buy the materials and he spent the next several hours making new frames!  He declined my offer of lunch, today, though he asked if he could pick some guavas before he left.

New Screen  in Place

A was unable to replace all the screens, today.  But, he replaced all the screens on the front of the house and started on the ones on one side.  For the first time in a long time, I am able to open the windows in the living room, without worrying that Dancer might go out through the torn screen!  A will return, tomorrow, to finish the rest.  He asked if he could start at 8:00 a.m. and then he saw the look on my face!  We agreed that he'll be here at 9:00 a.m.!  LOL!

I, too, picked more pineapple guavas, this morning, and had some of them for breakfast.  For lunch, I cooked a fresh pot of rice and a canned mackerel curry, and had that along with the lentils and cabbage from yesterday.  A piece of bread pudding with my tea in the afternoon.  I haven't decided what I'll have for dinner, yet, but, some coconut roti with leftover curry sounds good.  I'll make the roti after I publish this post.

I didn't go to Home Depot to buy the parts I needed, but, I got the dusting done, including wiping down some of the window sills, and I changed the bed sheets and did the laundry.  I also watered the front garden.

Today, I am grateful for:
- New screens for the windows
- Another warm and sunny day
- Getting some much needed repairs done
- Pineapple guavas from my tree
- What I was able to accomplish, today

Tuesday's To Do List:
- Go to Home Depot to buy the parts needed
- Change my bed sheets - DONE
- Laundry - DONE
- Dust - DID the living room, dining area, and family room.

Wednesday's To Do List:
- Dust my bedroom
- Vacuum
- Clean the bathrooms 

By the way, today is National Doughnut Day!  I thought of buying myself one to celebrate, but, decided to eat a piece of my bread pudding, instead!

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for Wednesday?


  1. I don’t like window screens. With screens I feel like I’m in a cage looking out. LOL. But I have to have them, because of mosquitoes and other bugs. I’ve removed the lower screen on one of the kitchen windows so I can watch birds clearly. 😊

    1. Yes, screens are needed to keep flies and other insects out and a certain kitty cat inside, if I want to open the windows! This past summer, I could open only four windows! It was a little difficult to cool off the house! I still need to get a screen door for the sliding glass door, but, M and I will go and get that as M has a truck and the handyman has a small car.

  2. There's nothing like a little air to freshen things up (unless you're in the fire zone). Glad you can open more windows now if you want.

    1. More than anything else, I am looking forward to next summer, when I can open more windows to get a cross breeze. That will help cool off the house, sooner, I'm sure.

  3. It will be so much nicer for you to be able to open your windows without having to worry about Dancer. X

    1. I am looking forward to it! I am also wondering how long it would take him to try to sharpen his claws on them! :o


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