Monday, May 20, 2019

Productive Sunday

It rained, Sunday morning, but, the rain had ceased by the time I woke up.  I had a relaxed morning, replying to blog comments, etc.  Neighbor T called for our Sunday morning chat and we spoke for a bit.  Then, I chatted with my daughter and discussed our plans for the day.

The pharmacy had texted me saying two of my prescription refills were ready to be picked up, so, in the afternoon, I went to collect them.  Afterwards, I went to the dollar store, next door, and bought some bananas, a box of crackers, a box of microwave popcorn, and a package of toilet paper.  On the way home, I picked up a pizza for lunch (and dinner, too; plus there are leftovers for another couple of meals).

After I came home, I had some pizza and watched some TV.  I tried to sew, but I didn't feel like sewing.  I looked through and decluttered a few magazines, but I felt restless.  So, I decided to do a little more cleaning and organizing in the spare room.  That room has had so many things dumped in there, that I have been referring it to as The Dump!  I usually get overwhelmed when I try to organize it.  I simply don't know where to start!

Today, I started with the drawers where I store part of my fabric stash.  I had pulled out some fabric when I was choosing the backing for my current quilts and I hadn't put them all away.  That was a good place to start.  I put the fabric away and tidied the drawers a little bit, then, put away a couple of quilts that are in progress until I am ready to work on them.  I found a frame for a photograph I wanted to frame and took a minute to put the photograph in the frame.

Next, I wanted to put away some files that were on the bed.  In the process of finding room for them on the desk, I took everything off the desk, dusted the desk, and put everything back on top of the desk - there's a lot to be sorted through (lots of papers), but that is for another day.

As usual, one thing led to another.  When I dusted the desk, I noticed that the window sill was covered with a layer of fine, black, road dust, that had blown in, even though I keep the window closed!  I cleaned the window sill which led to washing the inside of the window and the door to the room!    Finally, I vacuumed the floor and washed the quilt that was on the bed (it is in the dryer as I type this).  By that time, I was tired.  I had spent one and a half hours, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., tidying the spare room.  I think I made good use of my restless energy!

I spent a quiet rest of the evening, feeling well pleased with what I was able to accomplish today.

Today, I am grateful for:
- The prescriptions were refilled without any problems!
- More rain for the garden
- What I was able to accomplish today
- Making progress in the spare room
- Phone calls, emails, and video chats

Monday's To Do List:
- Doctor's appointment (at noon; need to leave the house by 11:00 a.m.)
- Change bed sheets
- Load of laundry (bed sheets/towels)
- Dust living room & dining area
- Clean the fridge
- Take trash cans to the curb for Tuesday trash pick up

How was your Sunday?  Did you have a productive day or was it a day of rest?  What are your plans for Monday?


  1. J was here to clear the garden yesterday (Sunday) and as I always feel guilty not doing anything when someone else is working here, I worked my way through lots of little bits of decluttering in the house. Today the decorator is here to finish off so I am in my playroom dealing with admin and preparing for a committee meeting tonight.

    It sounds like you've made a good start on sorting out the 'dump'. I know what you mean about it feeling like too much to even know where to start but if you keep on as you are, you'll very quickly get to the stage where you realise that it is nearly finished and that will spur you on to complete everything.

    1. Well done on the decluttering. You are inspiring me! If only I was less sentimental! The room is looking less like a dump, now. I am planning to spend 30 minutes a day clearing out papers, in there, this week and that should clear the desk area, too. I think my problem is a lack of storage for the amount of stuff I have! I could do with a few more shelves or a cupboard! Have to think about that, a bit.

  2. Great job in you're "dump" room. It's always hard to know where to start in those kind of rooms. But you have started and making good progress. Yay!

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn. :) I made more progress in there, today! I went through some baskets of papers and sorted through them. Most got recycled, the rest got filed. I now have three empty baskets!

  3. That's great. Today was pretty relaxing. I worked on an Etsy order, but it is just a pair of socks, so it was enjoyable. I made chicken fajitas and a salad. You got a lot of work done. Good for you.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you got to relax a bit and the work you did do was enjoyable. Chicken fajitas and salad would make a good meal!

  4. You did a lot! My laundry room is the current dump room here and I have to make some serious headway in it tomorrow.

    1. Thank you, Anne. It finally got to a point where there was nothing else to do but tackle it! I hope you make good progress on your laundry room. :)


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