Friday, May 24, 2019

May Grocery Shopping: Week 3

5/24 Groceries
I did a little grocery shopping, today.  I went mostly to buy bananas, but, when I was at the store, I realized that the cherries were on sale for $.99/lb., and the salad dressing was on sale for $1.99.  I also bought a pineapple for $.99 and a packet of frozen corn since I had finished the packet I had.

I spent a total of $8.58, which put me over this month's budget!  Oops!

5/24 Grocery Receipt

My May grocery budget is $75 + $6.40 carried over from April = $81.40

Spent to date: $15.72 + $1.50 + $32.92 +  $21.02 + $1.99 (oil; on 5/15) + $2.50 (bananas, crackers, popcorn on 5/19) + $8.58  = $84.23

Balance left in the budget = $81.40 - $84.23 = - $2.83

I will carry the negative amount forward to June and deduct it from the June grocery budget.  It's OK, because some of the things I bought this month, such as the tea, oil, salad dressing, etc., will last me well into June.  I will need to buy more bananas and probably bread, next week, but, as long as I can keep the amount I go over budget to under $10, I shall be fine. 

How is your May grocery shopping and budget coming along? 


  1. I haven't needed to buy much so am well within budget. Also I refilled my store cupboard using saved store loyalty points and then used the cash to buy more plants for the garden. I didn't shop online this month and was lucky enough to pick up some yellow sticker bargains when in the store.

    1. You did well to stay within budget, this month, Eileen. I like how you used your loyalty points for the groceries and used the cash for plants! Very clever!

  2. Hi Bless, Those are excellent prices. I need to check my budget, but I think I stayed within it. I bought a lot of fruit last week, but I couldn't resist the prices on strawberries and pineapple. I was out of town for five nights, so that helped.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. Yes, this is the time to indulge in fresh fruit, isn't it? When they are in season and the prices are low. I'm sure you did fine with your budget. Have you got over the jet lag?

  3. You found a great price for the cherries.

    1. Thank you! One other store had advertised cherries for $.79/lb., but that's next Tuesday - a one day special. I might buy some then, too.

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