Tuesday, May 7, 2019

May Gray

Grey Clouds to the North

No, it is not someone's name, although it sounds like it could be, doesn't it?  "May Gray" is the term the weather forecasters use to describe the weather conditions we experience at this time of the year.  Overcast, cloudy, gloomy weather and accompanying cooler temperatures and moisture as the marine layer moves inland.

A Patch of Blue to the East
It was ideal weather to do some weeding in the garden, though!  I weeded a couple of the planting beds, digging up the invasive grass and weeds with a shovel. 

Clouds to the South

I started the car and let it run for a few minutes while I weeded.  A short while later, even the blue patch in the east got covered over by clouds:

Clouds to the East
The garden was full of bird songs and calls; there were a couple of mockingbirds flying around and watching me:

Mockingbird on the Telephone Wire

That's as much as I could zoom in with my cell phone. 

And then, I saw a flash of lightening in the distance and heard thunder, so I put away the shovel and came indoors.  I heard on the news that it rained in some parts of the city, but there was no rain in my neighborhood.  Too bad, the garden could have done with some rain. 

The weather forecast calls for more cloudy, overcast days this week, with the chance of rain towards the end of the week.  May Gray usually lasts all month and will be followed by June Gloom. 

Today, I am grateful for:
- Cloudy skies and cooler temperatures which make it pleasant to work in the garden in the afternoons
- Bird song while I weeded
- The car started without a problem
- Getting some exercise while weeding
- A freshly picked orange which was my reward for weeding

How is your weather?  How is your garden coming along?


  1. I've never heard the term May Gray before. I find it interesting because a friend in Germany asked if we had a term for when it gets cold again in May like they do in Germany. I couldn't think of any but your description of May Gray seems to fit the bill.

    1. Now you can tell your friend that yes, we do have a term for it! :) At least, we do, over here!

  2. We’re due to have rain tonight, lasting until Friday. Saturday is supposed to be sunny with the warmer weather and sunshine lasting all the following week. It’s cold today and I’ve put the heating back on for a while- I was shivering!

    My garden isn’t looking much better but it may be easier to pull some of the weeds out next week as the rain will make the ground easier to work...hopefully!

    1. I, too, turned on the heater, for a bit, last night. I was wearing 3 layers and still feeling cold! Yes, it will be easier to pull weeds when the ground has had a good soaking.

  3. Those are beautiful pictures. It’s humid here, as always

    1. Thank you, Akasha. We don't get a lot of humidity over here.

  4. It's a grey May day here and it keeps threatening rain. We enjoyed some lovely sunshine at the weekend, however. X

    1. These grey May days makes us appreciate the sunny days more, don't they? Although this weather is nice for working outside, in the garden.

  5. It's cloudy here, too. I like it. As you mentioned, it's ideal weather for weeding.

    1. I wondered if you received any rain where you are? They said some areas received quite a bit of rain, yesterday. Yes, ideal weather for working in the garden! I should clean out the shed, too, before it gets too hot! :)

  6. Our weather is glorious right now. Highs in the mid 80's and sunny, however it can and will change on a dime!

    1. Our highs were in the mid 60s, today! No sun, at all! Hope you are not in the path of those tornadoes they were mentioning in the news. Enjoy the sunny weather.

  7. We have had lunch and supper on the deck a couple of times but the weather has since cooled. Since the warmer days melted a lot more snow where other rivers feed into our river, the level is up again. There is a dam upriver which must be regulated to moderate flooding above it without causing flooding below. Unfortunately there is just too much water to protect either area! Today DH and I were down at the river helping to add more sandbags to a house there which was sandbagged over a week ago. The river hasn't been as high in many decades, certainly not since we came here. It would be fascinating if it was not causing so much hardship for people up and downstream.

    1. That was kind of you and your DH to help with the sandbagging! I hope there won't be severe flooding and you are not too impacted by any floods there might be.


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