Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Family Time on Wednesday

I woke up to a rather loud "Meow" this morning!  Dancer, with his face close to mine, urging me to wake up and refill his kibbles bowl, because he had eaten it all!  Never mind that there is a second, full bowl near his water dish; the other one was empty!  LOL!  Luckily for him, it was quite late in the morning and time that I got up, anyway.

I fed him and the garden cats, had a cup of tea, replied to blog comments, etc.  It was another dull, grey day, but it was dry.

After brunch (chicken soup followed by a banana), I decided that it was a good day to visit Aunt T.  I called cousin P to let her know, because she had said she'll go with me, and asked her if she was free in the afternoon to visit Aunt T and she said yes.  Then, I called cousin V (Aunt T's daughter) to find out if Aunt T will be free or if she had any afternoon appointments; cousin V said her mother was free this afternoon, that her upcoming doctor's appointment was tomorrow.

Cousin P came over, just before 3:00 p.m. and we set out to visit Aunt.  We got to the assisted living home around 3:30 p.m., and they were just sitting down to have dinner!  So, cousin P and I sat outside in the patio area and chatted while aunt finished her dinner.  Afterwards, we sat and chatted with aunt for about 45 minutes, after which we left.  Aunt wanted us to stay longer, but, I was ready for a cup of tea and something to eat, by then.

On the way home, however, I stopped at a grocery store to buy a bottle of cooking oil.  I used up all the oil I had, last night, when I was preparing something for dinner and I needed more oil to cook the beef steaks I had bought, to make for tonight's dinner.  Cousin P stayed in the car while I ran into the store and bought the oil; it cost $1.99.

I had tea when I came home, with some cheese and crackers.  Then, I watched news, finished the dusting, and started vacuuming.  I vacuumed the living room, dining area, kitchen, and hallway.  I will vacuum the family room and my bedroom, tomorrow.  Later, I hand watered some of the plants in the garden and cooked the steaks I had bought, for dinner.  I also renewed my library book, online, because I haven't finished reading it.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Being able to visit Aunt T
- Cousin P accompanying me
- The car getting a bit of a run
- Being able to renew the library book, online
- What I was able to accomplish today

Thursday's To Do List:
- Finish the vacuuming
- Water the indoor plants
- Paperwork/filing
- Tidy the kitchen, a bit

It is supposed to rain, tomorrow, according to our forecast.  I hope so, because that would mean I won't have to water the garden! 

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for tomorrow?


  1. 3:30pm is a strange time for a meal. Is that a late midday meal or an early evening meal?

    You obviously get your energy later in the day than me. I need to do any housework early in the day or I get too tired to do anything, whereas you seem to get an energy burst much later. Well done though - you seem to be sticking to your schedule and staying on top of the housework. Do you feel that retirement life is starting to slot into some sort of routine/pattern?

    1. Apparently, that was their evening meal! Breakfast at 8:00 a.m. (which seems reasonable to me), lunch at 11:00 a.m., and dinner at 3:30 p.m.! Then, the residents are helped into their night clothes and put to bed by 6 or 6:30 p.m. at the latest! Poor aunt is not used to such an early bed time! But she has a TV in her room and she watches it until she falls asleep, later.

      Late afternoon, or, even late at night, is when I get my energy. I was scrubbing the bathroom sink at 2:00 a.m., last night/early this morning, before I went to bed!

      My routine seems to be, wake up mid-morning, play on the computer, do something productive in the afternoon and, maybe, in the evening, too, then, stay up too late! LOL. I spend too much time on the computer, I think! But, that's OK. I'm enjoying the more relaxed pace. :)

  2. Steaks for dinner sounds yum☺

    1. Thank you, Natalia. It was good and I have leftovers for another couple of meals, too! :)

  3. I'm glad that you got to visit Aunt T. I'm sure she really enjoyed it. 3:30 seems like an odd time to me to be serving a meal. When I used to visit my mother in the nursing home, 3:30 was a time that many residents were taking a nap.

    1. Yes, aunt enjoys having visitors. :) 3:30 p.m. seems like really early to have dinner, but, by 6:30 p.m., everyone is put to bed! Breakfast is at 8:00 a.m., aunt said, and lunch is at 11:00!

  4. Glad you had a good day and mostly glad you were able to visit your aunt. Visits are so important particularly when someone's living arrangements have changed.
    I am not sure about dinner at 3:30 though?

    1. It is ridiculously early, isn't it? But, they are made to go to bed by 6:30 p.m., so, I suppose they need to start dinner, early, too. We are hoping that aunt will be well enough to go back to her home at the end of the month and she can go back to her normal routine of a later dinner and bed time.

  5. I miss having a fluffy faced waker-upper! When I stayed at my my son and daughter-in-law's to look after the girls whilst the parents were away recently, their lovely tortoiseshell and white cat slept on the bed with me. I loved it!

    1. Maybe it's time to get a fluffy faced waker-upper of your own?

  6. I always get so jealous when you talk about your good relationships with your extended family. My little cousin has a baby who is a couple weeks old (I blogged about it when she was born). They posted an adorable picture for her first mother’s day, and I commented that I was so proud of her. Then another cousin asked me how can I say that because she’s so young (she’s 21). Gosh! MYOB!
    My cat likes to wake me up to tell me he needs food by taking one claw and sticking it in the inner corner of my eye. That’s his signal for “Mom, get up, I’m hungry!”
    I always say, ok son, I'm coming.

    1. I remember reading your post about your cousin having her baby. My cousins and I have had our ups and downs, but, we get along well, for the most part.

      Sounds like your cat has his own way of waking you up! I'd be scared if Dancer tried to poke his claw near my eye!

  7. If I had dinner at 3.30 pm, I would be starving by 6 am.
    I’m sure your aunt was very happy to have your company. Is she going to be at the assisted living facility for a while?

    1. I can't imagine having to eat dinner that early! I'd be hungry again, by the time I go to sleep! According to my cousin, aunt will be going back to her home at the end of the month. Cousin said they will have to put in a shower facility downstairs, first.

  8. glad that you are happy to visit your aunt...

    Have a wonderful day

    1. Thank you. Hope your day was wonderful, too.

  9. Dancer seems to expect that both dishes must be full. He would make a good alarm clock if you could make sure that one dish is sure to run out of food by a given time! It might be hard to calculate, though. I can imagine all kinds of equations involving cat kibble munching per hour.

    How nice to visit your aunt, but who would have imagined that she would be having dinner at 3.30 pm. I guess that is a problem with assisted living facilities, they have routines that suit the staff rather than the residents.

    The river level is slowly going down but we have some rain right now. DH went down to look this morning and said there were ducks happily swimming on the road itself!

    1. Dancer also expects to be given a treat practically every time I am in the kitchen, especially if he hears me open the fridge door! Then, he'll come running and meow so plaintively, that one would think he hasn't been fed for days!

      Yes, the early dinner time took me by surprise, but, I guess they have a set routine and one must fall in with that routine.

      Glad to hear that the river level is going down. Too funny about the ducks taking advantage of the flooded road! It rained, here, too, this morning, but no ducks to be seen, only some wet garden cats who looked rather sorry for themselves when I gave them their breakfast.


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