Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Overcast Tuesday

A cold, drizzly, morning; the drizzle stopped, later, but the day remained overcast and cool.

Dancer seems to be doing better.  He meowed around noon and led me to the kitchen!  I was so happy to hear him meow that I rewarded him with some tuna!  He vocalized his thanks when I fed him, again, around tea time.  Then, later, when I was making my dinner and I wouldn't give him more tuna, he meowed his complaints for a few minutes before going off to eat his kibbles.

Thank you to all who commented and said to keep the bed in the spare room.  I think Dancer is happy about it, too!  In the afternoon, he decided that the freshly made bed in the spare room was an ideal spot for his nap:

Dancer Approves!
There was no phone call from the doctor's office about the blood test results, today; since no news is good news, where this is concerned, I hope that it continues to be so!

I spent a good portion of the afternoon sorting through a stack of paper.  This was more recent mail and other paperwork which needed to be filed.  I got through that pile.  There is a second stack of paper to go through, tomorrow.

Then, I dusted the furniture in the living room, dining room, family room, and my bedroom.  It's getting easier!  I also did a bit of decluttering, including this book:

For the Donations Bag
Craft books are next to impossible for me to declutter!

Later, I washed the dishes and scrubbed the kitchen sink.  That was the extent of my productivity, today.

Today, I am grateful for:
- The doctor's office didn't call!
- Dancer seems to be better.
- What I was able to accomplish today
- Warm clothes to wear on a cool day
- Phone calls from family and friends

Tuesday's To Do List:
- Call the vet's office if Dancer is still not meowing - He's better, today.
- Take Dancer for a check up?  - Didn't need to
- Bring in the trash cans - DONE
- Dust the living room and dining area - DONE
- Dust family room and my bedroom - DONE
- Water the house plants
- 30 minutes in the spare room (sort through big basket of stuff) - Did other paperwork, instead

I forgot to water the house plants, today.  All two of them!  Now you know why I have only two left!  LOL!

Wednesday's To Do List:
- Water the house plants
- Vacuum
- Clean the bathrooms
- Do one decluttering/organizing task in the spare room - sort through the basket of stuff
- Paperwork/filing - the second stack
- Shopping? (I want to get some storage boxes for some files and maybe a better desk chair) 

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for Wednesday?  Do you find it difficult to declutter books?


  1. I never declutter book, I love them too much☺☺

    1. It is very hard for me to get rid of books, but, I have so many that I feel I should!

  2. It's very hard for anyone in my family to get rid of books, but since I started working at a library, it's easier for me. I see how many books I can borrow and think that I'll let them store them for me. Basically, we get rid of books when we don't have any more room on our shelves. Then I ask my family members go through and pull out the books that they can't live without. It seems easier to let go to ask the question that way instead of asking what books do they want to get rid of.

    I'm glad that Dancer's better. And I agree with the others. Leave the bed for guests.

    1. Ha, ha, at first, if I ran short of shelf space, I bought another book case! I used to belong to several "book of the month" clubs. Plus, there was a book shop across the street from my office! I have stopped buying books. Instead, I have been borrowing from the library. I do have plenty of space on my book shelves (LOTS of book cases in this house!), but, I feel I need to thin out the collection.

  3. I usually donate my extra books to the library. I'm glad Dancer is doing well. No news is good news with the doctor's office.

    1. Yes, the library is a good place to donate books to. My neighborhood library has a book sale every Tuesday! Dancer is almost back to normal, today. I hope I continue to not hear from the doctor's office! :D

  4. Glad Dancer is doing better. He looks very content on "his" bed. LOL

    1. Thank you. Yes, he seems to have laid claim to this bed!

  5. Glad Dancer is better today.
    I have been reading blogs but am behind in my commenting. Will try to do better now.

    1. Thank you, Anne. He's almost back to normal, and that includes throwing up his undigested breakfast, right next to my bed! I suppose I should be thankful that he didn't throw up on the bed! You take your time with the commenting. I know you have a lot going on.

  6. Two positive points...Dancer improving and no doctors call. What great news.

    1. Yes! I am hoping the good news continues. :)

  7. I'm glad Dancer is improving and I'm sure the tuna must have played a part in that. It seems as though he has staked his claim to the spare bedroom too. X

    1. Dancer is 99% back to normal, including trying to bite me when I pushed him away from my lunch! :p This whole house is his domain! My presence is tolerated only because I open the cans of tuna! :D

  8. I used to have a book full of projects for old t shirts, and those rugs were in there

    1. T-shirts make good rug-making material!

  9. So glad Dancer is meowing and asserting himself. I can see he supports the general consensus that the single bed for guests is necessary, and is just testing it out for confirmation.

    I hope you still have no doctor's call.

    The pollen season seems to have started and I may just have to get into the allergy pills. Never mind, at least it isn't snowing! 😄

    1. Yes, Dancer is back to his normal self! He played with one of his cat toys, raced up and down the house, and, even tried to bite me when I pushed him away from my lunch!

      No calls from the doctor's office, today, too! Still keeping my fingers crossed!

      Oh, poor you! I hope the allergy pills help. True - need to count those blessings! :)

  10. That’s a pretty quilt on the bed.

    Have you made any rugs, Bless? Once I made a t-shirt floor mat and it took so many hours.

    I’m sure it is good news regarding the blood test. :)

    1. Thank you, Nil.

      I have made a few small rugs over the years. I've made braided rag rugs, crocheted rag rugs, and something where I sewed bits of fabric to a burlap backing. The only problem with all the rugs I've made, except for the crocheted ones, was that I couldn't wash them, easily. I have another crocheted rug that I started but didn't finish - I should pull it out and work on it!

  11. I’m glad to hear Dancer is getting better, that’s one less thing to worry about.

    I’ve never tried rug making but it is on my ‘maybe one day’ list of possibilities.

    1. He's all better, now, thank you.

      Rug making can be fun. I should finish the one I am making - I've too many projects in the making!


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