Thursday, October 12, 2023

Windy Wednesday

Wednesday's Harvest: Green chilies, cherry tomatoes, green beans

A sunny day with gusty winds, especially in the morning.  The winds blew down the tomato plants, cages and all, and a branch of the curry leaf tree behind the garage broke off.  Fortunately, M was here later in the morning and he straightened up the tomato plants and took care of the broken branch.  Afterwards, he watered the garden, both front and back.  I picked more green beans, two cherry tomatoes, and some green chillies; I was amused to see that some of the green chillies were bigger than some of the green beans.  

Former neighbor T called in the morning and I chatted with her, until one of the care givers came in with her lunch.  Later friend R called and we chatted a bit, too.

I started on the closet, today, and sorted through all the clothes.  Once again, I have an abundance of clothes thanks to the generosity of my cousins!  They do all fit in my closet, so I am not going to fret about having too many clothes the way I did the last time I went through my closet!  I pulled out three items to put aside to donate, provided my daughter doesn't want them (she has asked to go through them first, before I donate them).  There might be more added to them, later.  I don't like trying on clothes, so, my plan is to wear each item, see if I like it and how it fits me, and then, decide if I will keep them or donate them.  

I still need to go through the items I store on the closet floor.  I plan  to do that, tomorrow.

In the evening, I watched the news and cooked the green beans I had picked over the past few days, some lentils, and warmed up the chicken curry I had taken out from the freezer, and the zucchini I had cooked the other day.

Dinner: Rice and Curries with Tomato Chutney

I finished the zucchini, but, there are leftovers of everything else for tomorrow's dinner, too.  

Today, I am grateful for:
- Waking up this morning, safe, well, and alive
- A sunny day
- M's help with the garden
- An abundance of clothes
- Garden produce

Today's joyful activity was tending to the garden with M.

Plans for tomorrow include finishing up my closet and tidying the kitchen a bit.

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?


  1. Your garden is providing you with some lovely produce and yes your green chilies are big. I have far too many clothes in my wardrobes Bless in a range of sizes and I doubt I will ever be slim enough again to wear some of them but parting with them is so hard. You are fortunate to be able to share with your daughter and that she will wear what you may not need. I hope you have some better weather today, yesterday was dreadful here with all the rain but today it is nice and sunny.

    1. Yes, Eileen, the garden is providing me with some wonderful produce and I am grateful for it all. I'm freezing what I can't eat right away and will enjoy it over the next several months.
      I, too, have some clothes, including three dresses my mother sewed for me, that I can't bear to part with. I was able to wear one of those dresses right after I lost all that weight during chemo, but, I've gained some of it back and now the dresses don't fit, but, they are among the last items my mother sewed for me, so I'm keeping them!
      I'm glad you are having a nice, sunny day, Eileen. It's sunny, here, too, and warming up nicely (it was chilly when I woke up, in the morning; 65F/18C inside the house).

  2. Glad to hear that T is doing well in her new place. Gardner M is such a treasure. You're living my fantasy with him. :)

    1. T is adjusting to her new place, I think, although she is still homesick for her old home.
      M is definitely a treasure! I don't think I'd be able to manage my garden without him!

  3. You are so fortunate to have people who offer things to you, as well as the people who accept your offerings to them.

    1. It truly is a blessing, Anne, and I'm very grateful that I can return the favor from time to time. :)

  4. That must have been really windy to do that damage, but what a blessing that it wasn't worse and you only lost the one tree branch.
    We have sunshine this morning after a lot of dull rainy days, and I've already been down our ravine to check on the beaver dam and lodge.

    1. It was quite windy, Bushlady, but, yes, a blessing that there was no major damage.
      I'm glad you have sunshine. It's sunny, here, too, and it has warmed up in the afternoon. Hope the beavers are doing well. :)

  5. I always like your harvest display photos. You've been using the white towel lately and the green with a few cherry tomatoes always looks so pretty against the white.
    Your winds must've been pretty strong to do all of that damage. I'm glad M was able to get things all tidied up.
    Your plate of food looks nice especially with the tomato chutney :)

    1. Thank you, Debra. The white towel is the wrong side of one of the printed towels I bought at T's yard sale. The right side has yellow flowers and green leaves - the garden produce wouldn't be seen against that background. :)
      We had some strong gusts of winds. Even so, I didn't expect a branch of the curry leaf tree to break!
      I am enjoying my tomato chutney! :)


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