Monday, October 23, 2023

The Garden in October

The Front Garden in October

It's time again to post the monthly garden pictures.  I've been taking pictures of the front garden on or about the same date every month to see the changes from month to month.

The Parkway

Technically not part of the front garden, but, I wanted to show that the pebbles and paving stones are working and still in place!  Every so often, a weed or two will show up, but, they are easily dealt with.

The View from the Other End

The succulents are doing really well (and so are some of the self-seeded osteospermum!)
The Succulents

The asparagus ferns have filled in most of the bed along the walkway to the front door:

Asparagus Ferns (and Other Plants)

A quick look around the back garden:

The Back Garden

The back garden is looking a bit overgrown and there's a bit of cleaning up to be done.

The squash vine is continuing to grow:

The Squash Vine 

As you can see, the vine has reached the second step!  The butternut is starting to turn color!

Lemon Grass (top left), Volunteer Cherry Tomatoes (top right)
A Loquat Plant (bottom left), Volunteer Tomato Seedlings (bottom right)

The celery seedlings that M planted earlier bolted before the stems grew big enough to harvest and I let them go to seed.  Looks like one of those seeds germinated:

Celery Seedling

The plumbago hedge is looking like it needs to be pruned back:

Plumbago Hedge

It's at least four feet deep at this point!  It has almost covered up the sweet potato vine that is growing in front of it!  

The garden continues to grow and evolve, and I am glad I am able to have a garden.

Today, I am grateful for:
- A sunny, if cooler (high of 73F) day
- Having my garden 
- M's help with the garden
- The garden produce I am able to pick
- The garden flowers

Today's joyful activities included being out in the garden and redoing the Halloween wreath:

Renewed Halloween Wreath

I reused the wreath base, the scarecrow, and the other items from the old wreath and some artificial greenery that I had on hand (some of which had been used in and removed from previous wreaths).


  1. I do like your parkway at the front and your gardens are looking very green and lush. You've done a good job on your Halloween wreath it looks great.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Yes, the gardens are still very green and I really like how the parkway looks. I'm pleased with how the wreath turned out. :) Hope you are drying out from the rain and the flood waters go down soon!

  2. The wreath looks much perkier now! Your garden looks good too. Our courtyard is starting to look very sad and tatty now. Love FD xx

    1. Thank you, FD. I suppose your courtyard is getting itself ready for winter. Do you get snow? Do you have some evergreens growing in your courtyard?

    2. We used to get lots more snow, but climate change has led to mainly wetter, milder winters. We have one evergreen bush, but everything else dies back. Mostly we have annual things in pots

    3. I see. Maybe you can invest in more evergreens so that there will be more greenery in the winter. :)

  3. Your garden looks wonderful, with such a wonderful variety of plants. Good that the pebbles & stepping stones are still in place, it's such a tidy alternative. Your updated wreath turned out well.

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. The garden is coming along, nicely, and I know that M is itching to do some pruning and tidying! I'm very pleased with the parkway and thankful that neighbors have left it alone (except for that one incident when they spilled their motor oil all over one of the pavers). I'm happy with how the wreath turned out - it's more representative of Halloween in So. Cal. with more green leaves than fall colors!

  4. The parkway is looking good. I don't know if I remembered that you finished it. For living in an arid/semi arid climate, you sure have a lot growing. Is your yard typical for the neighborhood, or do you have more plantings?

    1. Thank you, June; yes, the parkway was completed in February. I'm not sure how typical my yard is for the neighborhood. Some neighbors have fewer things growing in their yards than I do, some still have a lawn in their front garden (no idea what's growing in their back yards), there's a neighbor at the back with a lot of mature fruit trees that I can see over the wall, and there is at least one other neighbor who has the most beautiful, flower-filled front garden. I guess it all depends on how much we are willing to spend on our water bills! We are all allocated a certain basic amount of water at the lowest rate and anything over that is billed at a higher rate. I try to keep to my allocated amounts, using less water in the house in order to have more for the garden. But, then, it's a single person household, so, it's easier to use less water in the house.

  5. You really have the most attractive house and yard. The parkway sets it off beautifully and I'm glad it is easy to maintain.
    Good job with the Hallowe'en wreath.
    We have a wonderful sunny day today, after the first light frost of the fall. I was happy to see that my two pots of begonias had survived, also the geranium on the deck.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. :)
      Oh, my! The first frost of fall, already! I'm glad that your begonias and the geranium survived and you are having a sunny day, today.

  6. It looks fantastic, Bless. You take such good care of it. I can grow a lot of the same plants that you do.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. I think the credit goes to my gardener M! I know you have a lovely and productive garden, yourself and you do all the work, yourself. Are you planning to plant some winter/cool weather vegetables?

  7. Your gardens look very happy. I'm sure the plants are smiling at their luck to be there! :)

    1. Thank you, Celie. I think the plants are extra happy this year because they received all that rain in the early part of the year! That really helped to keep the plants green!

  8. I don't think my other comment went through so I will retype.
    The parkway really looks wonderful. It has stayed very neat and refreshed looking. You must like gazing out from your home and seeing it.
    Your front garden looks really nice. Those succulents and asparagus ferns really like living there.
    Great job on redoing the wreath. It looks wonderful with the greens which hide the base of the wreath and give it a completely different look. I like that you spaced out the pumpkins too.
    Looks like you will have homegrown squash for Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you, Debra; I like how the parkway looks now. I still find things like empty soda or beer cans tossed on it, but, they are easily picked up and recycled; so far, no one has dashed a glass bottle on one of the pavers or written graffiti on them!
      The succulents and the ferns are really doing well and I am planning to plant more succulents to make the front garden more water conserving.
      I enjoyed redoing the wreath. :) I've 4 small pumpkins leftover, but, I'll find another use for them or might just toss them!
      I am thinking of making a squash pie (instead of a pumpkin pie) for Thanksgiving! :)

  9. I love the Halloween wreath! The garden seems to keep going. Mine is beginning to look a little sad now. The leaves are starting to fall from the trees too and soon everything will be grey and bare. I do hate that time of year!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I like how the wreath turned out. Yes, the garden is doing well. The peach tree and nectarine tree will lose their leaves sometime around mid November, but, most of the rest of the garden will stay green during the colder months. Maybe you, too, need to plant some evergreens in your garden for winter color?


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