Saturday, October 14, 2023

Friday: Cheetah Spots and Tiger Stripes

"My Coat is Tiger Striped"

This is the "cheetah print" blouse I wore, yesterday:

Cheetah Print Blouse

A Close Up of the Fringe Down the Sleeve

Today, I chose another new to me blouse, one that is striped, with slightly puffed long sleeves and button details at the shoulders and cuffs:

Striped Blouse

The fabric is more like a T-shirt material, and not at warm as the cheetah spots one, but, I like this blouse and it is a definite keeper.

It was cool in the morning and I had the small electric heater on.  Later, it warmed up to 80F and I was very happy.  I had planned to do some kitchen tidying, today, but, I didn't do any of it.  Instead, I did a load of laundry, checked on the garden with M, watched some news programs, and watched a few online videos.  I shall tidy the kitchen tomorrow, I guess.

Today, I am grateful for:

- Working appliances
- Electricity 
- M's help with the garden
- Phone calls and emails from friends
- A sunny day

Today's joyful activity was tending to the garden with M.

Plans for Saturday include maybe watching the solar eclipse, if possible to do so from my house, taking some packages that arrived for friend R (she had them delivered to my address after asking me if that would be OK) and tidying the kitchen.  Maybe do another load of laundry, too.

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for Saturday? 


  1. When I read the post with the cheetah print blouse I will admit to thinking, "that doesn't sound like Bless' style" :)
    But looking at it, it's not so bad. I'm not sure what to say about the fringe other than, is it removable? haha. Or maybe you could give it a nice close haircut? Funny stuff.
    It's a nice warm top for you to wear and I think it's fine and I bet it looks nice on you. The other top is very pretty.

    1. Yes, not quite my style, but, I guess it's OK to step out of my usual style. The fringe would have to be cut off and I'm not sure how that would look. Worth a try, I suppose. Both blouses fit me quite well.

  2. The tiger striped "coat" is definitely a keeper! I'm not so sure about the cheetah blouse! I was imagining the fringe as going down from the under arm seam (like the fringe on a country western style shirt). The striped shirt is nice and a keeper. You have generous cousins.

    1. Oh, yes! The tiger striped one is a definite keeper! LOL. So is the black and white striped blouse. The cheetah one is still pending approval, but, it is nice and warm. The fringe is on the outer edge of the sleeve. I'm considering cutting it off. I do have very generous cousins!

  3. Both of those are nice shirts. You are lucky that someone else is doing your "shopping" for you. :) We won't be able to see much of the solar eclipse here, especially if it rains all day as predicted.

    1. Thank you, June; yes, I'm lucky to have someone to do my shopping for me! :D
      I'm afraid I slept through the solar eclipse, but, that's my own fault!

  4. I think the fringes could have been left off the cheetah blouse, but not bad on the whole. I think most of us love stripes and have at least one striped top in our wardrobes! Of course Dancer knows how to wear them well!

    1. Yes, the fringe doesn't do much as far as I am concerned; I'm wondering if I should cut it off. I always thought that I should avoid horizontal stripes, but, I've two blouses with horizontal stripes now (both of them from my cousin!) and I like them both! Dancer says thank you! :)

  5. Dancer is thinking your top looks vaguely familiar :-) It looks better than I was expecting from your description in the previous post and I don't think it needed the fringe.Sorry to say this to you but I'm not fond of horizontal stripes either as I think they make me look fatter but that's just my opinion.

    1. LOL, that's probably what Dancer is thinking! Yes, the fringe is totally not needed on that blouse. I tend to avoid horizontal stripes, myself, but, I now have a couple of blouses with horizontal stripes (given to me by my cousin!) and I am keeping them. They look ok on me, I think. :)

  6. We are sitting by the fire, up in the mountains. I plan to do some sock knitting today and enjoy a book from our local library. It's sunny outside, so it will be warmer to sit out on the deck.

    1. It sounds nice and cozy, Stephenie. It's warm down here! 92F today! I'm loving it! :D


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