Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Monthly Photo Challenge - October: The Changing Season

The Changing Season was the theme for October's Photo Challenge, hosted by Eileen.

I found this to be a very challenging theme to photograph!  In my part of the world, October is not a big season of change and even though I complain about how cold it is in the house in the mornings, the day time highs have been in the 70s, 80s, and even the 90s.  Even our daylight savings time doesn't change until November.

But, if you look really closely, you might be lucky and find a leaf or two changing color:

Peach Leaf

Plum Leaf

Bauhinia Leaves

Actually, the bauhinia tree is showing quite a bit of change:

Bauhinia Tree (10/22/23)

Bauhinia Tree (10/28/23)

Fallen Bauhinia Leaves
(the twisted branches hugging the bauhinia tree trunk are
the branches of my rosemary plant)

Leaves are not the only thing changing color in my garden:

Lemons Changing Color

It's the season for lemons to ripen and change color from green to yellow:

Lemon Tree

Inside the house, it is the season to change decorations!  

From this:
Old Wreath

To this:
Renewed Wreath

From this:

Version 1
To this:

Version 2

To this:

Version 3

And back to this:

Final Version
While this changed from this:

Fall Arrangement

To this:

Halloween Arrangement

Dancer says he doesn't know anything about a changing season; all he changes are his favorite napping spots:

Napping on the Sofa

Napping on the Bed

A lot of the changes in my home and garden during this changing season were small, but, there were changes to be found.

Thank you, Eileen for hosting October's Monthly Photo Challenge.  I had fun participating in it.


  1. You do so well with Eileen's photo challenge. I know it wasn't easy for you and lovely to see the changes in your garden and your Halloween displays. Dancer changing napping positions is wonderful but my favourite was seeing him reading blog comments the other day :-)

    1. Thank you, Eileen; it really was a bit of a stretch with the Fall/Halloween displays, but, they were all I could think of for changes! Glad you liked the earlier photo of Dancer reading the blog comments! :D

  2. You have captured the changing seasons in your garden quite well & of course getting Dancer to participate is wonderful. My fur girls change their napping places as they follow the sun bugs in the house (sun bugs=sunny spots). :)

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. It was a challenge to find the changes, but, they are there! Your fur girls are onto something! I follow their example, from time to time, when I migrate to the living room sofa to nap in the afternoon sun! :D

  3. Lovely to see photos of Dancer napping everywhere. I shared the bed with Jaspêr last night: he tends to take over the space & the duvet!! I love seeing lemons & oranges growing in people's gardens - it doesn't seem real, somehow!! Do you use the lemons in your cooking?

    1. Thank you, FD; today, Dancer chose my daughter's bed on which to nap! Yes, I do use the lemons in my cooking; in fact, I picked one today (it was split) and cut off the damaged area and used the rest to flavor a dish of spicy caramelized onions I was making.

  4. That was fun seeing the changes you found - especially because you don't have the dramatic season changes like there are in temperate climates.

    1. Thank you, June. :) The changes are just starting to happen here; there might be more color in the garden in November.

  5. Great collection of photos for the challenge! I am intrigued by the twisted branches of the rosemary plant. I've never seen one like that before. Dancer looks a little disgruntled in the first photo ("I haven't posed yet") but very peaceful and composed in the second one!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. The rosemary bush is almost 30 years old (grown from a cutting from a friend's garden) and I love those twisted branches! It's like a sculpture, isn't it?
      The first photo of Dancer was taken on Friday the 13 of October. I think that's his, "I'm not impressed" look! LOL.

  6. Those are very cute decorations. The leaves are turning bright red, orange, and yellow, up here in the mountains. Don't you love it when the citrus fruits finally change color during the cold nights?

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. Oh, it must be looking lovely in the mountains! Yes; I always get excited when the fruits start to change color. It'll take another couple of weeks, at least, for the lemons to ripen, but, I picked one, today (it had split) and used it in the dish I was cooking. :)

  7. You did great finding changes, and getting Dancer to join in! And I'm impressed by the size of your rosemary plant branches!

    1. Thank you, Celie. Dancer wasn't sure what all the fuss was about! LOL. The leafy parts of the rosemary bush are all out of the planting bed!

  8. Small changes make a big difference. Xx

  9. For a difficult prompt, you did well in coming up with some wonderful photos. The different leaves changing are very pretty.
    hahahaha Dancer changing positions/places for his naps - very clever :)

    1. Thank you, Debra. I did what I could! :) Of course Dancer had to be in it, too! :D

  10. It was a very difficult prompt but you had some good ideas and nice pics. The wreath is much improved!

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. There's more change evident this week, including the time change. :)


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