Saturday, October 21, 2023

Saturday: Decorating for Halloween

Halloween Decorations

Today, I decorated the house for Halloween.  The Jack-o-Lantern mug (a gift my daughter received when she was a little girl from my sister) took the place of the blue vase with the fading squash leaf in the arrangement with the silver grey pumpkin and the white lantern.

I put the trick-or-treating teddy bears runner I had sewn on the living room coffee table and placed the plastic Jack-o-Lantern candy bucket I bought for my daughter for her very first Halloween.  Not pictured is another plastic trick-or-treating bucket which I bought for my daughter when she was 5 years old - we were on our way to trick-or-treat at her piano teacher's house and we realized that we had forgotten to bring her Jack-o-Lantern bucket with us, so, we made a quick stop at a grocery store on the way and picked up another bucket.

The decoration hanging on the back of the door and the scarecrow on the mantelpiece are items my mother bought for my daughter.  

There seems to be a theme here, doesn't it?  Almost all the decorations are items that were bought for my daughter!  LOL.  

There is an old wreath, too, which I put together years ago, with another scarecrow (again, something my mother bought for my daughter) and other bits and pieces:  

Old Halloween Wreath

But, stuff was falling off the wreath and it was looking very old and tired.  I am planning to redo the wreath and I'll post a picture of it once I've done it.  

This was today's garden harvest:

Today's Garden Harvest: Green Beans and Cherry Tomatoes

Just a handful of green beans (most of the bean plants are done producing and I pulled them up) and cherry tomatoes from the volunteer tomato plant.  I froze most of the cherry tomatoes, but, I cooked the green beans to have with my dinner, and I added a couple of the cherry tomatoes to the green beans:

Saturday Dinner: Hamburger Patty, Green Beans,
and Cheesy Instant Mashed Potatoes

There was a packet of cheesy instant mashed potatoes that neighbor S's daughter had given me a long time ago (towards the beginning of the pandemic; she gave me two packets).  They have sat in the cupboard all this time and I decided that I should make up one of them to go with the hamburger patty and the green beans from the garden.  I think I would have enjoyed regular mashed potatoes to the cheesy ones, but, it wasn't too bad.  There's leftover mashed potatoes for future meals.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Another sunny and warm day
- Today's garden harvest
- Books to read
- A relaxed day
- Online videos to watch

Today's joyful activity was decorating the house for Halloween.

How was your Saturday?  Do you decorate for Halloween?



  1. Those decorations look so much fun!

  2. I have some vintage halloween stuff that I bought years ago during my 'collecting' vintage things years. It's decorations and little plastic pumpkins and such. Most of my vintage collections I've given away, old jars of buttons, some great fans from the thirties. But the Haloween stuff fits in a small box so i've kept that. I'll post a few pictures on my blog for you to look at.

    1. Vintage Halloween items are very cute, I think. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your collection! :)

  3. It's looking festive around your house these days. Do you have many trick-or-treaters?

    1. Thank you, June. I've had practically no trick-or-treaters in the past several years! From even before Covid. I doubt very much if I will hand out candy this year, either.

  4. Little grey pumpkin looks right at home! Produce looks yummy, and the dinner. You have a neat collection of Hallowe'en decorations.
    Years ago I used to decorate outside and at the door, and at the other house I even had a tape deck with some eerie music (probably something by Mussorgsky which I would play when the children approached. Our son has been decorating for the local children for years and he sets up a "spooky walk" on the little path through the front garden, with tombstones and goodness knows what. There are pumpkins and straw bales by the regular path, and a spooky cat that responds to motion with a yowl. He has coloured lights, too. It isn't anything big but the youngsters love it.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I could probably whittle down the Halloween decorations even more if I give away the two buckets, but, for right now, everything fits into one plastic bin in the garage and I am happy with that. Now, if only I can reduce my Christmas decorations! LOL!
      Your son's "spooky walk" sounds fantastic! Not too many of my neighbors decorate their houses anymore and I have stopped decorating the outside, myself.

  5. I thought about doing a little decorating, but was busy doing other stuff last week. Maybe I will get around to it this week!

    1. You were very busy last week! You still have time to decorate this week. Enjoy it!

  6. You have quite a collection of Halloween decorations. Your wreath is lovely and it will look even better when it's redone.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. The Halloween decorations fit in a bin I store in the garage. I redid the wreath, today.

  7. We don't really decorate the house for specific seasons, except Christmas. And I tend to ignore Hallowe'en - it's never been on my radar, except when I was a child & we would have apple bobbing parties & carve out turnips (no such thing as pumpkins then!!). There's something about celebrating scary things that doesn't sit well with me, but I don't know what exactly.
    I think I would have wanted gravy or tomato sauce with your dinner. Love FD xx

    1. I didn't grow up celebrating Halloween; it's something I learned about when I came to this country. I started decorating for Halloween when my daughter was little and now, I guess I decorate for myself. I lean more towards jack-o-lanterns and cute witches (and black cats, of course) rather than skeletons and ghosts.
      I reheated the hamburger patty (it had been cooked earlier and frozen) in some leftover pot roast gravy and spooned what remained of the gravy over the hamburger, but, it wasn't a thick gravy.

  8. I like all of your decorations. Your house looks very festive and all ready for Halloween. You have some very sweet items from your daughter's childhood and I enjoyed reading about their connection.
    I didn't have any sentimental Halloween decorations so, having decluttered over the years, I no longer have any Halloween
    I do have a couple ceramic turkeys and a ceramic pumpkin that I will bring out in November closer to Thanksgiving but that's it for me for Fall decorations. The little plastic shoe box they are in looks pretty empty but that sort of pleases me.
    Have you decluttered any holiday decorations? Those sorts of thing can take on a life of their own can't they? I got rid of a few Easter items and am now down to the ones I really love. The Easter shoe box is pretty full lol With 2 wooden rabbits living outside of the box ;)
    I've gotten rid of a lot of Christmas items over the last few years but still have a large amount as the tree (if you have artificial like I do) and the decorations take up quite a bit of room don't they?

    1. Thank you, Debra; yes, almost all the Halloween stuff is from my daughter's childhood! She says I can toss them, but, I like them! I suppose the plastic buckets could go!
      I have a wreath (I used to make a lot of wreaths at one time) and a cornucopia for Thanksgiving; the wreaths take up space and require a large bin or box for storage.
      I have decluttered all my Easter decorations.
      But, I have a LOT of Christmas items! I used to collect Santa items, often buying them on sale after Christmas. I still keep them in their boxes and that takes up a lot of room. My daughter wants the Winter Village, but, doesn't really care about the rest of it. This might be the year to declutter some of it (I keep saying that!)


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