Tuesday, October 17, 2023

October Meal Plans - Week 2 Review and Week 3

I'm a day late with this post, but the delay means I can include the meal I received on Monday evening from my friend.

This was the revised meal plan for October Week 2:

October Week 2 Meal Plan 

Brunches: Pot roast sandwiches, leftover gyoza, sauteed cooked pinto beans (need to remember to put the beans to soak, overnight), pancakes or waffles, peanut butter toast

Dinners: Rice with chicken curry, sauteed zucchini and/or sauteed green beans, and maybe dhal/lentil curry;  pancakes (in lieu of dosa) with chicken curry, dhal, and mint sambol, hamburger patties with salad, pizza, canned chunky "pub style chicken pot pie" soup, leftovers

Snacks/Desserts: Pears, apples, yogurt, banana muffins (need to bake), cinnamon rolls, doughnut, coffee cake, a cashew-blueberry snack bar (compliments of M)

Here's how it worked out:

Brunch: Beef pot roast sandwich
Dinner: Pizza from neighbor S
Snacks/Desserts: Cinnamon rolls

Brunch: Leftover gyoza
Dinner: Pizza
Snacks/Desserts: Donut, coffee cake

Brunch: Pot roast sandwich
Dinner: Rice and curries (chicken curry, lentil curry, sauteed green beans, sauteed, zucchini, tomato chutney)
Snacks/Desserts: Pear slices, chocolate

Brunch: Peanut butter toast
Dinner: Rice and curries (chicken curry, lentil curry, sauteed green beans, tomato chutney)
Snacks/Desserts: Yogurt, pear slices

Brunch - Scrambled eggs and toast
Dinner - Leftover rice and curries
Snacks/Desserts - A cashew/blueberry snack bar that M brought, yogurt, popcorn

Brunch - Pancakes and chicken curry
Dinner - Breaded shrimp with tomato chutney
Snacks/Desserts - Popcorn, pear slices

Breakfast - Pancakes 
Lunch - Cheese toast
Dinner - Canned "pub style chicken pot pie" chunky soup  
Snacks/Desserts - Popcorn, yogurt, ice cream

I think it all worked out quite well.  I didn't feel like having the hamburger patties on Sunday, so had some of a can of soup, instead.  It's the first time I tried this soup and it was quite good, although I didn't like the pieces of dumpling like things which I guess was supposed to be the pot pie crust?  I didn't like the texture.

October Week 3 Meal Plan:

Brunches: Corned beef sandwiches (canned corned beef), sauteed pinto beans, scrambled eggs and toast, soup, pancakes with leftover corned beef, leftovers from dinners 

Dinners: Rice and curries compliments of friend S, hamburger patties and salad, baked chicken with rice and vegetables, fried rice, leftovers

Snacks/Desserts: Yogurt, apples, canned fruit, popcorn, cereal, ice cream, pastries if I bake them

That is the plan!  Subject to change, of course!

Are you meal planning this week?


  1. You really have some nice, well balanced meals. I like that you're flexible with your plans!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. You are being very kind. I noticed that it was mid-week before I had anything that was a vegetable and the last couple of days didn't include any vegetables, either! I really, really, really need to include more vegetables in my meals! Flexibility is the key because I don't always feel like cooking and eating what I plan to make.

  2. I have a sweet tooth so your snacks and desserts sound very appealing. Your "pub style chicken pot pie" soup sounds intriguing a simple chicken soup would have been better I think. Your plans do work well for you and as Sharon says you are flexible..

    1. I think I've more than just one sweet tooth, Eileen! I really need to dial back the sweets intake!
      It was a canned soup that I bought when it was on sale to try, partly because I was intrigued by the name! It was good, except for the doughy bits which I didn't like! I won't be buying it again, though.
      Yes, it's easy to be flexible because there's just myself to cater for! I have meal planning options, but, once something has been taken out of the freezer to thaw, then, of course, I need to cook and eat it so it won't go to waste! :)

  3. I need more vegetables in my meals, too. Flexibility is the name of the game in almost everything, isn't it?

    1. Long ago, I decided I will try to be a vegetarian and I remember my mother laughing because I was someone who hated to eat my vegetables! I managed to be a vegetarian for three months and after that, I gave up! I am going to try to have at least one or two vegetables with my meals this week (green peas and corn don't count!)
      Yes, flexibility is the key. :)

  4. You ate well, but some days I can sense Honor Min muttering "where are the veggies?" With DS visiting and DH away, we did well, especially as my neighbour donated more lettuce and tomatoes! All were planned meals, apart from a takeout last night, but I am going to tackle the leftovers in the freezer tonight since DS has just left.

    1. Yes, I did eat well, even if the vegetables were lacking! I miss Honor! You definitely did better than I did, when it came to having well balanced meals with all the fresh produce from your neighbor! Having the leftovers from the freezer will give you a break from cooking for a couple of days, at least. :)


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