Saturday, March 22, 2025

Another Finished Project


Mended Socks

This past winter, I have had to repair several pairs of my knitted wool socks.  Usually, a hole would develop in the heel and I'd do my best to mend it, but, later, another hole would develop under the toes or next to the previously mended hole and I would mend them, too.  I usually don't have any matching yarn, so the mending is done using different odds and ends of yarn I have in the stash, resulting in some very colorful socks, indeed.  Especially when former darning is reinforced with newer darning as shown below:

Reinforced Mending

It is the second sock from the viewer's right in the first photo, which developed a new hole on the side of the previous mending, after that first photo was taken!

I guess I am hard on my socks!  I wear them around the house as I don't wear shoes inside the house.  The repeated mending makes the socks feel rather stiff at first, but, eventually, I get used to it.  However, every time I darn one area of the sock, I notice that the wool is getting thinner and worn out in other places.  

So, I decided that it was time to knit myself a new pair of socks!  I decided to use some acrylic yarn that was leftover from the pink crocheted blanket.  It's the neon pink that my daughter thought was too bright, but, I love!

New Pink Socks

I finished knitting the second sock, on Friday.  I love just how pink my new socks are!  They might not be as warm as my wool socks, but, unlike the wool socks, they will be machine washable.

The only problem is, I hate to get rid of my old mended socks!  I've told myself that I shall wear them until they start to tear, again, and then, I will toss them.  They can be mended only so much!  

I am grateful for:
- A new pair of socks
- Being able to knit
- My recently replenished yarn stash
- Warm feet
- A finished project

My joyful activity on Friday was knitting.


  1. You certainly have some colorful socks. It’s like a party on your feet!

  2. Those mended socks are almost designer socks, reminding me of the patched or otherwise transformed jeans that cost a fortune to buy. Perhaps you could create some more one day, with the patches on top, and sell them for a small fortune! I wouldn't want to get rid of them, they are spectacular. The new ones are pretty, too.

    1. The mended socks do have a story to tell, don't they? I've been watching some sock mending videos and they all seem to produce such beautifully mended socks, but, mine don't look anything like that! I should probably just unravel up to the cuffs and then, reknit the rest of the sock!

  3. The mending does make your socks even more colorful! I really like the bright pink pair! When my socks wear out, I cut off the toes and cut them lengthwise and then into strips. I use these as garden ties for staking tall plants (asters, sunflowers). They don't damage the stalks. Of course, my sock are not nearly as nice as yours!

    1. They are certainly colorful, aren't they? :D I like the idea of cutting up the worn socks and using them as garden ties. I have been using my old knee high nylons for garden ties, but the colorful socks will add another layer of color to the garden. :)

  4. I love the colourful mending AND the joyful pink socks

  5. Lovely colourful socks. I bet they keep your feet warm!

    1. They are very colorful, aren't they? They do keep my feet warm and I wear them all the time in the winter.


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