Friday, March 21, 2025


The Nasturtium plant

I heard a lot of snarling and hissing and squealing outside in the garden a few nights ago.  Either the garden cats were fighting with each other or they were fighting with the raccoons.  I hear their scuffles quite often, so I don't even bother to look outside, anymore.  But, it must have been an epic fight.  Because, the next day, when I went outside, I noticed that my nasturtium plant ended up as "collateral damage".  The trellis had been knocked down and the plant had been broken off at the root and uprooted!

The Broken Root

I stuck the root back into the ground to see if it might regrow, but, I don't think it will.  The plant was growing so well, too, and I was so looking forward to collecting seeds from it.  I will probably buy another packet of nasturtium seeds and try to grow them, again.  

And here it was in happier days:

In Happier Days

What's new in your garden? 


  1. That’s too bad about your plant, but if anyone can regrow it, it would be you.

    1. Thank you for the vote of confidence in my growing skills, June. :)

  2. That's heartbreaking! What a shame as the nasturtium was flourishing. You obviously have a knack for them so fingers crossed that you'll be able to get another to grow so well.

    1. It really is a shame, Lyssa. Yes, hopefully, I'll have other nasturtium plants - must get some seeds, soon.

  3. Oh goodness! Maybe it will surprise you and grow. Animals can sure be destructive when they want to!

    1. That's what I am hoping, Mandy, that it will regrow. But, I really doubt it. I just need to get some new seeds and replant.

  4. That's too bad about the nasturtium. I didn't know you still had some garden cats. I hope the fight wasn't with a raccoon, they carry many diseases including rabies. They are mean, too!

    1. Yes, and I was so happy with how my nasturtium was growing. Yes, I still have some garden cats and there's a raccoon that seems to come by almost nightly. Chicken Little, however, seems to be missing. I don't know if the neighbors are keeping her in a coop now or she's off being broody somewhere, or if she fell victim to the raccoon.

  5. That must have been some fight if they even knocked down the trellis as well.

    1. Yes, they smashed down some other plants, too, but, the nasturtium bore the brunt of it.

  6. That's sad about the Nasturtiium! Mine didn't grow last year whereas the previous year, they did ok and I collected (and pickled!) seeds!

    1. Thank you, Kezzie; I was rather upset about the plant as this was only the second time I've had any luck with growing nasturtiums. I'm sure your pickled nasturtium seeds tasted great!

  7. Critters are not kind to plants sometimes. Hopefully you can plant more and they can survive the next onslaught.

    1. Thank you, Anne. I am planning to buy a packet of seeds and plant another batch. Maybe I should grow them in hanging pots so they can trail down and still be out of reach for the garden critters.

  8. Oh dear! Fingers crossed that it will grow again.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. The plant is looking quite withered, right now, so, I think I just need to plant some new seeds.


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