Thursday, March 13, 2025

More Rain

Cut Up Mango (Tuesday Night's Dessert)

It rained most of the day on Wednesday.  Light drizzle, for the most part, but, I told M to take the day off.  I did a couple of loads of laundry, mended another knitted sock, did a little knitting, did a little paperwork, and, in the early evening, walked a little in the driveway.  

Brunch was a toasted bagel with scrambled eggs, bacon, and fresh oranges.  The cut up mango in the picture was Tuesday night's dessert.  For dinner, I baked chicken drumsticks and spicy potato wedges and made a cucumber salad.  

We had some heavy rain late at night and the forecast calls for more rain on Thursday and Friday, too.

On Wedesday, I was grateful for:
- More rain for the garden
- Working appliances
- A working heater and a warm and dry house
- Time spent with my daughter
- Electricity and natural gas to run the appliances

Wednesday's joyful activities included walking, picking oranges from the garden, and knitting.

Plans for Thursday must include getting my tax documents together to take to my tax preparer.

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?

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