Wednesday, March 12, 2025

When Succulents Bloom


Among The Eucalyptus Roots

There are several small succulents nestled among the roots of the eucalyptus tree.  My hope is that they will grow and cover this area, eventually.  One of the plants is succulent with red-tinged leaves, which, according to M who gave it to me, will grow and spread to form a ground cover.

Close Up of the Red-Tinged Succulent

As I looked closer at it, I realized that, not only were the tips of the leaves tinged with red, but, there were small clusters of tiny pink flowers!

Succulent Flower Clusters - Magnified 5 Times

My cell phone camera will only magnify up to 5 times.  But, each tiny flower looked beautiful.  

Sometimes, I like to take the garden in at a glance.  But, sometimes, the plants call out to me to get closer and look carefully.  To see the details.  To observe the changes.  To pause in my stroll around the garden and take time to appreciate some of the little things that are often overlooked.  Like miniature blossoms on a tiny plant.  

I am grateful for:
- Having a garden in which to grow plants
- M sharing some of his plants with me
- Being able to stroll around the garden
- Being able to see - the colors, the shapes, the details
- Succulents that bloom

My joyful activity on this day was spending time in the garden, observing the succulent flowers, enjoying the fresh air, the sunshine, hearing the birdsongs, and feeling blessed by nature.

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