Sunday, March 9, 2025

On Saturday



Pretty soon, everyone is going to get tired of me posting pictures of the osteospermum, but, until then, I am posting these as the plants in the front garden are just starting to flower.

Closer Up

I love the color variations.  Some are white with yellow centers, some are white with purple centers.  Others are purple with purple centers.  While some others appear as bi-colored, white with purple tinged petal tips:


It was another sunny day and the temperatures were in the upper 60s.  It was warm enough for me to open the doors and windows to air out the house.  It was, actually, quite warm out in the sunshine and I spent a little time in the garden.

Daughter spent another day out with her friends as they celebrated March birthdays.  Daughter asked me to make her some sandwiches to take with her as she was not planning to eat out at a restaurant (she sat in her friend's car and ate her sandwiches to avoid having to take her mask off in public).  Another friend's mother, too, had made sandwiches for the group of friends.  

I did a load of laundry, ran the dishwasher, did a little bit of cleaning and decluttering, and started a knitting project, playing with yarn instead of with fabric.  

I had bread with peanut butter for brunch.  For dinner, I made a small pan of soup with leftover beef pot roast that I had kept for the purpose, adding some carrots, potatoes, and homegrown red-stemmed celery stalks and leaves.:

Beef and Vegetable Soup

In addition, I warmed up a package of ground beef (bought at the end of January) which I had cooked with lots of added vegetables (in February) and frozen.  I cooked some boxed macaroni and cheese to go with the ground beef mixture.  Daughter and I had the beef and vegetable soup as a first course and the mac & cheese with the ground beef mixture as the second course.  There are leftovers for another meal.  

On Saturday, I was grateful for:
- Another sunny and warm day
- Daughter had another fun day with her friends
- Working appliances
- Garden flowers
- Leftovers

Saturday's joyful activity was knitting.

Plans for Sunday include setting the clocks to Daylight Savings Time and spend more time playing with yarn.

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for Sunday?

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