Sunday, March 16, 2025

A Weather Vane!


My First Weather Vane

Blog friend Lady Ella (her blog is private, so I am not providing a link) regularly posts pictures of weathervanes she sees over in the UK and I love seeing them.  I started to look for weathervanes when I was out and about, but they seem to be a rarity in this area and I wasn't able to find any until late last year, when I went to the fabric store in mid December and happened to see a building with a weathervane, across the street from the store.  I meant to take a photo of it on the way out, but, forgot to do so.

However, this weekend, daughter and I went back to the fabric store (which is now closing) and this time, daughter reminded me to take the photo of the weathervane before we went into the store!  And I did so!  Which was a good thing because by the time we finished shopping (more about the shopping in another post), it was getting dark and the light wasn't very good for taking photographs.  

The building with the weathervane is a commercial building, built in 1977.  It's an interesting looking building, too, but, my focus was the weathervane.  I have now taken a photograph of a weathervane and I feel ridiculously happy about that!  

Have you seen weather vanes in your area?  Are they relatively common where you live?


  1. What an excellent find. I hope it is the start of many more to come. Lady Ella does have an excellent eye for finding the most interesting weather vanes. I see the two of you in the future collaborating on a coffee table book of weather vanes across the pond (which means in both directions) :)

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. Lady Ella finds lots of weather vanes, but, so far, I have only seen this one and I've read of another on a historical building in another neighborhood, but, I haven't been there, yet, to look for it. I do like the idea of a coffee table book of weather vanes across the pond! :D
      Hope you are keeping well and looking forward to spring. I miss your blogging.

  2. It's not as fancy as the one in you picture, but our house has a weather vane. It wasn't the main reason we bought the house, but I was excited that it had one.

    1. Oh, that sounds wonderful to have your own weather vane! Maybe, one day, you will post a picture of it. :)

  3. That is a lovely weather vane. A few blocks from me is a house ( now a law office) with a weather vane. There aren't many around.

    1. It is a lovely weather vane, isn't it? I haven't really seen any buildings with weather vanes in my area. But, I shall keep looking. :)

  4. I can't think of any weathervanes seen around here, but I like the idea of looking for them and photographing them. Congratulations on managing to get your photo of a particularly interesting one!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I wonder why certain areas have more weather vanes than others. But, it is fun to look for them, especially when they are rarely seen. :)

  5. Oh I love the weather vane! We have one on top of our garage. It's leftover from the old owners I think lol. I'll have to try to take a photo of it.
    Hope you enjoyed your trip to the fabric store.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. How lovely that you have your own weather vane! Yes, please take a photo of it and post it!
      I did enjoy my trip to the fabric store. I bought more fabric! LOL. There were a lot of empty shelves, though!

  6. It's a lovely weather vane. I can't remember the last time I noticed one here. I'll be keeping my eyes open for one now. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules; I was thrilled to find it! I hope you do find some weather vanes in your area, too. :)


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