Monday, March 10, 2025

March Meal Planning

I took a break from meal planning during the first week of March.  But, now, it is time to get back to planning some meals.  

Ham cold cuts sandwiches
Scrambled eggs and bacon with bagels
Jamaican style meat patties/hand pies
Pizza (from the freezer) and Salad
French toast

Leftover mac & cheese with ground beef
Rice and chicken curry with vegetables
Pork chops with rice or baked potato wedges and vegetables
Chicken pot pies

Fresh fruit
Cereal and milk
Bread pudding
Hot Cheetos

As always, the planned meals are subject to change, depending on what I feel like cooking, but, I've included some convenience meals for those low energy/"don't feel like cooking" days.

I am grateful that I have plenty of groceries on hand to be able to plan a variety of meals during the week.  

Will you be meal planning this week?


  1. Sounds great. Can you share how you make the Jamaican beef patties.
    I laughed when I saw the hot cheetos on your snack list. You are the only adult besides me I have heard of who likes them.

    1. Thank you, Anne.
      I'm sorry, but, the Jamaican beef patties are a frozen food item I found at the dollar store while looking for frozen burritos. It is basically a spicy beef filling encased in a pastry crust that you microwave. I bought two of them for us to try and we both liked them, so, I bought more, especially since they had been reduced to $0.50 each. I guess it is the spiciness that makes them Jamaican? To me, they are a little like oversized Sri Lankan beef patties or oversized empanadas. However, if you do a search for Jamaican beef patties, you'll find some recipes to make them.
      You can add my daughter to the list of adults you have heard of who likes hot cheetos! In fact, it was she who introduced me to the Xx-tra hot cheetos. :)

  2. Mealplanning is a bit chaotic with our temporary kitchen. I made a huge curry in the slow cooker yesterday, to feed us for 3 meals. But I realised I had no rice !![actually, there may be some in one of the packed food boxes in the back bedroom but if so I cannot find it] I served the curry with pearl barley instead, it was very tasty.

    1. That was good planning on your part, Angela, to make a batch of curry in the slow cooker. Pearl barley was a good substitute for rice and if you happen to have any cous-cous, that can be substituted, too. Or, curry and bread.


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