Tuesday, March 4, 2025

On Monday


Harlequin Sparaxis

The Harlequin Sparaxis bulbs that M planted in the bulbery are flowering!

On Monday, I drove my daughter to her physical therapy appointment.  She had an hour-long session and received some new foot exercises to do at home and a follow-up appointment at the beginning of April. 

On the way home, I stopped to put gas to the car as I had less than a quarter tank of gas.  Gas at the cheapest gas station in the neighborhood was $4.50 per gallon for unleaded, if paying cash.  I put $50 worth of gas (the full amount I budget for gas each month) to the car and filled the tank.  

After we came home, I did two loads of laundry, took the trash cans to the curb for pick up on Tuesday morning, watched the evening news, and did a few daily chores. 

We had leftovers from Sunday's birthday meal for both lunch and dinner.

On Monday, I was grateful for:

- The availability of physical therapy for my daughter
- A safe drive to the clinic and back
- Free parking at the clinic
- Gas for the car
- Working appliances and electricity to run them.

Monday's joyful activities included chatting on the phone with friend R and neighbor S and texting with one of my cousins.

Plans for Tuesday include tidying up the house a bit , catching up on some blog reading, and maybe a visit from friend R.

How was your Monday?  What are your plans for Tuesday?

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