Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Tuesday's Happenings


Nasturtium Plant

There are several more flowers on the nasturtium plant and I saw the beginnings of a seed forming!  I shall be sure to save the seeds from the plant to replant, next year.

On Tuesday, it was sunny and it warmed up to 68F in the afternoon.  I brought the empty trash cans in, watered a few select plants in the back garden and all the houseplants, did some housework, clearing off the dining table where I had been sewing, and cleaning the bathrooms.  I wiped down the kitchen counters, too, and ran the dishwasher.  

I made thin, crepes-like pancakes for brunch and we enjoyed them with sugar and lemon juice.  They are my daughter's favorite type of pancakes.  

In the afternoon, friend R visited and she brought some fast food (burgers and mini tacos) for us, which we had for dinner.  She stayed to tea and later, after daughter finished her work for the day, we dropped her off at her apartment.  

Daughter and I watched some online videos after we came home and relaxed.

On Tuesday, I was grateful for:

- A sunny and relatively warm day
- Weekly trash collections
- What housework I was able to accomplish
- Friend R bringing us dinner
- A safe drive to drop her off and return

Tuesday's joyful activity was having friend R over to visit.  

Plans for Wednesday include doing some paperwork/bill paying and tidying the family room.  It is supposed to rain in the afternoon, so, I'm not sure if M will be able to tend to the garden.  But, if it does rain, then, the garden will get watered.

How was your Tuesday?  Did you have pancakes?  What are your plans for Wednesday?

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