Monday, March 24, 2025

March Week 3 Meal Plan Update and Week 4 Meal Plan

Friday Fried Rice

I had been operating without a meal plan for the first few days of Week 3 and then, I posted a "Mid-Week" meal plan for the rest of the week::


Scrambled eggs and bacon with fried potatoes or toast
Leftovers from dinners

Leftover pork chops with rice and green beans
Leftover chicken and rice with broccoli
Smoked sausage and vegetables stir fry with rice
Mealball curry and rice with lentils and green beans

Snacks: Fruit, granola bars, cereal, crackers with tuna salad or peanut butter, hot Cheetos

However, I've decided to post an update on the entire week, just to make it easier for myself to see what last week's meals were.  The first three days of meals were copied and pasted from the previous meal planning post.

Lunch Tuna salad sandwiches
Dinner: Leftover salmon, boxed wild rice mix, sauteed green beans, corn on the cob (homegrown corn from the freezer)

Lunch:  Leftover rice and chicken curry with the last of the sauteed cabbage and tomato chutney
Dinner: Pork chops, rice, green peas, cucumber salad

Breakfast: French toast
Lunch: Cold cuts sandwiches
Dinner: Jamaican style beef patties from the freezer; cucumber salad per daughter's request   Chicken curry and bolillos*; strawberries

* I did a mid-week grocery shopping trip on Wednesday evening, after my appointment with the tax accountant.  Their new office is located in an outdoor mall with several stores including a Hispanic grocery store.  I bought 2 cucumbers at 2/$1 and a type of bread rolls called bolillo that were also priced at 2/$1.  In addition, I bought some broccoli, a bunch of kale, a loaf of sandwich bread, a pint of half and half, a container of strawberries and piece of cappuccino tres leches cake as a treat.  My total came to under $20.00

Breakfast: Jamaican hand pie (me; daughter didn't want breakfast)
Lunch: Chicken curry and bolillo, strawberries
Dinner: Leftover chicken curry and bolillo (me); pork chop and bolillo (daughter)

Brunch: French toast (there was batter leftover from Wednesday)
Dinner: Pork fried rice (leftover pork chop half, leftover rice, lettuce, green peas, scrambled egg, peanuts)

Brunch:  Scrambled eggs and bacon on toast; half a bottle of a green smoothie drink, each
Dinner:  Sardines on toast, ice cream for dessert

 Frozen burrito
Dinner: Meatball curry, cashew curry from the freezer (leftover from the almsgiving), and rice; the last piece of tres leches cake for dessert


Which brings us to this week, which I am considering as the 4th (and last) week in March.  

Here's what this week's meal plan looks like:


Peanut butter on toast (or bread)
Tuna salad sandwiches
Leftovers from dinners

Leftover meatball curry with rice, cashew curry, and green beans
Smoked sausage and vegetables stir fry with rice
Boxed mac & cheese with tuna/tuna "casserole"
Sauteed chicken with potato wedges and broccoli

Snacks: Fresh fruit, granola bars, cereal, crackers, etc.

That is the plan.  We shall see how it turns out.  

Are you making a meal plan this week?


  1. You always have such a variety of meals. I'm a little late with meal planning this week but I finally got it worked out! Hopefully I'll stick to the plan.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Sometimes, I feel that I am cooking the same thing over and over again, but, that is because they are easy meals to prepare and I don't want to spend the time or effort to cook elaborate meals.

  2. I love tres leches cake. Once I have a proper kitchen again I shall make one. First tasted in Albania in 2017

    1. We like it, too, Angela, although I have never tried making it.

  3. You are so organized. We operate on the principle of what needs to be used up before it goes bad for our meal planning. :)

    1. Thank you, June; I don't feel that organized, but, I try to be. Your way of meal planning works, too, and will minimize waste. :)

  4. We had those rolls last night with chocolate butter . The rolls were delicious, the chocolate butter? Underwhelming.
    That said we were in an open air restaurant on the water where we could hear the waves hit the shore. The night was wonderful

    1. For me, the rolls are best with something savory. Sounds like you were in a perfect setting to enjoy the rolls, even if the chocolate butter was underwhelming. :)

  5. "Friday fried rice" sounds quite official and it certainly looks good!

    1. I think I'm going to start calling it that and make it a regular weekly item! LOL. There's usually some leftover rice and other bits and pieces in the fridge by Friday night. :)


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