Thursday, August 22, 2019

Ultrasounds on Thursday

I had my ultrasounds done, today  (there were two; one of them, intrusive).  My appointment was for 2:00 p.m., I was told that check-in time was 1:30 p.m.  I left home at 12:20 p.m. just in case there was traffic congestion.  There was quite a lot of traffic, but, I got to the hospital a little after 1:00 p.m.  I went prepared to wait, with a book to read,  But, I didn't have a very long wait.  I was checked in after short wait and called in for the ultrasound after another short wait.  You know you've been to the radiology department too often when staff there recognize you from your previous visits!

The procedures took a little time.  But, the person doing them was very nice, explaining everything to me and being very gentle.  She said the radiologist will take a look at the ultrasound results and send the report to the doctor either tomorrow or by Monday, that I should call the doctor's office on Monday or Tuesday.  I am hoping that the results will be normal, but, if they find something, then, it is something that can be treated.  I wanted to say that I hope it would be at an early stage, but, according to what I've been told, since I've already had breast cancer, any other new cancers I might get will automatically be considered Stage 4.  I left the hospital a little after 3:00 p.m. and came home by 4:00 p.m.

I had eaten half an almond croissant for breakfast.  I had lunch when I came home - the last of the frozen lasagna and the other half of the almond croissant.

I will have a cup of tea in a little bit (it's just after 5:00 p.m., right now).

I am still planning to clean the kitchen and water the garden, later this evening; maybe even do a load of laundry.  But, for right now, I just want to sit on the sofa and relax.  Maybe read a bit and maybe even take a nap!  I not tired, but, I feel drained.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Medical insurance
- Modern diagnostic tools
- Helpful staff at the hospital
- Parking validation (I only had to pay $3)
- A safe drive to the hospital and back (drove past two accidents on the way)

Thursday's To Do List:
- Go for the ultrasound - DONE
- Clean the kitchen
- Water the garden

Friday's To Do List:
- Vacuum
- Tidy the cabinet under the sink in my bathroom

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?


  1. Oh, Bless, waiting is so hard. I think this weekend is time to delve into some quilting or knitting projects. I'll thinking about you.

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn. I ended up taking it easy all evening, partly because my daughter called and we spoke for 3 hours! LOL.

  2. I hope all your results will be good and not anything to be concerned about. I like your point about staff recognizing you. No matter how much we appreciate diagnostic facilities, we don't want them to become regular hangouts!

    We have some pretty little "weeds" that pop up a lot in one part of the yard and DS was so taken with them that he took some seeds back to the city with him! They are called "garden catchfly" or Silene Armeria and they are bright pink, so cheerful. They love sandy soil and gravel and attract hummingbirds and insects. I think ours are a dwarf variety as they don't grow really tall.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. That is a very pretty flower! I looked it up and read that it was drought tolerant! That would be a good plant for my garden!

  3. Oh, that must have been stressful. You are in my prayers. You live such a healthy, disciplined life. I wish you the best.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. I worry too much, I guess. I keep reminding myself that the blood test cancer markers have all been good, but, there is always a possibility that something could be wrong. I hope I'm not turning into a hypochondriac! :)

  4. I suppose in light of your problem, my losing my house and being homeless is not as bad. Sorry for your problem.

    1. Thank you; you have a big heart to feel sympathy for someone else when you, yourself, are undergoing so much turmoil. My health problems might turn out to be nothing to worry about, after all, depending on the test results. Your situation is more real and urgent. I hope that things will work out for you.

  5. These procedures are never pleasant so put your feet up and relax for a while. It's good that you were seen quickly and don't need to wait too long for your results. I am keeping everything crossed for a normal result for you. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. As I told myself, last night, the matter is out of my hands now. As much as I like to be in control of things, certain things are out of my control and I need to accept that. Maybe this is another test of my faith. :)

  6. At least it's not too long to wait for the results. I'm praying for the clear result you want.

    This has all been stressful for you so maybe treat yourself to a few relaxing days. Take care xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I took it easy, yesterday, after all; partly because my daughter called and we spoke for 3 hours straight! :)

  7. I hope your tests come out well. I always noticed (when my neighbors retired) that it seems you need to retire to keep up with dr. appts! Andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. You are right! I've had 5 medical appointments, so far, this month, and there might be one more, next week, depending on the outcome of the latest results! One doctor asked me if I've done any travelling this summer and I said, yes, to all my medical appointments! :D

  8. I hope your test results will be all good, Bless.
    I’m sending lots of positive energy your way. I hope you have a relaxing weekend.

    1. Thank you, Nil. Hope your first week of classes went well. I'm sure you are looking forward to the weekend.

  9. please know i'm thinking about you and hoping for good test reports- you have what sounds like a very diligent and concerned health team ...
    regards from boiling hot teas-

    1. Thank you, Barb. Yes, I do have a wonderful medical team; definitely a blessing!

      Stay cool!

  10. Thank you, Jean.

    Sounds like you are having a couple of busy days! I'm sure you are looking forward to relaxing and "goofing off" on Sunday! :)

  11. Hi Bless,
    I'm hoping for good test results for you. Like you mentioned, your blood test cancer markers have been good and I would think that has to be a good indicator, right?
    Concentrate on that this weekend and try to stay positive.
    Take care,

    1. Thank you, Debra. Yes, I am going to think positive! :)

  12. I’m also praying for healthy results. I’m glad you spoke to your daughter.

    1. Thank you, Akasha. I told her about your blog and how you posted a song by Linkin Park (I knew she listened to some of their songs). She not only knew the song, she sang it to me. She also took a peek at your blog. :)

    2. Awesome. I love when ppl read my blog :)


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