Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Monday's Activities

Library Book
This is one of the library books I had borrowed and returned to the library, today.  It was full of pictures of the author's beautifully organized home.  I am more determined than ever to declutter and organize my home, too.

I took it easy in the morning, sleeping in and listening to some of my old cassette tapes!  Remember those?  I was trying to declutter them, but, can't quite bring myself to do so!  In the afternoon, I went to the library to return books (and borrowed one more book on quilts).  Later, in the evening, I did most of the tasks on my to do list, other than dusting.  I also cooked the green beans I had bought and that some of it with leftover rice and mackerel curry for dinner.

8/5 Decluttering
Today's decluttering was a small stuffed toy that daughter received at Anime Expo a few years ago.  She gave it to me and I gave it to Dancer to play with, but, he hasn't shown any interest in it.  Time for it to go.

Today's joyful activity was listening to old music tapes.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Being able to sleep in
- My cassette tape player
- Library books
- Water for the garden
- The temperature cooling off in the evening

Monday's To Do List:
- Change bed sheets - DONE
- Load of laundry - DONE
- Dust the living room and dining area
- Clean the fridge - DONE
- Take the trash cans out - DONE
- Water the garden, front and back - DONE
- Library to return books (due on Tuesday) - DONE

Tuesday's To Do List:
- Bring the trash cans in
- Dust
- Water the house plants
- Do more tidying and decluttering

How was your Monday?  What are your plans for Tuesday?


  1. I also cooked canned salmon yesterday, following your mackerel curry recipe. 😁

    Books on organizing and decluttering have beautiful photos. They always make me want to declutter. Yesterday I got rid of several framed artwork and 3 old blinds (I don’t know why I kept them..).

    1. I've got to try canned salmon to see if I prefer that to the mackerel. :)

      Well done on the decluttering! I'm looking around the house and seeing all the souvenirs my mother and I've picked up, over the years. It's hard to declutter those!

    2. I prefer canned mackerel to the salmon, Bless. But I can’t find good canned mackerel easily because I don’t buy fish from China.

    3. I remember you saying that, about fish from China, before, Nil. To be quite honest, I haven't checked where the mackerel comes from. It's probably from China.

  2. I only have one cassette tape left but I no longer have a cassette player so need to get it transferred to a CD. It's a recording I made of my sister's two eldest children opening their Christmas presents when they were about 3 & 4. You can hear my mum's voice on the tape which is why I have kept it.

    If you declutter the cassette player you will find it much easier to let the tapes go ... just a thought 😂

    1. I hope you are able to get the tape transferred to a CD, Eileen.

      I have two cassette players! One is part of a portable radio which I am keeping because it can run on batteries if the electricity goes off (after a major earthquake, for example). The other is built into my stereo - I have a 4-in-1 stereo with radio, CD player, record player (I still have a few LPs), and cassette player. :)

  3. What did you have on your cassette tapes? Were they homemade or store bought? Sometimes it's fun to listen to things from the past because they are usually just what we like.

    1. My tapes include some Sinhalese songs, some gospel music, some country, some old pop music (The Platters, Fats Domino), a recording of piano music (Vladimir Horowitz plays Chopin), etc. I decluttered most of my homemade tapes, previously. What I have left are store bought ones and one homemade one that my stepfather compiled for me.

  4. We're away from home at the moment and after a lovely forest walk this morning we will be spending most of the evening swimming in the sea.
    I'm going to try making your mackerel curry when I return. I've bookmarked the recipe, thank you for the link. X

    1. Enjoy your holiday, Jules. Forest walks and swimming in the sea sounds lovely!

      Hope you'll enjoy the mackerel curry, when you make it. :)

  5. My OH really enjoys listening to cassettes. If they bring joy then keep them!

    1. Yes, I will keep them and listen to them as long as I can. :)

  6. I've enjoyed reading about your visit to the Temple and to Hollyhock house, also all the photos. So much more fun to see yours than to look up places on the internet!

    We still have a lot of tapes and sometimes I remember to put one or two in the car if we are going further than the local town. But more often we use the truck which is newer and has a CD player. I do have some tapes on which family members can be heard, and some of them have since passed so it is good to have their voices. I rarely listen to them, though! I also made tapes of favourite comedy radio programs some years ago.

    A few weeks ago I decluttered an old soft toy to my friend's little dog and he was ecstatic! He has since demolished it, which is okay as it wasn't fit to be given to a child.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, Bushlady. :)

      My old car had a cassette player and I used to play my tapes when I drove to work and back, but the current one has a CD player.

      That was nice of you to give your friend's dog a stuffed toy to demolish! :D

  7. Oh that little toy just goes to show you can see anything and sell it to kids.

    1. LOL, my daughter said she received it as a free item for buying some videos or something that she really wanted, but, yes, one can sell just about anything! We tried to figure out what it was supposed to be - I thought it looked a bit like a dog, myself.


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