Sunday, March 2, 2025

Thriving in February

Flower Stalk Starting to Emerge on a Succulent Plant

I liked reviewing January with thriving in all aspects of my life as my goal; so I am continuing with it for February, too.

As usual, I started off February with making the traditional milkrice for breakfast on the first of the month and making an offering of some of the milkrice and fresh flowers at the altar.  Throughout the month, I kept my spiritual side thriving with daily prayers, meditation, and doing my best to live my life according to the teachings of my religion.  

My daughter spent February with me and I have loved having her home.  I am happy to say that our relationship is thriving.  

Health & Well Being:
As always, there is much room for improvement in this area of my life.  I had a follow up appointment with the oncology nurse practitioner in February, which went well.  There are some additional tests to be done, but, I am focusing on the positives and doing what I can to thrive.   

Family, Friends, & Community:
I kept in touch with family and friends by phone (mostly), emails, texts, etc.  I wished family members on their birthdays, remembered my mother on the anniversary of her death, received gifts of food from neighbor S, kept in contact with late neighbor T's daughter, and participated in the blogging community.  I'm pleased with the amount of interaction with my family, friends, and community, in February, too, and feel that this area of my life is thriving.

I went over the grocery budget I had set for myself in February, but, that was compensated for by shifting funds around in the budget.  Not ideal, but, it worked out.  There was also a larger than expected car maintenance bill at the end of February, but, I had funds set aside for such expenses, so that was covered.  For the most part, I feel that I have done well managing my finances, in February.  

Time Management:
Yet another area in my life with room for improvement!  I do tend to procrastinate doing various things and on those rare occasions when I try to be proactive, I make mistakes like scheduling Dancer's vet appointments too early!  But, other important things such as paying bills were done on time.

I did take the time to enjoy some leisure time this month.  I borrowed a book from the library and started reading it, I did some fun mending, and I played with fabric, doing some scrap piecing.  I feel that I thrived in this area of my life, in February. 

I am committed to making my home a place where my daughter and I can thrive.  To that end, I've kept the house maintained on a fairly regular basis, although there are several piles to be whittled down and, no doubt, a few dust bunnies frolicking under furniture.  I'll be focusing on spring cleaning in March.

The garden has done well in February.  We had a few days of rain and the plants responded with new growth.  The peach tree flowered and even set some fruit; the blueberry bushes did the same.  The lemon trees and the orange tree are full of fruit, too.  The garden is thriving.

All in all, the month of February went well, I think, and I succeeded in thriving in small ways.  I hope to thrive more in March.

How was your February?