Monday, January 27, 2025

We Had Rain!


Raindrops on Roses Oranges

We had light rain showers on Saturday evening and on Sunday.  Such a blessing!

On Lemon Leaves

Other areas might have received more and heavier rain, but, we had less than 0.5 inches of rain in my area.  Which, considering the fact that we've only had about 0.02 inches of rain since the end of May up till now, is not at all bad!

On Peach Twig

More rain is in the forecast for Monday as well and some of the burn areas are under a flash flood alert.

Sunday's daytime high was only 47F, which is very low for us.  But, the air felt fresh when I went outside to check on the garden and to take pictures.

The rain was good for the garden, although this iris looked a bit water logged:

On Irises

This weekend, I am grateful for the much needed rain!


  1. Yeah for the rain, which will certainly give the firefighters some welcome relief. Fabulous photos of raindrops :)

    1. Yes, the rain was much needed. Thank you, Mary-Lou. :)

  2. Besides giving the plants a much needed drink, I'm sure that the rain helped clean the air of the smoke. And it makes beautiful pictures. :)

    1. Yes, the air quality is really good, today.
      Thank you. :)

  3. Oh that is wonderful! I hope there's more rain for you today.

    1. Thank you, Celie; today is mostly sunny, in my area, but, I was happy we had some rain. :)

  4. I was worried when I didn't see a post from you. Hurrah for rain! The plants will be grateful, but I do hope it won't cause any flooding. How is the situation now with the fires? Xx

    1. Sorry, Jules, didn't mean to worry you. I started writing two posts over the weekend, but, didn't finish them!
      The rain was wonderful; some areas received over 1.6 inches and other areas, including where I live, received under half an inch.
      The three major fires in the Los Angeles area are over 90% contained, which is very good news. There are other fires in other areas of the state, though.

  5. Petrichor - the scent that you get after rain.

    It looks like your garden was thoroughly refreshed. Sending hugs x

    1. Thank you, Lyssa! I've learned a new word!
      The garden received a good drink of water!

  6. Beautiful rain photos! Our high was 47 today, which is high for us after our colder weather. Low for you is high for us! Glad you got rain. andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. It's funny how we feel the same temperature as warm or cold depending on what we are used to, isn't it? :)

  7. How lovely to see the photos of all the raindrops!

  8. Lovely photos. Glad you got some rain! Hopefully that will stop the fires.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. The rain helped with the fires although it led to some flooding in areas and mud slides.

  9. I'm so glad. When I heard on the news it had rained for you, it made me smile. Did you put out your water buckets?
    Bearded Iris. Such a pretty flower. I only have blue and purples. I would like a white.

    1. Thank you, Debra. It was wonderful to have some rain. No, I didn't put out my water buckets this time, but, I probably should have. The white iris is lovely, isn't it? M gave me the bulbs.

  10. Very pretty pictures of the raindrops. It might only have been a little, but every bit counted at the time!

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. Yes, every drop of that rain helped. We are supposed to receive more rain this week, too!


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