Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Sleepless Nights.

I couldn't fall asleep on Monday night.  I went to bed and stayed wide awake, trying to sleep, until finally, shortly after 8:00 a.m., I gave up trying to sleep and got up.  I had my morning cup of tea, made my daughter her cup of coffee, fed Dancer, brought in the emptied trash cans, called in Dancer's medication refill to the pharmacy, checked the mail (I've a Jury Duty Summons), watched some videos online, replied to blog comments, read and commented on a few other blogs, and did some thinking about things.  

In the afternoon, my daughter insisted that I tried to take a nap or, at the very least, lie down and rest.  After about an hour of lying awake, I eventually managed to nap for about an hour.  Once I was up, I warmed up the leftover hot dogs for a very late lunch, watched the evening news, cleaned the kitchen a little bit, ran the dishwasher, washed Dancer's dishes and cleaned his litter box, and prepared dinner.  I was going to make the devilled chicken, but, the chicken was still frozen solid!  Instead, I heated up a can of beef stew and cooked some fresh rice to go with it.  I don't generally buy canned beef stew, but, I bought a few at the very beginning of the pandemic to have on hand as part of my emergency supplies.  It is now time to use them up before they get too old.  I doctored up the beef stew with some garlic salt, chili powder, and frozen green peas.  I decided to serve it with rice, instead of mashed potatoes.  There's leftover beef stew and rice for at least another meal or two.

Friend R called after dinner and we had a short chat.  Then, I exchanged emails with a friend.

All the things I didn't do are glaring at me, but, it is already almost 1:00 a.m. on Wednesday, so all the undone tasks will have to wait.

On Tuesday, I was grateful for:

- An afternoon nap
- Being able to call in Dancer's medication refills
- Weekly trash collections
- The mail being delivered on a more or less regular basis
- Working appliances

Tuesday's joyful activity was watching some favorite videos online.

Plans for Wednesday include registering for jury duty, tending to the garden with M, and doing some laundry. 

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for Wednesday?  Do you sleep well at night?


  1. So sorry that you had a bad night.

    I think you always have to doctor up something like tinned stew, just as I'll always add something fresh to leftovers. It makes all the difference and it sounds like you made something really tasty out of a basic.

    Perhaps the strain of the fires is telling on you. Sending hugs and still thoughts and prayers.

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. I slept well, last night, and, hopefully, I'll sleep well, tonight, too.
      Yes, the tinned stew turned out fine, once I added a few extra things to it. :)

  2. I had a ”Brexit Box” of groceries, in case food supplies got messed up when Britain left the European Union. We were so grateful for those tins when we got ill with COVID at the beginning of the pandemic . The only foodstuff I really stocked up on in 2020 was bread flour, buying in bulk, so I could make my own bread. That got used up fairly quickly.

    1. I'm glad you had the Brexit Box of supplies on hand when you needed it. I always keep a stash of shelf stable pantry items on hand in case of emergencies (earthquakes, fires, etc.), but, really stocked up during the Covid pandemic because I wasn't shopping in person. I will be replacing some of the items as I use them up, because I don't want to be without emergency supplies.

  3. Io per fortuna il problema dell' insonnia non ce l'ho ancora...
    Però stanotte con il raffreddore ho proprio dormito male

    1. I'm glad you don't have any insomnia problems, yet, Stefania. Hopefully, you'll never have any. But, sorry you didn't sleep too well last night (I couldn't tell whether it was because you had a cold or because the temperature was cold); hope tonight will be better and, if you do have a cold, hopefully, you'll feel better soon. :)

  4. I hate it when I can't sleep. I don't handle it well at night or the next day. I hope you can have better sleep tonight and the nights following.

    1. A missed night of sleep can leave one feeling very tired the next day. Fortunately, I slept well, last night and hope I'll sleep well tonight, too. :)

  5. I hope you can nap more and more! That is a sacrifice to not be able to sleep. Good luck with jury duty! I like jury duty once I'm there, but don't like worrying about going there. andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. Naps are helpful, but, a good night's sleep is better. Getting to jury duty on time is one of the things I dislike about it. I don't want to have to drive to downtown at 7:00 a.m. in the morning rush hour.

  6. Oh my, how frustrating it is when you have a night like that. Sometimes it is best to do just what you did and get up instead of tossing and turning.
    I hope by now you have gotten back to your normal schedule and are more rested.
    It's good to use things that have been in your pantry for a while. How was the canned beef stew? Acceptable?

    1. I haven't had a night where I couldn't fall asleep in a very long time (I have stayed up all night because I've wanted to, but, that's different, isn't it?) I did sleep well, last night and, hopefully, will do so, again, tonight, too. :)
      There's a lot in the pantry that have been there for a long time! I need to eat my way through them. The stew was fine. I like stuff like that. My daughter would have preferred something else. But, she ate it (there might have been quite a bit of chili sauce poured over her portion!) :D I think I'll make some pot pies with the leftover stew and I know that it's good as a soup, too, thinned out with some water. :)

  7. I haven't had a good night's sleep in decades, but some nights are better than others! Last night I got up just after midnight to check the furnace and put more wood on. Later at 4.30am I went down again and kept it going. The house has stayed warm despite the brutal cold outside. Perhaps you could blame your particularly sleepless night on current events. Maybe one should be able to sue certain prominent figures for sowing anxiety and discord!

    1. I'm sorry you have had disturbed nights of sleep for years, Bushlady, but, well done keeping the furnace going and the house warm during your cold winters.
      I'm sure my sleepless night can be blamed on current events. For example, a new fire broke out, today, although, thankfully, it's quite a distance away from us. Even so, it has burned over 5,000 acres in just 2 hours.

  8. Oh dear. I'm so sorry you've suffered with sleepless nights. It can't be easy given the current circumstances, so I'm glad you took the opportunity for a short nap, and I hope you've managed to rest a bit more since then.
    I'm not the best at sleeping either, so I often feel exhausted at the end of a busy day. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. The short nap helped and I am sleeping better, now, thank you. I hope you are sleeping better, now, Jules.

  9. I can sympathise about sleeplessness. I have just recovered from another 3-4 day migraine, during which I slept a LOT. Then last night i lay awake till gone 5am! You can imagine how useful I have been today!
    PS. I have just found some newer comments from me, that I had forgotten about! I thought my last one was at the beginning of January, so i started back there... But in re-reading i found the picture of the tamales, which is a coincidence because yesterday it was the answer to an American crossword clue that I was doing. It can be hard to get all the questions because of so many US references, but I got that one almost immediately. :o)

    1. I'm so sorry you have been having a migraine these past several days. At least you were able to sleep during that time, but, I can see why you weren't able to sleep last night. There are nights when I'm up till 5:00 a.m. and then, I sleep till noon! I hope you are able to fall asleep earlier tonight.
      Glad to hear that the recent picture of the tamales was helpful with the crossword puzzle. :)


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