Saturday, January 11, 2025

Friday Update

Blueberry Walnut Muffins

Friday was another day of anxious watching of news updates and preparing to evacuate if needed.  While we did that, I baked a batch of muffins with frozen homegrown blueberries and some walnuts and we had that as a teatime snack - we had both forgotten to eat brunch!

Daughter had a full day of work with online meetings, etc.

I picked up another order of groceries in the afternoon.  I needed milk, half and half, bread, and I bought a cucumber and some salmon fillet on sale with a coupon, as well.  In addition, I bought a few shelf-stable items to keep in the car in case we had to evacuate - bottled water, crackers and some granola, more tuna for Dancer and a spare can opener.  My shopping total came to $58 and some cents.  Approximately $8 of that was for the can opener.  I also received a free 54 fl. oz. bottle of orange juice with my preferred customer coupon.

Later in the evening, M and I tended to the garden.  He watered both front and back and pruned another section of the calamondin tree.  

I packed a few more things to take with us if we needed to evacuate - a couple of warm sweaters and jackets, a quilt, some paper plates and napkins, two cups for us and a bowl for Dancer.  Hopefully, we won't need to evacuate, but, the winds are supposed to pick up again, over the weekend.

Then, I washed several dishes and cooked the salmon for dinner.  While cooking, both hands cramped, and daughter had to help turn the salmon over in the frying pan while balancing on her crutches.

It is almost 5:30 a.m. on Saturday as I post this - neither daughter nor I have gone to bed, yet.  I think we'll go to sleep now and hope that we can sleep in a bit.  

On Friday, I was grateful for:

- We are still safe and at home
- The grocery store was open and I was able to pick up all the items I ordered
- Time to pack the car with essentials 
- M's help with the garden
- Family and friends, including blog friends, checking on us

Friday's joyful activities have included baking muffins and tending to the garden.

Hope you all had a good day on Friday and have a good weekend ahead of you.  Stay safe wherever you may be!  Any special plans for Saturday?  

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