Sunday, January 12, 2025



Pine Tree and Hawk

Perched on a branch in my neighbor's pine tree, is a little brown hawk, so well camouflaged that it is hidden in plain sight.  The only reason why I know it is there is because I heard a commotion in the garden with Chicken Little squawking indignantly and I saw a big brown bird swooping down and then, flying off into the pine tree in the garden behind me.  I took this picture from the back steps, and then, tried to get closer to take another picture, but, the hawk flew off when it saw me approaching.  It is perched on a branch just below the highest wire.  Chicken Little escaped the hawk and flew over the wall into her own garden, where she continued to squawk and protest for several minutes.

On Saturday, the stress of the past few days caught up with me.  I woke up with a slight sinus headache (due, no doubt, to the poor air quality) and feeling tired, achy, and slightly nauseated.  Eventually, I resorted to taking a Tylenol for the aches and pains and drank some lemon-lime soda to help with the nausea. I watched the news to get the latest on the fires, packed a few more things in the car, and took a long nap on the sofa.  The nap really helped and I woke up feeling much better.

Brunch had been two of the blueberry muffins.  I wasn't feeling very hungry for dinner, so I had a sandwich with some of the sauteed salmon as the filling.  Daughter had leftover rice, salmon, green peas, and tomato chutney for dinner.  Afterwards, we shared an apple.  

On Saturday, I was grateful for:

- Another day of not needing to evacuate
- The fires are starting to be contained
- Both daughter and I are starting to feel a bit less stressed about the situation
- Having electricity, water, and gas and working appliances
- Caring friends (including blog friends) who are checking in on me 

Saturday's joyful activity was taking a nap!  

Plans for Sunday include more anxious watching of the news and maybe a load of laundry.  

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for Sunday?


  1. Continuing to remember you all in our prayers

    1. Thank you, Angela. Prayers are much appreciated.

  2. Ho provato a cercarlo e infatti non l'ho trovato anche ingrandendo la fotografia

    1. I only know it's there because I saw it fly into the tree - it blends right in with the trunk of the tree.

  3. Chicken Little is protecting the place. How about laying some eggs, Chicken Little.
    It's no surprise the stress of the surrounding fires is catching up with you. I am glad you were able to nap and that it was a restorative rest.
    I hope today brings news of more progress on the fires.
    p.s. I don't see the Hawk! lol

    1. I, too, have been telling Chicken Little it was time for an egg or two, although, last year, it didn't lay any eggs till summer.
      The news is much better, today, and containment of the fires are improving. We are watching out for rising winds, mid-week though, with gusts up to 70 mph.
      I can't really see the hawk in the picture, myself. I just know it is there because I saw it fly into the tree. It blended right into the tree trunk with its brown feathers.

  4. I have been watching the fire maps as I have friends in Irvine and Mission Viejo. Right now, their area looks okay. Are you further north, closer to the fires?

    1. Yes, June, I am much further north, closer to the fires. I am about midway between the Pacific Palisades fire and the Eaton fire, north east of the first, west of the other, and the Hurst fire (which is now mostly contained) is about the same distance to the north of me.

  5. That nap sounds like very necessary self care. Living with the stress of fire is draining. I wonder if the hawk was displaced, or perhaps taking advantage of the small creatures displaced. I know I'm not alone in praying for the fires to be contained. Sending hugs to you and your daughter.

    1. The nap was, indeed, much needed. I've been staying up at night and sleeping only a few hours in the mornings, just to be prepared to leave at any moment. The lack of sleep and the tension got to me, I guess.
      The hawk could have been both displaced and on the look out for small animals who were displaced, too. That big pine tree might be a good nesting place for it.
      Thank you for the prayers and the hugs, Lyssa. Much appreciated.

  6. I imagine the stress of the situation there must be unbearable. I'm glad you rested. I hope more fires are contained and soon put out.
    I zoomed in but didn't find the little hawk. It's very well hidden.

    1. Thank you, Celie. Yes, the uncertainty of the fires is stressful. Even preparing for it, packing the car with the essentials, can be stressful, too. What do you take? What do you leave behind?
      Most of the fires are somewhat contained, but, the Santa Ana winds are expected to blow again during the week, with gusts up to 70 mph. It's hard to fight the fires when the winds are so strong.
      The little hawk is very well hidden. Even I can't find it in the picture! I just know that it is there - I tried to get a close-up, but, it flew away.

  7. I'm not surprised you felt poorly. This must be such a stressful time for you and your daughter. It's good that you haven't been ordered to evacuate. I hope the weather and return of the winds doesn't make it It worse for you. You are both in my prayers xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen. It is a very stressful time. But, we are doing OK, so far. Thank you for your prayers; much appreciated. :)

  8. I hope you are feeling better today. I can't imagine living in such a stressful situation. Trouble sleeping doesn't help. I'm glad the nap helped.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady; I've felt much better, today, although I took a very short nap, again. Somehow, one feels more vulnerable at night and I'd rather be awake and alert during the night. But, the fires are being contained and that is a blessing.

  9. The stress of all of this and the poor air quality are no doubt not helping things. I sure do hope you are feeling better by now. Take all the naps and rest you need!

    1. Thank you, Mandy. I am running the air purifiers all day and far into the night. And I took another, shorter, nap, today! :)

  10. Thinking of you and your daughter, Bless. I can't imagine how stressful this devastating situation must be.
    I hope you feel better for a good rest. Xx


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