Monday, January 20, 2025

January Grocery Shopping Part 3

I picked up my groceries this afternoon.  I needed more half & half for my daughter's coffee, more tuna for Dancer who is refusing to eat his canned cat food (we had a battle of wills and he went without eating for over a whole day and I caved in), some fruit, and facial tissues.  I bought all that and a bit more!  Here's the receipt, with the UPC codes removed and my explanations in blue:

Order Summary

Original Item Total$61.56
Item Coupons/Sales-$12.84
Fulfillment Fee+$0.00
Sales Tax (for facial tissues)+$0.38
Order Total$49.10
Total Savings: $19.79 ($12.84 coupons/sales + $6.95 pick up fee)

Item Details

21 Items

Chicken of the Sea Chunk Light Tuna In Water, 5 oz (cheaper per can with sale than store brand)$5.00
4 x $1.25 $1.79 each
Item Coupon/Sale: -$0.54
Item Coupon/Sale: -$0.54
Item Coupon/Sale: -$0.54
Item Coupon/Sale: -$0.54
Cucumber, 1 ct$0.89
1 x $0.89 $0.99 each
Item Coupon/Sale: -$0.10
Fresh Banana - Single, 1 ea (5 bananas, actually)$0.92
1.33 lbs x $0.69 each (approx.)
Heinz Tomato Ketchup, 32 oz (one of the few items I am brand loyal to)$2.99
1 x $2.99 $6.49 each
Item Coupon/Sale: -$1.50
Item Coupon/Sale: -$2.00
Kroger® Complete Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle Mix, 32 oz$2.84
1 x $2.84 $3.29 each
Item Coupon/Sale: -$0.45
Kroger® Grade AA Large Cage Free White Eggs, 12 ct$8.99
1 x $8.99 each
Kroger® Half & Half, 1 pt$2.69
1 x $2.69 each
Kroger® Plain Bagels, 6 ct / 18 oz (the store substituted name brand bagels at store brand price)$2.34
1 x $2.34 $2.79 each
Item Coupon/Sale: -$0.45
Kroger® Russet Potatoes Big Deal in 10 lb Bag, 10 lb$4.99
1 x $4.99 each
Kroger® White Hot Dog Buns, 8 ct / 11 oz (the store substituted name brand buns for the same price)$1.79
1 x $1.79 each
Kroger® Whole Carrots Bag, 2 lb$1.99
1 x $1.99 each
Large Fuji Apple - Each, large/ 1 count (3 apples)$0.56
0.57 lbs x $0.98 $1.98 each (approx.)
Item Coupon/Sale: -$0.57
Private Selection® Classic All-Butter Croissants, 4 ct$3.74
1 x $3.74 $4.99 each
Item Coupon/Sale: -$1.25
StarKist Reduced Sodium Chunk Light Tuna in Water, 5 oz (cheaper per can with sale than store brand)$5.00
4 x $1.25 $1.59 each
Item Coupon/Sale: -$0.34
Item Coupon/Sale: -$0.34
Item Coupon/Sale: -$0.34
Item Coupon/Sale: -$0.34

Non Grocery Item:
Kroger® Easy Care Everyday Facial Tissues, 4 ct$3.99
1 x $3.99 $6.99 each
Item Coupon/Sale: -$2.00
Item Coupon/Sale: -$1.00
+ sales tax $0.38

My total spending came to: $49.10

Of which, $ 4.37 was for household supplies (facial tissues+ tax) and $5.00 was for Dancer's tuna (I'm keeping the rest of the tuna for myself, but, no doubt, will end up sharing it with him!)

Amount spent on groceries (food for humans) = $49.10 - $4.37 - $5 = $39.73

My January grocery budget is $200 for two adults.

Spent to date: $84.61 (Jan. 3) + $50.06 (Jan. 10) + $39.73 (Jan. 19) = $174.40

Balance left in January Grocery Budget = $25.60

There are still 12 more days left in the month and I will need to do at least one more grocery shopping before the end of the month, if only for the half & half.  If I want to do a pick up, then, I will have to "borrow" $10 from the February budget to have the minimum amount to qualify for a free pick up.  Maybe I will shop in person and keep to my budget.  We shall see.

I am grateful for:

- Being able to order groceries online
- The store continuing to offer free pick up
- Having groceries available
- The store charging me the store price when they substitute with higher priced items
- A safe drive to the store and back

How are you doing with your grocery budget so far in January?  Will you be able to keep to your budget this month?


  1. Cats can be picky about their food, especially as they age. We had a cat once that wouldn't eat a certain shape of dry food, but would eat others in the same bowl.

    1. We are indulging Dancer who is taking full advantage of that! LOL. But, he really can't lose much more weight than he has already lost.

  2. I have bnot set myself a budget this month, because we are still eating up Canned/frozen christmas food. Our supermarket has a 'veg box' system, where they put an assortment of stuff about to go out of date all together and it is about ¼of the regular price. You have to get there early to find a bargain though - by midday only the really sad , limp veg are left. I was in early on Saturday and got $6.50 food for £1.50, including two lovely punnets of fresh cherries. We had to eat them promptly, but the potatoes, carrots, and parsnip will keep a while in the fridge. Pleased with that bargain.

    1. I'm glad you were able to get the veg box, on Saturday, Angela. Our supermarkets, too, have a reduced price section where they will put marked down items; prior to the pandemic, when I used to shop in person, I would see bags of produce marked $1 for the bag. I haven't shopped in person that much since then, so I don't know if they still sell them for $1 or if the price has gone up.

  3. Sai che anche a me capita di fare la spesa e poi scoprire che ho dimenticato delle cose?

    1. Per Google Translate, Stefania said:
      "You know, it happens to me too, when I go shopping and then find out that I forgot some things?"

      I keep a running list of things I need to order on my fridge (daughter keeps her list on her phone) and then, I try to buy those items when there is a sale. But, even so, I, too, sometimes forget to order some items from time to time. Then, I do without them until the next time I grocery shop.

  4. I used to be loyal to Heinz ketchup until it moved out of Canada, then I switched to French's. You did well with your coupons, to help make up for the continuing horrendous price for eggs. All that tuna in the house must make a certain kitty happy. Does he count the cans as you are putting them away?

    1. I used to buy whatever ketchup was on sale when I first moved here, having grown up with a different brand, but, over the years, have come to favor Heinz. It's also the only kind that my daughter likes, so I'll continue to buy it.
      The less said about the price of eggs the better! LOL. I'm pretty sure Dancer takes note of the number of tuna cans coming in! I think he counts them on the toes of his paws! :D

  5. Hi Bless, Great job taking advantage of those deals and coupons. We're using up lots of frozen leftovers, veggies, proteins, and other items combined with shopping for fresh ingredients like veggies, fruits, and a few ingredients we've run out of. Over the last 3 or so weeks, we've done minimum shopping and made over many dishes and ate defrosted leftovers from the deep freezer. It's been great to eat so much variety without shopping much. A sampling of the dishes we've been making from scratch since the new year: Baked fish, baked chicken, vegetable stews, lots of curries, fried rice, waffles, pancakes, spaghetti with homemade sauce, aloo gobi, various hot breakfast cereals/grains, wild, basmati, and brown rices, homemade turkey sausage, various frozen sausages, lots of veggies and salads, sweet potato fries, quiche, scrambled eggs, quesadillas, fruits like apples, tangerines, oranges, and mangoes, avocados teas made from herbs and flowers on hand, lemonade, and for some sweet treats: brownies, cupcakes, and vanilla cacao honey cake. I'm not really officially doing the Plant 30 diet guideline right now because I'm focused on using up what we have, but even still I've been in the 25-35 point range each week. Happy cooking and best wishes as you recover the stress of the fires.

    1. Thank you, Nia. It sounds like you are having a lovely variety of meals, using what you have in the freezer and pantry, with minimal shopping. Well done with all the plant based foods you are having, too. :)

  6. I'm not doing so well with groceries, but I'm working on it.

    You got some good deals with coupons. Dancer is eating very well!

    I agree with it being good to order food online. It's made a real difference for me over the years.

    1. I think you can give yourself a pat on the back for working on the groceries. It takes time to get spending to a level that is comfortable for us and that level varies from person to person. Dancer is eating very well! LOL.
      I started ordering groceries online only during the pandemic, but I am a big fan of it, right now. Except on those occasions when they leave something out of my order - then, I am not as happy! :D

  7. Having groceries available is an extreme gratitude. I am thankful everyday, especially cold days like today when the local farmers do not have the luxury of staying inside like I do. Caring for livestock does not take a cold weather break, nor does many of the other necessary tasks running a farm requires.

    1. I agree with you, Anne. Having groceries available is a blessing. It doesn't do any good if you have all the money you want and there is no food available to buy with it!

  8. Dancer is an insistent little guy isn't he?
    You did well with your store coupons and sales and got a nice variety of food.
    I think I'm doing ok this month and hope to be in the vicinity of the number whose neighborhood I enjoy ;)

    1. He certainly knows what he likes and wants! LOL.
      Thank you, Debra. I'm happy with the items I bought.
      Sounds like you are doing well with your grocery shopping this month. :)


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