Wednesday, January 15, 2025

On Tuesday


Orange Tree

This year's oranges are very small and tangy, but, I picked two on Tuesday and daughter enjoyed them.

Tuesday was a good day.  The winds weren't quite as strong as were forecast and we didn't have any strong gusts of wind where I live.  I brought in the emptied trash and recycling bins, added a few more items to the car, started the car and let it run for a bit (don't want to have to evacuate and find that the car engine has run down!), watched a few online videos, had a long chat with aunt C, and read a book I borrowed from the online library.  

Brunch was scrambled eggs (with a little fresh chives from the garden), bacon, and toast.  Orange juice to go with it.  I had planned to have leftover pasta with ham for dinner, but, daughter and I finished the leftover pasta as a late night/early morning snack before we went to bed.  So, I deviated from the meal plan just a bit and had ham steak with vegetables (broccoli, sliced carrots, potatoes, corn on the cob cut into circles).  Fresh oranges for dessert along with some chocolates.

There's some ham and vegetables leftover for daughter's lunch, tomorrow.  Dinner will be turkey keema curry (I kept the ground turkey to thaw in the fridge).

On Tuesday, I am grateful for:

- The winds weren't as strong as forecast
- The firefighters are containing some of the fires
- The weekly trash collections are still taking place
- Fresh oranges from the tree
- We are still safe from the fires

Tuesday's joyful activity was reading a library book.

Plans for Wednesday include tending to the garden with M.


  1. I really hope that the wind remains calm for you, Bless.
    The oranges are a cheery sight. My lemon trees are temporarily in the dining room, because of the recent freezing temperatures. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. Things seem pretty calm where I am, thank goodness.
      Glad you are sheltering the lemon trees in the dining room. Maybe you'll get some flowers and fruit, this year.

  2. I like the idea of the leftover pasta for a late night/early morning snack! Just don't let Dancer get the idea that he can snack in the middle of the night, too, or you will soon run out of tuna!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. Dancer has access to his dry kibble at night, if he wants a snack. I need to get more tuna for him when I order groceries, next!

  3. The orange tree looks very productive. Maybe other oranges will be sweeter? I'm glad the winds calmed, and that you, daughter and family and friends are safe. I hope the winds don't increase again.

    1. Thank you, Celie. I think I'll leave the rest of the oranges to ripen a bit more, but, my daughter likes them on the tangy side.
      Yes, the winds have calmed down a bit for now and we are still safe. But, the forecast calls for more Santa Ana winds next week.

  4. I'm glad Tuesday was a calm day hopefully leading to some progress being made on containment of the fires.
    I'm always so envious of your back garden citrus. I've never lived anywhere warm enough where that would've been an option.
    Where does Aunt C live? How is friend R doing with the fires? I hope her area has been safe.

    1. Thank you, Debra. It's a calm day in my area, today, too. Another new fire broke out not too far from me, but, it was soon contained.
      My daughter is enjoying the oranges as she's here to do so, this year.
      Aunt C lives about 20 miles west of me; she is not impacted by the fires. Friend R is doing OK, too. I've told her she can come and stay with me if she needs to, but, she said she's OK where she is (no fires near her).

  5. Yay for fresh oranges! They looks wonderful! Glad to hear things are still steady for y'all. Praying it stays this way!

    1. Thank you, Mandy; your prayers are much appreciated.

  6. I love that blogs reach around the world - oranges from the garden seem so exotic to me! So glad that the fires are abating a little. I'm keeping you in my prayers.

  7. Thank you, Lyssa. I'm loving the citrus fruit my garden is providing me. :) Thank you for keeping me in your prayers.

  8. I'm glad so far so good and the fires haven't impacted your home. Fresh oranges, yum. It seems so strange at this time of year when everything here is covered in snow!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Yes, so far, so good. :) This is the time of year when lemons and oranges are in season, over here. :)


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