Friday, January 17, 2025

Quiet on Thursday


Peach Tree in January

The peach tree was pruned late last year, after it lost all its leaves.  Then, this week, M noticed that it had three flowers on a few of the higher branches!

Early Peach Flowers

It's too soon for the peach tree to flower!  Hopefully, the rest of the flowers will wait until March to bloom.

The winds were down and hopefully, they'll stay down over the weekend to give firefighters more time to contain the wildfires.  Some areas have had their evacuation orders lifted. But, at least one house that had escaped the Pacific Palisades fire was damaged due to a landslide, so, that's another threat to watch out for, especially when it rains.  

I spent a quiet day, doing minimal amounts of work on Thursday.  In fact, I fell asleep in my chair mid morning, after I had had my morning tea and said my prayers!  I guess I was tired.

We had leftover pizza for lunch and I cooked rice and ground turkey keema curry for dinner.  I added onions, tomatoes, grated carrot, diced potatoes, diced broccoli stalks, as well as the usual spices and coconut milk to the keema curry.  I was going to cut some cucumber slices as well, but, my hands started to cramp and I decided not to slice cucumbers, as well.  There's leftover rice and keema curry for Friday's dinner, and I will be able to slice a cucumber, then.

On Thursday, I was grateful for:
- The winds have quietened down
- A sunny day
- Mid-morning naps!
- Working appliances
- Some areas have had their evacuation orders lifted

Thursday's joyful activity was watching some online videos.  

Plans for Friday include finally taking down the Christmas tree and tending to the garden with M.

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?


  1. Si vede che il tuo pesco anche se un po' presto ha voluto farti sapere che ... C'è ancora 😄

    1. Thank you, Stefania; yes, I guess the peach tree wanted to let me know that it was still here. :)

  2. I'm glad the winds haven't returned as predicted. Someone described California as a beautiful place, but so fragile. I think that describes it well.

    1. Thank you, June. Yes, California is a beautiful place, but, we must learn to adapt to its climate and conditions, without trying to adapt it to our desires.

  3. That peach tree certainly has attitude, putting out flowers so early! Maybe it is a sign of hope at this difficult time.

    1. Maybe it is a sign of hope, Bushlady, of better things to come. Or, maybe, the warmer weather tricked it to think that it was spring already! :)

  4. I hope your hands aren't giving you too much bother. That keema sounds amazing - full of flavour and nutrition. I may steal your idea of adding carrot grated instead of chopped. I think it would make a more flavoursome dish.

    That peach tree is pretty, but very confused.

    Take care.

    1. My hand are much better, today, Lyssa, thank you. I take magnesium supplements for the cramping, but, I am not always good about being adequately hydrated, and that can cause cramping, too.
      I like to add lots of vegetables to ground meat, partly to extend the meat and partly to increase nutrition. I like to "hide" my vegetables so, grating works very well.
      The poor peach tree is very confused! :)

  5. Maybe the peach tree was inspired by your bedspread, and got over-excited!
    Glad you are ok, and things are currently calmer.

    1. Maybe! Although I didn't show the blanket to the peach tree! :D I think it's the warmer temperatures we've been having, tricking the tree into thinking it's spring.
      Thank you, Lady Ella. Yes, things are much calmer, right now. Hope it continues to be so.

  6. I hope the winds stay calm now and all the fires can be fully under control. And hopefully your peach tree won't flower more until it's the right time!

    1. Thank you, Celie. The plum tree tried to flower, too, but, M picked off the flowers! We are expecting a calm weekend as far as the winds go and hopefully, they can get the fires under control.

  7. I hope the tree continues to flourish!
    It's good that the winds have died down. I hope the fires are under control soon. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. They are making progress on the fires.

  8. I haven't seen any news reports yet. I really hope they've managed to contain the fires. Xx

    1. Some of the smaller fires are fully contained; the two bigger fires are only partially contained, but, they are making progress.

  9. Well you may have done minimal amounts of work on Thursday, but you sure cooked a nice meal. :)
    I made a batch of refried beans and we had bean quessidillas last night with all the fixings - we had some arugula and some avocado and I pickled a jar of red onion slices, jalapenos, cheese, etc. Round two tonight and I'm looking forward to it.
    That peach tree is a strong tree. It got that virus last year didn't it?
    It sure recovered well. I hope it calms down a bit though lol

    1. Thank you, Debra. Your bean quesadillas sound delicious.
      Yes, the peach tree had that leaf curling virus, last year, and survived it. Hopefully, it'll produce another good crop of peaches, this year, too. :)


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