Friday, January 10, 2025

Hot Water on Tap, Again!

Just a quick update.

I woke up by 6:30 a.m. (after going to sleep at 3:30 a.m.) to be ready for the gas company technician should he arrive early in the morning.  He didn't, but, I watched portions of the funeral for President Carter, tidied the yarn ends on the pink blanket, and replied to blog comments while I waited.  Thank you everyone for your kind comments and thoughts and prayers for our saftely.

The winds had died down quite a bit and that was very helpful as the fire departments were able to fly their water dropping helicopters, etc., which they couldn't do when the winds were blowing so strongly, earlier.  A friend of mine had posted pictures of what used to be his home, now burned completely to the ground.  He and his partner had evacuated the previous day, but, returned to find their house completely gone.  

The gas company technician phoned me in the late afternoon, saying he hoped to be at my house in about 30 minutes.  He arrived around 4:45 p.m. and thankfully, he was able to restart the gas heater pilot light.  He then taped the door to the cover box, but, told me to ask a handyman to bolt it down.   

My daughter and I got another box of supplies ready to go in the car, later in the evening.  She is anxious because she is hampered by the crutches and won't be able to help grab a few necessary items to rush out of the house at the last minute.  She says she would feel better if the car was already packed and ready to leave, so, that's what I am doing.  The box I packed today contains things like paper towels, toilet paper, some trash bags, a box of baby wipes, a container of disinfectant wipes, some ziplock bags, etc.  

It didn't help her anxiety levels when we received a text alert saying our area was put under an evacuation warning and to get our important items ready if we needed to leave.  However, a few seconds later, we received a second text alert stating that the previous one was sent in error.  It applied to only those people near the new brushfire that ignited in the afternoon, but the alert was sent to just about everyone in Los Angeles County in error.  Whew!

But, as I watched news coverage of people evacuating with whatever they can pack into their cars and then, abandoning their cars on the road because they were in a gridlock and just walking away with just what they can carry, I realized that I had a lot of possessions to declutter!  

People weren't the only ones evacuating; the news cameras captured the sight of a mother mountain lion and her two cubs running along the side of the road.

Dancer was off his food this morning, as he refused tuna from the can I opened the day before, or any of three new cans of cat food (three different flavors - beef, chicken, and turkey).  I was getting worried about him, but, then, I discovered that he was holding out for fresh tuna!  I opened a new can and he happily ate from it!  He is spoilt rotten!  So far, he hasn't had any upset tummy issues today.  Hopefully, that continues to be so.

My half-sister called to check on me in the afternoon.  She resides in an area that is not affected by the wildfires, but, she said she can smell the smoke in the air and there's soot in the driveway.  

Brunch was toast with calamondin marmalade.  Dinner was a salad, followed by rice and curries (meatball curry, dhal, shredded kale  with grated coconut. tomato chutney).  I was in a snacking mood, today, so, snacks included popcorn and cookies.

Today, I am grateful for:

- The winds have died down for now
- The gas company sending out service technicians to tend to problems with gas heaters, water heaters, etc.
- Having hot water on tap, again
- The evacuation warning alert we received was an error
- Daughter and I are together and we are safe, so far.
- Dancer seems to have recovered from his upset tummy

Today's joyful activity was having hot water on tap, again.

Plans for Friday include:

- Picking up groceries
- Tending to the garden with M
- More paperwork

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?  


  1. Bless, certainly an anxiety inducing time for all of southern California. Sending lots of prayers for safety. I do worry for the wildlife. Canada is sending hundreds of firefighters to California to help, friends from our local fire department are among them. I cannot imagine how your friend is feeling seeing his home & possessions all gone; yes more inspiration to declutter & let go.

    1. Thank you for the concern and prayers, Mary-Lou and thank you to your local fire fighters for coming to our aid.
      If it comes to evacuating, then, I am prepared to leave with only my important documents and a change of clothes. But, I'm hopeful that I won't have to do that.

  2. It's a relief the warning was in error. We all are concerned for you and your daughter.

    1. Thank you, Celie. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts.

  3. Hello Bless, I'm so glad that the evacuation warning was sent in error. I've read that some smaller fires have been contained now, and I'm praying that the rest of them are contained soon.

    I know you are pretty busy with other important matters, but if/when you have time in the future, I'd love any curry recipes you can share, especially the vegetarian ones. If you've already shared some of them on your blog previously, please let me know and I can do a search for those posts.

    1. Thank you, Nia. Some of the fires are being contained but, the big one - Pacific Palisades - is still spreading.
      I believe there are a few curry recipes on my blog - if you do a search on my blog and type "Cooking with Bless" you'll find a few recipes to get you started.

  4. How alarming to have an evacuation alert, even if it was a mistake for your area. Trust Dancer to be finicky, but of course his lordship does not approve of anything but the freshest tuna right now, it seems, wildfires or not! I'm glad you have your hot water back again.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I bought more cans of tuna, today!
      Having hot water on tap is a blessing!

  5. What a time for Los Angeles. I am glad your alert was in error and I hope it doesn't get to a point where you will need to evacuate.
    I saw on the news the helicopters yesterday had started dropping the water. I hope that helps.
    I think packing the car is a wise thing to do.
    Oh Dancer. I hope you are feeling better you little tuna lover.

    1. Thank you, Debra. We didn't get any false alerts on Friday, which was a relief. Yes. the winds died down enough to allow the helicopters to fly. But, one of the water dropping planes, which has a bigger capacity to scoop up and hold water, collided with someone's drone and had to be sidelined.
      I'm still packing the car as daughter keeps referring to lists that suggest things to take with you, beyond the important documents, prescriptions, pet supplies, etc. I might have to look into getting a minivan for all the things! LOL.
      Dancer is as finicky as they come! But, I bought more tuna for him!

  6. I hope you stay safe! It must be a very frightening time. So glad the fresh tuna tempted Dancer. He certainly knows how to wind you around his little paw!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. It is a little frightening and a time of anxiety. But, I am praying that the fires will be brought under control, soon.
      Dancer is too much! He has me dancing to the tune he's playing! :D

  7. Oh, bless, I do hope you and your daughter can avoid an evacuation, but I am so glad y'all are being proactive and prepared. I am praying for your safety! It's just devastating! So unbelievable. I'm glad you could get your hot water back, and that the little stinker Dancer was just holding out for fresh tuna! Haha! Cats sure know how to play games, don't they? Please stay safe!

    1. Thank you, Mandy. Yes, we're hoping that we won't have to evacuate, but, are prepared to do so if needed. Dancer is something else, isn't he?

  8. Hope that you have somewhere to go to, Bless. What an horrific situation and happening. Lots of love xxxxx

    1. Thank you, Ratnamurti. If needs be, we'll drive up to my daughter's apartment near San Francisco, but, hopefully, it won't come to that!

  9. Spero che tutti voi stiate bene e che questa allarmante situazione si risolva il prima possibile

    1. Thank you, Stefania. We are doing OK so far and I, too, hope that the situation will get better as soon as possible.

  10. The fires are so scary. I would be on pins and needles wait to see if the fires were going to shift my way. I'm glad you and your daughter are safe and you have heat.

    1. Thank you, June. The winds are still fairly quiet where I live and I hope that they continue to be so. We are safe so far.

  11. Your daughter is sensible to be prepared. You must have experienced a scary few moments before you were informed that the text alert was sent in error. I keep reading the news for updates, and checking in here.
    Thinking of you, Bless, and everyone affected by these fires. I can't begin to imagine how devastating it must be. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. Yes, my daughter is very sensible and she is helping me with her list making skills, keeping track of everything that needs to be done.

  12. I am glad that you're there with your daughter. You are in my prayers. And hopefully it won't be too hard to get the door to the heater sorted out.

    Dancer is a very lucky cat as he has you! Sending gentle scritches.

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. Yes, I'm very fortunate that my daughter is here with me. I spoke to M about the water heater door and we'll figure something out. Even more than the door, I want to have the cover itself bolted so that it doesn't fly off again.
      Dancer is too much, but, he is very lovable at the same time.


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