Friday, January 3, 2025

2024 Grocery Spending Totals

Old (2017) Grocery Receipt

I am trying to figure out my budget for 2025, especially my grocery budget, and thought it would be interesting to see how I did with my grocery spending in 2024.

My grocery budget is meant to cover only food for humans.  It includes beverages and snacks, but does not include Dancer's food or any household items such as paper towels, cleaning supplies, etc. I have separate budgets for those. 

In 2024, for most of the year, January through October, my monthly grocery budget was $100 for food for one person (myself).  When my daughter came home for short visits during the year, I didn't increase my basic grocery budget.

Even when my daughter came down for a week long visit in November and stayed the whole month, I had some unspent grocery money carried over from previous months and I didn't think it would be necessary to increase my budget to include groceries for her.  But, then, I volunteered to host Thanksgiving and I had to augment my November grocery budget with money that would have otherwise gone into savings.

And when it became apparent that daughter was staying with me for December, too, I increased the December grocery budget to $200 (again, by taking $100 that would have otherwise gone into savings).  The December budget was also augmented with money set aside for the almsgiving and December's "Miscellaneous" budget category to pay for the extra treats I indulged in at the Sri Lankan store!  It's the one place where I will buy what I want without demurring about the price.  A trip to the SL store is cheaper than taking a vacation, I tell myself!

In 2024, I shopped just once or twice a month on some months and in others, I shopped three or even four times.  Some months, I stayed under my budget and carried over the extra funds to the next month.  Other months, I went over the budget and "borrowed" from the next month's budget (on those months, I had less that $100 to spend on groceries). And in November and December, I augmented the grocery budget with money from elsewhere!

Here's what I spent on groceries over the year:

January: $84.64

February: $82.41  

March: $115.49 

April: $115.39

May: $70.77

June: $58.65

July: $134.40

August: $78.79

September: $38.61

October: $90.59

November: $258.21 (daughter was home all month, plus, I hosted Thanksgiving; November's budget was augmented with money that would have otherwise gone to savings)

December: $195.02 + $237.56 at the Sri Lankan store (daughter was home all month, plus, I held the almsgiving; December's budget was increased by $100 and further augmented from the almsgiving/prayer gatherings budget and December's "Miscellaneous" budget)

Spending Totals:

$1,322.97 (without what I spent at the SL store)
$1,560.53 (including what I spent at the SL store)

Yearly Grocery Budget = $100 x 12 = $1,200 (plus funds from the almsgiving budget)

I spent $360.53 over what I had budgeted for the year, or, almost a $1 a day extra, although that extra amount was covered by funds elsewhere in the budget, earmarked for special groceries (for the almsgiving) or money that would have gone into savings.  An extra $1 a day doesn't sound like a lot, but, it adds up, doesn't it?  

I am going to draw a line under that total for the year and start the new year with a new budget for groceries!  But, that will be another post!  I have already done my first grocery shop of the year.  A dozen large eggs have gone up in price to $8.99; $1 more than what I paid last week!  

As always, I am grateful for:

- The availability of groceries
- Being able to buy groceries
- Having a little leeway in the budget to shift funds around and free up funds as needed
- Being able to spend a little extra without going into debt to pay for it
- Being frugal for the most part in order to afford the occasional splurges

Do you keep track of your grocery spending during the year?  Did you manage to keep to your budget?  Did you go over it?  If so, were you able to cover the extra spending?  Were you bored to tears when reading this post?  


  1. Now I am not struggling to pay off a mortgage, I am more relaxed about grocery spending - and after half a century of doing my own food shopping, I have a rough idea of what I need to buy. I am always interested in annual roundups like this - and speculate about the fluctuations - Christmas, Thanksgiving, Almsgiving ups your end of year spend - but you barely spent anything in June - was the garden producing lots of 'free' food?? I bought LOTS of extra food in for Christmas, as I wasn't sure when I would be feeding 2 , 6, 10 or even 12 at mealtimes... Bob is very well stocked for cheese[I do not eat it] and we had cheese crackers in a hamper, so thats his supper/snack sorted for a week or so. 2 boxes of xmas biscuits [cookies] remain unopened., and 2 of chocolates - these will be strictly rationed!

    1. In June, I had $29 carried over from May and I shopped twice that month, spending $46.94 the first time and $58.65 the second time. I carried over $23.64 to July. I don't think I had much produce from the garden, but, I think I found lots of bargains. The month with the least grocery spending was September when I shopped just once.

  2. Wow. The price of eggs has gone up here, but we're still about $5 behind you.

    1. Yes, the egg prices are eye watering! I've been looking into egg substitutes (mashed bananas, applesauce, yogurt, etc.) in baked goods and save the eggs for things like scrambled eggs and omelets, etc.

  3. Bella questa idea di avere un budget per la spesa
    Io non ho un budget prefissato ma al supermercato si va sempre con lista e si opta per i prodotti in offerta

    1. Per Google Translate, Stefania said:
      "This idea of ​​having a budget for shopping is nice
      I don't have a set budget but at the supermarket you always go with a list and opt for the products on sale"

      Definitely, Stefania. I do have a budget for for shopping and other expenses and I try to keep within budget for the most part. Supermarket shopping is always with a list, based on what is on sale that week. But, certain things such as bread, milk, eggs, and coffee creamer for my daughter have to be bought when needed, whether they are on sale that week or not. And I like to treat ourselves from time to time, especially when my daughter is visiting. :)

  4. Actually quite interesting, rather than boring - especially about the overspend, and how it factors out at approx. $1/day. That did make me think. The main thing is that you spent mindfully, and didn't waste money on impulse purchases, only to regret them later. And having daughter for an extended stay is worth much more than what it may cost to feed her! Ditto almsgiving and entertaining ... they were important - and you aren't going to end up on the streets as a result! (Also, no doubt you have stocks of things in the cupboards/freezer which were bought last year but may last well into this year and beyond, so, while your new budget might start at zero, it isn't as if the purchasing is starting from scratch.)

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. The grocery budget is based on what I considered to be a reasonable amount to spend on groceries. It is actually well below what the US Dept. of Agriculture recommends a person my age should spend on their "thrifty" food plan (they have 4 food plans - thrifty, low, moderate, and liberal).

  5. I don't follow my grocery budget that closely, but the way prices are rising I think I need to. I'll have to watch spending when I move to my new home so keeping a closer eye on how much I am spending on groceries will be a good idea. I'll follow your example, Bless. Thank you xx

    1. Obviously I didn't track my spending that very closely towards the end of the year, either, Eileen, but, it was OK. However, as you say, with prices increasing, it is a good idea to keep an eye on the spending and at least be aware of what we are spending.

  6. How much cheaper items were in 2017. I don't have records for Canada but I have noticed how everything has leapt up in price over the last 12 months. It just concerns me so much when there are people who must decide between food and paying the rent.

    1. The receipt is from the Armenian store and their produce prices are cheaper than the regular supermarket prices, even now. But, I feel more comfortable ordering and picking up from the supermarket, these days that I continue to do so. I have been in a position where every penny counted and once the rent was paid, there was very little to cover other expenses. It's not a good place in which to be.

  7. I don't really have a grocery budget, I think I'm just always careful with my spending and I usually buy very similar items from one week to the next. I have noticed many price increases, however, but with Lily's diet I don't have a lot of choice in what I am able to buy. Xx

    1. Sounds like you have found a way to shop for your groceries that works for you, Jules. And that's the important thing, isn't it? We all have dietary requirements and preferences that need to be taken into consideration when grocery shopping and meal preparations. One does what one can to make it all work. :)

  8. Yes, you were over but honestly, with what's going on with food prices, you have done an admirable job spending $1500 + for the year and I applaud you.
    I don't do a yearly budget but rather a monthly. ( I have one lump sum that I use for food & gas and whatever's leftover I send to savings. Anything we buy at the grocery store I consider food even though it may not be)
    It's all the same thing- it's all money in the budget, but I don't carry over/ pay back any under or over amounts which I would do if I were working towards a yearly figure.
    I haven't done a deep dive but just glancing at it, I think I was under budget 3 or 4 months and over budget the rest. Not a lot but, as you said, it does add up.
    I'm always so impressed with your food numbers and send congratulations for a job well done in 2024.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I sometimes wonder if I am too detailed when it comes to my budgeting! It served its purpose when I was just starting out budgeting as I wanted to know where the money was going and how much I was spending on what. But, maybe it is time to zoom out a bit and get a broader view of things. My budget is all on paper, anyway, and as long as I spend less than what I receive each month, I am doing well. :D


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