Sunday, February 18, 2024

Winter Wonderland Birthday Party on Saturday

Wintry Table Decor

On Saturday, I went to my cousin's younger grandson's birthday celebration.  He wanted a Winter Wonderland themed party (the irony being he lives in New York, where there is actual snow on the ground, but, he came to his grandparents' home in southern California for the party!)  There was a big "Let it Snow" sign out in the front yard (I didn't take a picture) and in the patio, where the seating arrangements were set up, all the tables had these light blue tables covers and "snowflakes" table runners, plus tall glass vases filled with "snow" and silver painted twigs. 

The party started at 2:00 p.m. and I got there at 2:30 p.m. and was one of the first guests.  I was wearing my mask and I hadn't planned to take off my mask to eat anything, but, since the patio was more or less empty, I was able to serve a few snacks and sit at the end of the patio (away from the bouncy castle where some of the kids were playing) and eat.  Later, when lunch was served, my cousin said I could go to her bedroom, away from everyone else, to close the door and eat and that's just what I did!  There was pizza for the kids and rice and curries for the adults.  There were a variety of desserts, including birthday cake, set up at a separate table.

The Candy Station

It was nice to see some of the extended family and long time friends, some of whom I haven't seen since before the pandemic.  It was also nice that the party was held mostly outdoors, because only two other people were wearing masks, but, it was a cloudy, rather cool day, and I got quite chilled being outside!  Eventually, I went inside, but, even then, with the doors to the patio wide open, it wasn't that much warmer indoors, either.  

I left the party around 5:00 p.m., shortly after the cake was cut.  The party was still going on, but, I wanted to come home before it got dark.  Came home, turned on the heater, had a cup of tea, and then, I fell asleep in the chair in front of the heater!  Dancer, who is more sensible than I, stretched himself out on the love seat and napped!  I slept for about one and a half hours, I think!  Socializing is tiring!

After I woke up, around 8:00 p.m., friend R called and we chatted for a bit.  Later, I video chatted with my daughter.

In the morning, I got some housework done, using the robot vacuum cleaner to vacuum the living room dining area, and my bedroom!  I'm still getting used to its quirks!  The last time I used it, I received a message on my phone that it was stuck at the edge of a canyon and needed rescuing!  But, when I went to check on it, it was busily cleaning!  Today, it wouldn't connect to the internet at all, so I couldn't use the phone to get it to start or pause, but, I was able to manually operate it, so that was good.  I'm glad I got the vacuuming done before I went to the party because I was too tired to do anything once I got home!

On Saturday, I was grateful for:

- The robot vacuum!
- A safe drive to my cousin's house and back
- Being able to take a bag of lemons to my cousin
- Meeting family and friends
- A working heater and a warm house!

Saturday's joyful activity was attending the party!

Plans for Sunday include doing a load of laundry and vacuuming the family room.  I must also remember to set out my rain water collection buckets because there's rain in the forecast from Sunday evening through Wednesday!

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for Sunday?


  1. What a wonderful party that will have been for the birthday boy and guests. I'm glad you had a good time and something to eat and you enjoyed meeting up with family and friends again.
    Your robot vacuum cleaner certainly has a mind of it's own :)

    1. It was a lovely party and I'm glad I could attend. I had planned to serve myself a plate to bring home and eat, if I couldn't eat there, but, it worked out well.
      That vacuum cleaner definitely has a mind of its own! But, it is helpful to have. I still need to vacuum with the big vacuum cleaner, but, the robot keeps the floors clean in between. :)

  2. The party sounds fun and I"m glad that you've figured out ways to do these kinds of things with minimal exposure. It was nice that you could eat in the bedroom.

    1. It was a fun party. The kids really enjoyed their bouncy castle and the party games that had been organized. The adults enjoyed chatting and eating! I was happy that I could escape to my cousin's room to have my lunch; the bonus was I got to cuddle with the two cats that were confined to the room. :)

  3. The party decor is beautiful and the sweets table, with its blue bunting and snowflakes, makes a perfect setting for the cake and treats. Your cousin’s grandson must have been thrilled! How fun to spend an afternoon with family and friends. Good that you got to warm up when you returned to your cozy home!
    It’s a quiet weekend here with a little housework, some snow-shoveling, and a lovely salmon dinner.

    1. They tried their best to make it a winter wonderland! There was a bit of a "Frozen" theme going on with Olaf, the snowman character from the movie, as a cake topper and one of the games being 'pin the carrot nose on Olaf'. Yes, I was glad to come home and get warm! I had worn fleece leggings under my slacks and a blouse, sweater, and cardigan (plus the jacket I had taken), but, still, I was cold! Not quite 'frozen', but, cold! :D
      Sounds like a lovely weekend. Do you still get Monday off for Presidents' Day after having last Monday off for Lincoln's birthday?

  4. That is funny to have a winter wonderland party in California while it is actually snowy at home in New York. The theme is beautifully interpreted, makes me feel chilly to look at it!
    We have plenty of snow now in Ontario and it was snowing here today but the sun is trying to come out.

    1. I thought it was funny, myself, but, they did go all out to make it look as wintry as possible! :D Sounds like you have the real thing out there, yourself! It's another cloudy day, here, but, at least it's not raining, yet!

  5. Oh yes that was most ironic but looks as if they did a good job of the theme and it's nice you were able to find a way to be part of it. I have heard about the snow in NY. Laurie "escaped" to VT and the day after she got there, it snowed there too!!

    1. They tried hard to keep to the theme, didn't they? The bouncy castle was all white, too, so it looked a bit like a snow castle. :) I was happy to have been able to participate. This is the year to venture out a little bit, with caution. I heard that there might be a spring vaccine, too, and if there is, then, that would help me feel better about going out a bit more.
      Oh, poor Laurie! Yes, the north east got quite a bit of snow dumped on them! In the meantime, we are bracing for another atmospheric river. The weather app recommends carrying an umbrella and wearing a light jacket. :D

  6. Hi Bless! Sounds like you had a perfect day, complete with your cup of tea when you arrived back home. Looks like a beautiful party. andrea

    1. It was a good day, Andrea, and yes, that cup of tea was very necessary! :D It was a good party and I know the birthday boy and his brother had fun!

  7. It looks as though it was a lovely party. I'm glad you were able to go and enjoy it.

    1. It was a good party and it really was good to see some people I haven't seen since the pandemic. There were other gatherings, but, I didn't attend them.

  8. What a fun birthday theme! So glad you could go an enjoy yourself for a bit! I think I would have crashed when I got home, too! Haha! There's just something about being around a lot of people that wears me out!

    1. It was a fun birthday theme and the birthday boy seemed perfectly happy (which is the important thing!) It was probably the largest gathering I've attended since the pandemic, and while I enjoyed it, I was obviously very tired afterwards! :)

  9. Haha - Yes - socializing is tiring! lol
    What a nice family event you were able to attend. And it was set up in a way that helped you in your cautiousness.
    You no doubt enjoyed that nap in front of your heater and were quite warm and cozy having your snooze in your chair.
    It sounds like the vacuum is doing its job even with the communication quirks.

    1. Yes, socializing is tiring! :D But, I am glad I was able to attend the party. It's been a week now and I haven't had any ill effects from attending it, so, it turned out well (my cousin called me a couple of days later to check on me, saying she had been worried on my behalf, which I thought was very nice of her). :)
      The nap in my chair in front of the heater was much appreciated, but, I would have been more comfortable had I stretched out on the sofa! :D
      Yes, the vacuum is doing its job even if we are having communication problems! Every so often, my lap top loses its connection to the internet and I have to restart it to restore the connection; maybe something like that is happening with the vacuum, too?


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