Wednesday, February 7, 2024

On Tuesday

Tuesday's Brunch

On Tuesday, it rained, practically all day, although it slowed to a drizzle from time to time.  I kept the heater on all day.

Cousin V called in the morning with some sad news about a death in our circle of friends and we had a brief chat.  Afterwards, I made a couple of phone calls to offer my condolences to the family.

In the early afternoon, I went to the library to return a book that I couldn't renew online as I had already renewed it a couple of times.  But, I was able to return it and check it out again, which was lovely.  I was happy to see that the intersections that usually flood weren't too badly flooded and I was able to drive through them without any difficulty.

I brought in the emptied trash bins, did a quick check of the garden, and picked a fresh orange.  I ate part of the orange while the rest of my brunch was cooking - I made hash browns with the last potato I had and scrambled an egg.

I was able to preview the grocery ads for this week online and I noticed that there is a good sale on chicken, at $0.99/lb.  I had been waiting for that!  Smoked sausage is also on sale for $2.99 with a digital coupon; I still have one in the freezer, but, this is my new stock up price, so, I'll buy another couple of smoked sausages for the freezer (and cook the one I have, next week).  The prices will be effective from Wednesday, so I will be putting in a grocery order later this week.

I spent the rest of the afternoon replying to all the lovely comments people left on my blog and catching up on a couple of other blogs.  Then, I watched an online video before I watched my usual evening news programs and watched a couple of TV programs.  

Dinner was another serving of my ham and lentil soup, with a piece of buttered toast; home-canned peaches and whipped topping for dessert. 

Later in the evening, I video chatted with my daughter.  She said it had been clear and sunny, in the Bay Area, today, but, there's an 80% chance of rain, on Wednesday! Our forecast for Wednesday says there will be scattered light showers throughout the day.  

On Tuesday, I was grateful for:

- Plentiful rain!
- A safe drive to the library and back
- I was able to re-borrow the book
- The intersections were passable
- Having electricity

Today's joyful activity was reading.

Plans for tomorrow include M tending to the garden (provided it doesn't rain too hard), cleaning my bedroom, and maybe doing a load of laundry.

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for Wednesday?


  1. That was great that you could renew your book several times, our library allows only one renewal per item. Yesterday's post; I really like the little hut you have made for Mama Cat, she looks grateful & cozy. I am sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. Will your circle of friends gather for the funeral or celebration of life?

    1. Yes; in fact, the library will auto renew the books, up to three times, I believe, if no one else has put a hold on it. After that, you have to return it, but, if there is no hold on it, then, it can be checked out, again, which is what I did!
      Thank you; Mama Cat seems to like her new box!
      I am assuming my friend's family will have a funeral for him (he was Catholic, so, maybe there will be a service), but, I haven't heard anything yet. It's possible that they'll have a small, private gathering. I don't know.

  2. News of the record rainfall and landslides in California were on our news channel yesterday. Caused by the rise in temperatures and climate change apparently. I'm glad you weren't affected by the flooding.
    Sorry to read of the death of your friend.
    I need to order a new fridge today although mine is still working I have to keep soaking up water so I'll order a new one before it breaks down completely.

    1. Sounds like our weather is making the news, everywhere!
      Thank you, Eileen.
      Oh, I hope you are able to get your fridge replaced soon, before it quits working! I wouldn't want to be without a working fridge!

  3. Sorry for the passing of your friend. Are those oranges from your tree in the brunch picture?

    1. Thank you, June.
      Yes, the orange was from my tree! Picked fresh just before brunch! :)

  4. I’m glad to hear that the rain isn’t causing you problems and that you were able to get around safely.
    Sorry to hear about your friend; my condolences to you.
    Today (Wednesday), I work from home in the morning and then in-person in the afternoon. I will take the bus down and then ride home with my husband. We used to commute together and I miss that. We’ve always worked in neighboring buildings. After today, I don’t have any work until next week.
    I just returned a library book half-read. It was disappointing. I’ll look for something tomorrow. It’s a rarity that I don’t have anything ready to follow. I’ve got 2 books on hold, but both are weeks away.
    I talked to both daughters yesterday and they each shared cat pictures. ❤️
    I love an egg and potato breakfast (or dinner). Simple and delicious.

    1. Thank you, Taconix.
      That's nice that you can ride home with your husband, after work. It's even nicer that you don't have to work for the rest of this week and get to enjoy a long weekend! I hope you find a good book to keep you going until the other books you requested come in.
      Glad you got to talk with both daughters, yesterday. I sent my daughter a picture of Dancer, today. :)
      Potatoes and eggs make a good meal, doesn't it? I decided not to have bacon with it, this time around, but I used some saved bacon fat to fry the potatoes! :) Brunch today was banana muffins.

  5. Sorry to hear of the death of a friend.
    I guess you share my enthusiasm when I see items that I buy regularly are on a good sale in the store. Your brunch looks yummy.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady.
      Yes, I wait for the sales to stock up on things! :) This way, if unexpected visitors show up for a meal, I can always put something together for a brunch or dinner! :D

  6. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. It's always hard on the family and friends. The news has a lot about the storms and rain in CA. I'm glad both you and your daughter are not dealing with flooding.

    1. Thank you, Celie.
      We had a mostly dry day, today, but, it rained in the evening. We received an emergency alert about possible flooding and M texted me to find out if I received the alert, too, and I said yes. But, I don't think our area would get flooded. At least, I hope not!

  7. Sounds like you really are having a lot of rain right now! Glad you were able to get through on the roads with no trouble.
    Sorry to hear about the death of your friend.

    1. Thank you, Sharon.
      We've had more rain than we usually get at this time of the year! At least I'm saving on my water bill because I don't have to water the garden!

  8. Your eggs and hash browns look very good especially with your fresh orange from your own garden. :)
    You chop your potatoes up very small. I imagine they cook pretty fast that way. Maybe I will do that next time.
    That's a good price for your chicken. I will read on and see what you got at the store.

    1. Thank you, Debra. :) Yes, I like to dice the potatoes rather small for the hash browns. They do cook up fast, even though I don't boil them, first, although I've read that you are supposed to. My daughter likes the shredded version, so , when I make for her, I grate the potato.
      I was able to buy some chicken at that price, eventually. :) It's my stock up price, these days.

  9. I saw on another blog the lady uses leftover baked potatoes to grate for hash browns. She said she finds it easier not dealing with all the moisture from a fresh potato. Have you ever done it that way when you make them for your daughter? I haven't tried it.

    1. No, I haven't tried using leftover baked potatoes - partly because I never seem to have leftover baked potatoes! I've always used raw potatoes for hash browns. I might use some paper towels to remove some of the moisture from the grated potatoes, before frying them, though.


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